`(∞) m i l l e n n i u m ┊affroleplay; new & open


`() m i l l e n n i u m

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sometimes, don't you wish you could forget the past, live the present, create your own future, all without any worries?
or do you simply want a second chance? do you wish for a new shot at life?
well then stranger, you have come to the right place.
welcome to m i l l e n n i u m, where second chances, another shot at life, a fresh new start, everything, is possible. isn't that what you want? well, what are you still waiting for? come join out family now.
open  closed {activity check - shut down - hiatus} ┊ not ready to open ┊ revived




`() the rules

`(OO1) —one account per person; no recycled ones

`(OO2) —no bashing/ insults/ drama whatsoever, both roleplay and ooc. or else i will kick you out

`(OO3) —be active. come online at talk to people at least 3 times a week. if not, i will give you 1 week to get your online. still not active? bye

`(OO4) — and yuri is okay; love knows no boundaries. but please don't leave the straight people forever alone. they need love too

`(OO5) —? don't go around ruining underaged people's innocent eyes. take that to PM

`(OO6) —dating, engagement, marriage and divorce are allowed. no kids. comment below and let us know who you're dating, engaging, marrying or divorcing. don't be a and marry 7 people, cheat on them and divorce them all. be faithful

`(OO7) —hiatus? deactivating? PM the admins and give reasons. don't make blogs about how you want to deactivate but you don't want at the same time and throw a fit. if that happens, i'll throw you out myself

`(OO8) —did i miss out anything? no? then come join the family now!






`() get your second chance

`(OO1) —check and see if your desired character is available

`(OO2) —if he/she is available, comment below in this format:

" i want to be part of the new millennium as {group/ ulzzang/ actor} {character's name}

e.g i want to be part of the new millennium as ulzzang kim seuk hye

`(OO3) —commented? wait for the admin's approval, dammit. some hasty people make their accounts without approval. have patience

`(OO4) —approved? make your account within 3 days. ask for extensions

`(OO5) —account made? comment below and add admins first to let us know you're here. don't do either? you ain't going on the list, which means you ain't part of this roleplay

`(OO6) —remember to add the code given! forgot the code? here it is:

roleplaying as {character's name}
at `(∞) m i l l e n n i u m affroleplay
`(OO7) —did all of the above? then have a cookie and add all the other roleplayers. have fun!






`(the admins

the sessy admins :

tiffany ¦ seuk hye


`* currently not hiring admins






`() navigations

`(OO1) —masterlist

`(OO2) —wishlist




`* hiring unlimited advertisers: krystal ¦ --- ¦ ---





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Chapter 1: Nana is deactivating...
Chapter 1: `(∞) checked and updated by

-★ admin seuk hye

fina-damn-ly i'm here otl
After School's Nana is here~!
okay, 30 characters.. blah blah.. lol
`(∞) checked and updated by

-★ admin tiffany
seohyunarh is here c:
dot dot dot
30 characters o w e
adding peeps by tomorrow! ^^
snsd's black pearl yuri is here ! ^^
`(∞) checked and updated by

-★ admin tiffany
Chapter 1: i want to be part of the new millennium as exo's luhan, please. c:
+ reply in pm, thanks.
Chapter 1: i want to be part of the new millennium as After School's Nana..
pls. reply in pm~
i wanna be part of the new millenium as snsd's seohyun.
+ reply in pm.