Forbidden Meeting

Forbidden Touch

Kim SungGyu lies awake in his cabin bed with his eyes wide open, it was midnight. Why I had slept when we arrived, now I’ll be sleepy during the day, he thinks frowning. Finally giving up his attempts to sleep, he throws off his covers with a frustrated sigh.

As he sits up, he glances at his cabin mates, checking that each one of them is asleep. After making sure, he then quietly slips on a pair of shoes and walks out into the spring night with a pull over hoodie and shorts. He passes by the path entrance to the forest and stops before peering down the path.

He heard a faint giggle and was entranced by it. SungGyu walked to the path then paused, hesitating, but once he heard the laugh, again he followed it. The path seemed to go passed the voice so he walked through some bushes and ducked under braches until he saw a clearing.

In the middle of it was a Lake, in which moonlight struck it making everything glow. Fireflies danced in the light, faint music was playing all when he saw her. Her name was Asrai, the water fairy of the Lake, her wings were like glass, her clothes flowed and rippled like the water itself, and her beauty surpassed any human he had seen. Although these things were very evident, he noticed that she was dancing on water as if the water was solid ground. He then noticed her beauty, her clothes and her wings. Appalled by the being, he took a step forward into the light.

Suddenly, the music stopped, she stopped. Asrai listened to a murmur and let out a bubbly laugh, which SungGyu recognized. He took another step forward, accidentally making a loud crunch. Asrai’s head turned to him before her whole body. She analyzed SungGyu from afar before smiling at him. Another sleepless human boy, shall I put him to sleep? She subtly shakes her head and slowly walks to SungGyu. Each her last step on the Lake caused a small ripple, and SungGyu looked shocked to see her standing so close, he instinctively stepped back.

Her hand and shot out and grabbed his wrist, the burning sensation was much like having dry ice on human skin. Asrai pulled him close to her and placed her index finger on his forehead and let out a cool breathe that wafted around his face.

His eyes rolled back and his body started to fall limp. At the last second, Asrai planted a kiss on his inner wrist before having neighboring spirits carry him back to bed.


SungGyu awoke to sounds of his friends shaking him awake. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty is awake!” SungYeol exclaimed. SungGyu rolled over and felt a cool flowing feeling through his arm to his head. He looked at his wrist and saw three swirls then sat up, “Hey! Hey, what's that mark on your forehead?” SungJong asked.

“What? What mark?” obviously confused as he examined himself in the mirror and again, three swirls.

He looks at the forest and hears singing. I warn you not to come during the day lest you want to be disappointed, my dear little human.

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mepastah #1
Chapter 1: I am glad i decided to come and visit the 'sunggyu' tag today. I am instantly attracted to your description and upon reading the story, i just fall in love. I like mythical creatures so much and I am a night creature myself, hahah i lurk around in the dark when everyone else are sleeping.
Your story is so vivid and i can just imagine myself being there it feels so great reading this.
A complain though, it's too short *sobs* I want more. I like this so much. I mean, he gets tattooed and and and I want more.*selfish*
Anyway, i like this. Thank you so much.