
亡命工團 Peace Express (Mandarin Fic)
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26/05/2016 updated Chapter 20


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Really? I always wanted to improve myself more. But my grammer and spelling and etcs. are still weak.
If there's any case which u don't understand any Chinese form in my story, feel free to text me privately and i will answer it for u.
Actually, Chinese wordings and character are rather interesting if u get to know it by depth.
And a lot of them in fact were Chinese but they are just like your case.
Very English-educate.
I used to write it in notebook but now...mostly whenever i went, i will have my little com with me, so i type in it instead.
But still there is time...pencil and paper is necessary in times. Kekeke...
Not much details reveals on this chapter, sorry about that~
Hey, your English isn't really that bad. :P I don't really speak Chinese that much normally, that's why I still don't know a lot of Chinese characters although I'm Chinese. x) I just write stories in small notebooks when I feel like it. :)
Hi puppyjjong,<br />
:D here 2012 another new update! haha...anyway i guess there are only a few Chinese story over here. I am happy that my story also served as an learning stage for others and gains others liking for Chinese wordings. <br />
Hmm...I think everyone will be having passion like this for the very 1st place and what it takes for the story to ready continue developing really depends on one wills and maybe readers' supportive. <br />
Actually I saw quite a number to nice story all died off due to the author itself finding no comment or less comments they received. That was really a sad gone case. <br />
I am one of them actually, well...in the past. <br />
Now I write what I like not mainly to pleasure one's favor. <br />
<br />
Speaking of that, I think what it took for me, will really need a lot of times to complete one fic. I also envy those focusing authors too. :)
Yay, another update! :3 Reading Chinese fanfics (this is the only Chinese fanfic I'm currently reading though xP) kind of helps me remember how to read Chinese, so I'll try reading your other stories, haha~ Whenever I write stories, I start off having the best idea ever, but then I usually end up not being able to finish the so-called "amazing idea." How I envy those who can write a complete fanfic. :(
Hi puppyjjong,<br />
更新咯~<br />
對呀,打從我中學時期就開始不斷在寫寫寫,故事纍計的當然也多了。 <br />
不過這些目前在這賬戶的全是近期有空在抽空寫的。<br />
之前的沒全部都搬遷過來這裡。 <br />
而且,類似這種異類小説的,也是近期才開始寫的。 <br />
所以你不一定會喜歡其他我所寫的類型故事。 <br />
<br />
無論如何還是希望你喜歡,能指點留言留言!<br />
Yay, a new update! ^_^ Wow, you have so many other stories... :O I'll start reading those too, keke. You sound very wise, haha. :3 Very knowledgeable. ^_^ I will learn from you, keke~
Hi puppyjjong,<br />
其實,這就好像練習武功,玩遊戲一樣。 <br />
喜歡一樣東西到完全麻木的投入其中,就會不斷去追求更高的層次,更高能達到的level.<br />
我擅長的東西沒有很多,但是會好像寶刀一樣,知道自己的優點后,頑固的越磨越鋒利,越寫就越有feel.<br />
這也是多年練習出來的文筆。 <br />
<br />
就是英文很爛就對了,我也不太會翻譯,畢竟這故事是走中國風的習俗主。<br />
:)<br />
其實我無名已經寫蠻多了,慢慢找時間放上來吧了。 <br />
或許你可以看看其他,我在這裡的故事,雖然題材可能不是你會喜歡的吧。 <br />
<br />
說真的,以前我也有寫過很爛很糟糕的英文故事。<br />
真的不要放棄一直練習,就好像追逐自己的夢想一樣。 <br />
誰曉得日後會是如何的呢? <br />
<br />
You're really good at writing! ^^ If this were translated into English, it would be a major daebak. xD It's okay that you don't update immediately, I'm honestly sorta busy with school and all anyways. It must take a while to write something so good, keke. You seem very serious about your writing, and that's good! ^o^ My writing ...HORRIBLY. ^^;
Hi puppyjjong,<br />
沒關係。 只是你還喜歡故事就好了。 因老是無法常常更新,有點抱歉。 <br />
追我的故事要細水長流,有耐性,呵呵...<br />
寫書,也許不太能夠把某些畫面帶出,如果可以,<br />
我比較想拍出來每個場景和畫面,這樣會更有感覺,更立體。 <br />
:)<br />
希望還會再看到你的留言,或是建議的部分。<br />
Sorry for not commenting! ^_^;; Just because I'm not commenting, doesn't mean I'm not reading, keke! The new update is really good (as usual)! You can seriously write an actual book with this storyline! ^o^ Can't wait for the next update! <3