You don't know me

Bad Girl, Good Girl


"Annyoung hasehyo! How are you lovely ladies doing this afternoon, my name is Heechul and I have to say that I was very impressed by what you girls just did", he said all of this while at the same time he examined Jia from head to toe. He tried to hide a smile, as he approved of what he was looking at, he liked everything about her you see. 

"We don't talk to strangers" said Jia as she suddenly turned around and grabbed Hyuna's and Minzy's arm one on each side of her and they made their way. 

Heechul followed behind them and said "But I'm not a stranger I already introduced myself to you girls". 

"We'll we are not interested" said Hyuna as they made way once again. 

"Seriously girls are you gonna make me run after you?" said Heechul trying to catch up to their fast pace. 

"We are not asking you to follow us Ajusshi, just go away" said Minzy annoyed by the perseverance of the young man. 

Did she just call me an old man? but Im not even that old I'm only 21 yrs old..well close to 22 but that's not even old! Heechul having reached the limit of his patience walked in front of the girls and said "Well haven't your parents taught you good manners, it's impolite to leave a person talking to themselves and you should always introduce yourselves to others that have done the same to you". 

"Joesonghamnida, you are right" said Jia noticing his confidence and thought to herself that if walking away from this guy didn't scare him off maybe talking to him would do the trick. "My name is Jia, I love pink above all things and I love to listen to heavy metal music during my spare time, that should also explain my wardrobe choice. This is my friend Hyuna she might seem like the promiscuous type but she's actually a nun in training, and this is Minzy even though she's the youngest out of us three don't let her innocent looks deceive you she is fierce in any gang fight. Oh and by the way isn't that the bus you were waiting for, you should hurry before it takes off without you". 

Heechul was dumbfounded at what he had just heard but he couldn't help and notice that what Jia had said was true, the bus was going to leave him. He had no other choice than to bow down to the girls and take his leave. Hyuna and Minzy looked at each other and burst out in laughter to the point where tears where running down their faces. "Well that didn't take long" said Hyuna referring to how easily Jia had been able to blow of the guy, "Seriously I thought he wouldn't leave, how do you manage to scare of guys Jia?" 

Jia just looked at them and added "A guy like him is obvious, all words and no substance. Come on let's get out of here, I think I already know where we should head up next." Jia was able to catch a last glimpse of Heechul while he was rushing and struggling up the steps of the bus. She felt a little disappointed on his actions and how easily he had given up on her. She easily shrugged it off as she thought about their next performance and made her way with her friends.


Days after that incident Heechul found himself enjoying a peaceful afternoon at his friend's mansion, that girl was something else, she's like a challenge that I would love to take on he thought to himself. Even though Jia hadn't admitted it she had taken an interest on Heechul she had noticed he had been sitting by the bus stop before he approached them. Heechul grinned thinking about this realization, it gave him hope we'll see who laughs last

Junhyung noticed his friend smiling to himself and he couldn't help but wonder what evil mischief his friend was planning or which girl's heart he was about to break next. "What's so funny?" he asked his friend. 

Heechul was brought back to reality and just answered "nothing just some old memory". 

"Well that must of been a really nice memory then" said Junhyung, but before he could further interrogate his friend Jonghun appeared. 

"So are you guys ready to go party??!!!??" Jonghun cheered as he burst into the room.


Jia, Hyuna and Minzy had arrived to one of the most exclusive clubs in Seoul, the girls were ready to have some fun for a change. It had been hard for them to juggle with school, their part-time jobs, practice and their street performances so they needed a little distraction. Jia knew one of the bouncers at this specific club, he actually owed her a few favors, so it was easy for them to get inside without arousing suspicion due to their age. As soon as they entered the place they felt rejuvenated, the place was crowded but full of life with music and technicolor lights. 

Heechul had reserved the best table at the club it was situated close to the dance floor but at a higher ground so they could easily scan the club. It was Jonghun's birthday and their other friends were also beginning to arrive. Heechul couldn't believe his luck when he spotted a commotion in the middle of the dance floor, three girls had gathered a crowd around them with their fabulous dance steps. Heechul knew very well who these girls were and he couldn't help but to beam of joy. Junhyung approached him and asked what he was eyeing so intently. Heechul just pointed towards the girls and the crowd that had gathered around them. 

"Let's join them and bring Jonghun along," said Heechul.   


Awww! Miss A released their new song "I don't need a man" make sure you check it out if you haven't yet :)

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Chapter 3: Awww~ Poor Heechul. :(
Jia unni is the best! I LOOOVE HER!
Good story! ^^
eninhydra #2
Chapter 3: I'm a fan of should add more chapters to this one ^^