
A tear drop away...


As I march through the quiet corridors of my house the sound of my mobile phone echoes constantly. I push my bed room door open feeling a large gush of wind due to my strong force. My airy sandals clack on the wooden laminated floor as I rush over towards my bedside were my mobile phone lies ringing annoyingly. Grabbing the electronic object, I press the button that I know will relieve me from the sound drumming in my ears. As I bring the, now quiet, mobile towards my face I hear a panicking voice call out my name.


“Choi SuYoung! Are you there?” it’s a guy’s voice… Kevin’s voice…


“Y-yes it’s me… What? What’s wrong?” I say, I can tell that the news isn’t going to be good.


“Dongho’s in hospital!” he shouts through the speaker.


“…w-what…” everything seems to slow down around me, I can't understand what he's saying Dongho can't be in hospital.... That's just not possible is it?… “Wae? Wae? WAE?!” I shout wanting answers fast.


“He’s been said to have pleurisy, and is going to go through surgery” he says with tension and worry in his voice that is dangerously discouraging.


“What? Of all things… where is he?!” I demand in a way I almost sound like I’m threatening him.


“You can’t go in, they won’t let you” he says and at that moment his voice sounds really annoying.


“I said where is he!” I shout whilst slipping my shoes and coat on in haste.


“SuYoung you ca~” his refusal hits my nerve to the point I don’t let him finish his sentence.


“LOOK! I DON’T CARE JUST TELL ME WHERE THE HECK HE IS!!” I scream, I didn’t have the slightest of care of what I was and wasn’t allowed to do I just wanted to know where he is and only that.


I hear someone else snatch the phone from his hands “Just get out of the house we’ll drive you there” I calm down at hearing the voice of reason...


“I’m already out” I say as I walk out into the pouring rain “Thanks… Soohyun...” I mumble as my salty tears stream down my face merging with the rain.


~10 minutes on~


I see a familiar seven-seater car drive up the side of the pavement, it stops and the driver’s window rolls down to show a familiar face. “Come on get in!” Soohyun shouts through the shushing rain.


I’m dripping wet as I run into the car next to Kiseop and AJ, once inside I am lectured for my carelessness in not bringing an umbrella “You’ll catch a cold and then we’ll have to rush you to hospital too” Kiseop says worriedly.


“Yah you need to be careful… you’re shaking” says AJ staring at my hands that are clamped together… I can no longer feel them…


“I know I said I was gonna pick you up so you should get out of the house… but at least you could have used your common sense” lectures Soohyun as he turns to the back seat where I sit, rain water drizzles down my face from my hair and wearing a pink, flimsy, knee length dress isn’t helping me keep my composure.


“Look, I appreciate your concern but I think we should be off” I say in a stern voice… Soohyun reluctantly looks forward and stares at the wheel.


“I told you we shouldn’t have gone” says Kevin as if knowing this was going to happen.


“W-would you sit at home… when the one you love is in hospital?... with no guarantee that you’ll see him alive and happy again… would you? How heartless would a person have to be to do that? How thoughtless would a person have to be to be able to think that this issue is something to sleep on? What the hell do you expect me to do? He’s your friend isn’t he? Don’t you feel… anything towards him?” I say, the heat and anger within me starts to rise as I sit on the edge of my seat “Why is it that you always have to say that… When you know it’s impossible for me to stay away” I say closing my eyes and falling back again.


I can hear Soohyun taking in a deep breath “O-k we’ll be off” and with that he hits the peddle.


“Here” I feel something wrap around me “At least this way we’ll be sure you ain’t gonna go hospital too” I turn around to the back two seats to see the warming smile of Hoon as he generously offered me his jacket.


“And this too!” says Eli in a hyper voice handing me over a towel “We both came prepared” he gives me an eye smile.


“Thank you…” I say bowing my dripping head… I then apply the towel to my head wiping away the excess water from my hair.


~30 minutes on~


We are only 15 minutes away from the hospital and disaster strikes… traffic… “Aish… why now!” I say impatiently. The rain had long stopped and the traffic just keeps getting worse so I open the car door and jolt out onto the now motionless road. I can just about hear the faint voices of the others in the car but I don’t care… all I have on my mind right now is Dongho…


I am so preoccupied with my thoughts that I don’t even realise that I have just walked in front of a car that has suddenly started moving only when I hear a loud honk do I come to my senses, I fall to the floor due to the sudden pressure from the car towards my legs leaving me a slight graze. “DO YOU WANNA DIE?!” shouts the infuriated driver out of his window…


‘This graze is nothing compared to what Dongho is going through’ I assume as I urge myself to stand and start running again towards the pavement…


As I run along tears stream down my tired face… ‘Faster… faster… please don’t let me be too late… please don’t leave me’ I beg within my mind as if some how sending a telepathic message to Dongho to wait just a little longer for me… My legs are already aching from the running but I’m still going at a steady pace, I can see the hospital coming into sight and an extra power starts to build up inside me ‘Yes… I’m nearly here Dongho…’


Tears, tears and more tears roll down my face as I plead to God to keep him alive, every step of the way is both pleasing yet daunting as I ponder if I'm getting closer… or if I’m too late… I arrive at the glass door that enters into the big, dull white building and run towards the receptionist “Hello, I’m here for Shin Dongho, I’m his girlfriend Shin SuYoung” I burst out.


“Yes and that’s what they all say” says the receptionist looking at me through her glasses “Go home girly visiting times are over” she says nonchalantly as she looks back to her paper work.


“No please I’m not lying…” I reason but I’m cut off.


“LEAVE OR ELSE I’LL CALL SECURITY!” she growls in frustration.


“Please I’m telling the truth” I say feeling my heart throbbing within my chest as we prolong time in this petty argument.


“Young lady, I suggest you leave”


“It’s ok! She’s with us!” shouts a familiar voice and as I turn around I see Kevin panting breathless with one arm leaning against the wall and his head hung low.


“And who might you be?” say the receptionist as one eyebrow rose.


However, when Kevin’s face came into her view her expression changes in realisation “Me? I’m Kevin Woo, and this girl here is telling the truth” he says and the woman forces out an awkward smile “Please can you tell us where Shin Dongho’s room is” he asks in the most polite way he can manage.


“Y-yes sir” she stutters “to the right and straight down the hall then take the left” her voice is quiet…


“~Thank you~” we both say in harmony.


As we speed walk down the corridor I look at Kevin… ‘Where are the others?’ I realise “If you’re thinking about the others they’re still in the car on their way… I ran after you just as soon as you left” he says not giving me one bit of eye contact “…I do have a heart you know…” he mumbles, and in his voice I can hear the slight disappointment and sadness that was most likely to be caused by what I had said earlier in the car…


“Sorry…” I murmur ‘Heart huh… heart… heart… in your chest… DONGHO!!” I remember and I start running again leaving Kevin startled and also running on my trail. We turn the corner and I can see the sign saying Shin Dongho on it ‘Finally…’ I think relieved as I quietly open the door I can see the still body of a man sleeping in the hospital bed… I have finally made it… “…Dongho…” I whisper as I sit on a chair at his side.


I can hear the beeping of the machine… telling me his heart is still going… telling me I’ve made it, that he’s still here… but not giving me enough information as to how long he’s here for… I run my fingernails lightly across his bare arm until I get to his wrist where a needle bringing some sort of fluid to his body is stuck in with tape around it keeping it in place. I weave my fingers through his, holding onto his hand tightly as if he were going to run away any moment… they are cold... I look up towards where I assume the surgery had taken place to see bandages wrapped near his collar bone which can be seen due to his lowly v-cut hospital shirt. I gently run my free hand on top of his shirt… I can feel the bumps of the layered bandages over his chest…


“How did this happen?” I say more to myself than anyone else...


I hear footsteps charging towards the room and look back slightly… the others had finally made it...


"SuYoung.. What happen to your leg!" I hear Soohyun say in alarm... But I don't answer...


I just turn my attention back to the angelic being before me watching as his chest moves up and down weakly as he breathes.


"Kevin, you could at least get her a doctor" says AJ... But there is no reply from Kevin either...


"Seriously, you guys are so irresponsible" lectures Hoon giving up.


However, even with all the commotion all my attention is still on Dongho...How his eyes are firmly shut and motionless and his cheeks are pail and lifeless... 


"Yah! Are you guys even listening" shouts Kiseop loudly but not too loudly as to disturb anyone...


"Seriously..." Says Eli annoyed.


Still, I remain unfazed... scanning all areas of Dongho's face... I bare my eyes upon his straight lips... Neither frowning nor smiling the smile I love so dearly... What has happened to him for him to be making a face like this? What did this to him? Why is my Dongho like this?... And why.... Why won't he wake up already?... I'm here aren't I...


"Guys let's go" I hear Kevin's voice telling the others to leave the room... Seconds flew by and soon the room is silent... Leaving only the beeping machine as our companion...


I remember all the times we've spent together... How we laughed at each others stupidity when having water fights, slipping and sliding all over the place... How we had so much fun singing to each other my voice being the most horrid... How we used to be the perfect crime partners playing pranks on the others while they were off guard, how we had our loud and quiet days laughing and screaming or either listening to music acompanied by the stars of the night sky... I remember how overjoyed I felt on the day he confessed his feelings to me... how I screamed and cried and hugged him so tight due to my happiness... The right words to explain? The good times... And out of all those days I can never recall a moment of when I was ever unhappy or in stress, other than the times where we had our little sqwobbles.. So this moment by far... Has been the most traumatising moment in our relationship... And my life...


I reach over with my left hand and caress his soft cheeks with my fore finger... "Please... Don't leave me" I bring my hand to cup his right cheek as I lean over towards him... I kiss his soft lips lightly yet passionately and stay like that for a while not wanting this moment to pass... suddenly I feel a bit of movement from his body and just like that I part myself from him with wide eyes 'Is he waking up?!' I wonder as I stare intensely at him... To my disappointment I slump back into my chair 'Was it... Only my imagination?...' I thinks to myself... Once again my dry eyes start to layer up with tears that had once stopped and begin to constantly fall... I stand up and sit on his bed side slightly and gently lie my head down on the part of his chest I know wasn't operated on and close my crying eyes "Stay with me..." I whisper to him... 


His beating heart sounded in my ears getting louder and louder '... Please don't go...' I beg him...


"...I'll never leave you..." I hear a voice rumble "...coz I love you... SuYoung..." I sit up not believing my ears and stare at Dongho... 'Was it... really him?' I wonder as I stare through my tears...


"D-Dongho?" I say half whispering in disbelief.... There is a big moment of eyes stop blinking and my tears sease to fall... Was it really him or was I going crazy? I can no longer understand what is going on as I just stare cluelessly at his face "Dongho that was you... Right?" I say my head spinning... "Don't play around!.." I say cupping his face with both my hands "It was you... Wasn't it..." My voice is breaking due to the pain I am feeling... My throat feels like it's clogged up with a big lump and when I see no sign of movement yet again I burry my head into the side of his neck...


"Who else would it be?..." I hear the voice mumble again...


"Stop it... Stop playing with my head" I plead...


"SuYoung... Look up at me" the voice rumbles for the forth time, I shake my burried head "Wae?..." The voice asks...


"..c-coz I don't want to be disappointed again..." I sob... Unexpectedly, I feel a slight push on both my shoulders and my eyes open wide once again... Here right in front of me with his sticky eyes open and slight smile lies Dongho... Awake! I am bewildered...


"Oh I always love your facial expressions" he says smiling cheekily...


"...what... Yah..." I say tears on the flow yet again, this startles Dongho...


"Y-yah why you crying..." He says in alarm.


"" I stutter, and he stares at me "YAH! PABO!!!! YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" I shout and due to my loud voice the others start running into the room.


"u-um... Well... Kinda..." He says trying to give me one of his cheeky smiles again.


"NO NO NO NO NO! Aish you drive me crazy" I puff slapping my hand on my forehead, I hear a slight chuckle coming from the others and him "....I, am going home!" I say raising my hand and sliding off the bed, as I stomp towards the others I hear him shout after me.


"Yah! Don't leave me here! It's kinda scary and boring" he moans.


"Yah be quiet or you might hurt yourself"  I growl as I glare back at him "and like I said I'm going home" I walk towards the door only to be stopped by Soohyun, Eli and Kiseop huddling together near the door way.


I feel a hand rest on both my shoulders and turn toward them to see Hoon and AJ smiling slyly "Oh come on you might as well stay~" says Hoon.


"Ye~ah he's begging for you to be by his side" points out AJ.


"And you better treat her with respect" I hear Kevin lecture "The girl went running onto the road just to get to you and just about got run over by a car so be good" and with that Dongho's eyes dart towards me.


"What?!" The alarm in his voice is strong but his expression on the other hand... is priceless.


"~So you two love birds get on~" they all say in harmony and shove me forward towards Dongho.


As soon as they run out I look towards Dongho "Almost got run over?" He crosses his arms and raises both eyebrows.


"u-uh..." I stutter and he just watches me with the same expression "I... Love you" I say with a cheeky smile. In one way I'm happy the guys left me with him... What's better... An empty and cold bedroom? Or a hospital room with the one you love?



~the end~

yeah you guys can imagine what happens next XP

hope you enjoyed my one shot please forgive me for any spelling mistakes X'C

I'm a tired person who has worked late to finish this =.=

but thanks for reading and please subscribe to my other fics^^*

thanks a lot oh wonderful people of this world XD

and may all go well for Dongho FIGHTING!*

oh yeah n even if this fic is finished comments are very truly loved xD

so comment away as much as you want^^* I love 'emxP










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KissMeAng5l #1
Chapter 1: Lol I don't know if you guys realize this, but he actually did get surgery for pleurisy...DONGHO FIGHTING!!!! Good story though.
Chapter 1: Omo ! Hahaha ! What a cute and caring couple ! I like this , wait nooo ! I LOVE THIS !!! Dongho is soooooooo cheeky ! Saranghaeyooooo , authornim ! You are very awesome !!!
Chapter 1: Omg! What a good story..You are really amazing!
Too bad this is an one shot story...>.<
Chapter 1: Omg, I love you so much. Thank you~~~ *glomps* Your amazing! :DDD
This was amazing! Props to you:D
lool sounds good please update???
>< oh how I wish me and Dongho could really be dating~~
Except then I'd be dead when I found out he was in the hospital. T.T
UKiss_Shin_Soohyun #7
;AAAAAAAAAAA; sounds so goood and sad the same time!