love never fails

if you mention the word prom infron of any of the girls you'll understand how important it is to girls!

imagine this

a prom night~ with the girl/guy of your dreams ~ a sweet kiss while dancing~ a electric shock as your hands meet and so on

a night fill with music!

the party decorations hand on top as the loud music blare!"stop girl in the name of love..."


i was dressed beautifully in my prom dress as i entered the ball room with my bestie ! we linked arms both beautifully dressed in ourprom dresses and did up hair!

i love ukiss i mean it's one of the best kpop band i've heard so far i thought as i swayed along to the music the music changed "oh she's back she's back she's back oh oh..."

i found this song catchy.

i started to dance with infinite...untill woori budge in to ruin everything!!!

"hey ! where do u get that awful dress!? ewww!" woori scoffed and i couldnt help but glared. hey even the purest girl have to glare sometimes u know...
"well i got in the mall um da! otherwise where would i get such a beautiful dress.BTW beauty lies in the beholder so your oppinion doesnt matter!" thats what i wanted to say but of course i just ignore her. the laughter died and i said "well where else would i get it obviously the mall right? oh wait she doesnt know where dresses are bought oh i pity u" everyone's eyes widened apart from my bestie who walked over and said" oooh u crossed the line girl and everyone knows what happen whe u make my minie angry."

that's right under this pure angel minyoung is the devil minyoung who doesnt let u off that easily!

"u did not just say that" woori yelled

" are u deaf or what?" i scoffed sacarsticly

"u can't talk to me i'm in a higher rank than u...i"

"higher rank than me oh puh-le-ase my dad own nam corperation and it JUST outrank u!" i said

"u...nam...WHAT?!" she was speachless and so were her crew

um hello i know infinite obviously i'm rich oh sorry devil minyoung is speaking again


she was the first i've ever seen talk back to woori like that wow! nam minyoung is daebak!

when she told woori she outranked her which me amd woohyun already knew i was impressed not by the fact that she outranked her but by the fact that she is actually talked about woori



hi guys i'm sooooo sorry !

yes i know i've not updated like forever

i promise an update SOON

part 2 coming sooooooon!

please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i really want u to write a comment

BTW also go check out my other fics till next time!

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