I Never Did Like Closets.

I Have a Secret....

                After another month or two, it really feels like Seunghyun and I are friends. We eat lunch together every day, and he doesn’t mind waiting for me to write things out. It’s actually more convenient, because even though he never lived in South Korea, his parents make him speak Korean at home, which means I can write everything in Korean. It’s so much easier than English, if you ask me. I’ve been studying English for almost 10 years now, and I still have trouble with it sometimes.

                One day, on not any kind of special day or at a special time, I remember I have to take a make-up test in Chemistry, so I turn on my heels and head for the science wing. Those idiot jocks from my birthday show up and grab me by my arms and drag me to a janitor’s closet. They tie me up to a chair and put me too far away from the door for me to reach it. After they close and lock the door, the lights are out and I find myself sitting alone in this cold room with who knows what in it. There could be any number of hazardous things in here, and I have no way of getting out. I’m tied up too tightly to move around, and my legs can’t reach the door or any walls to bang on it. They know I’m a mute. They know I won’t be able to get out unless they come back for me. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp chill run down my spine, and I get the terrible feeling that something’s going to go wrong. I open my mouth to try to scream for help, but no sound comes out. No one would listen to me anyway. Seunghyun’s probably already gone home by now, so there won’t be anyone to help.

                “Daegun?” I hear his voice out of nowhere and my eyes widen. “Daegun? Are you around here?” Seunghyun! I try to yell, but again nothing comes out. “The football team said you were here, but I don’t see you… Sheesh, why am I even talking to myself?” Don’t go, please don’t go. Don’t walk away Seunghyun, please! I hear footsteps and I panic. I know I have to make some kind of noise, I know I have to say something.

                “Wait,” I try to yell, but it sounds more like a whisper, so I try again. “Wait,” A little louder… “Wait!” The footsteps stop.

                “Hello? Is someone here?” I can almost hear his head whip around as he tries to figure out where the voice is coming from.

                “Closet! Seunghyun!” My voice is raspy and weak, but loud enough for him to hear. Footsteps come closer and I hear keys jingling. Those jerks must have left the keys just outside the door. I swear, if I ever get the chance, I’ll get revenge. They’ll be sorry they messed with me.

                “Daegun?” The light makes me cringe, but thankfully Seunghyun’s muscular build blocks most of it. “What happened to you?” He rushes over and unties me, then stares into my eyes apologetically. Why does he look so sad? It’s not his fault.

                “Don’t…” My voice is quiet again, and even scratchier than before. I’m surprised anything came out at all.

                “Did you… did you just talk?” I nod rather than speak; I think my voice deserves another long rest.  “Who did this?” I shake my head. “If you won’t tell me, that’s fine, but… Since when were you able to talk?” I frown at him, then point to him. I wish he could read my mind. It’s because I was scared and I didn’t want to get left here. “I’m sorry; I should have stayed after school with you. I’m so, so sorry,” I hear him sniffle, and am surprised to see a single tear overflow from his eye and fall down his cheek. Is he crying? Him? The captain of the football team? Crying over a little nobody like me? I give him a puzzled look that asks him why he's crying, and it's like he can hear my thoughts. "Look at you... You're bleeding," He reaches up and wipes the corner of my mouth where one of the jocks hit me. I'm so sick of getting beaten up. "I'm sorry, Daegun. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again, I promise. You'll be okay from now on. No one will bother you," His words are... oddly reassuring. He sounds like he means what he's saying. I can't not believe him.

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Egg-yeols0911 #1
Chapter 3: AHHA "Banana boy" thats funny but sad :( N'awwwww loving the story so far ^.^
Goemas12 #3
Chapter 2: ooo cant wait to know more
please upload soon
Archon #4
Chapter 2: Peasants. They're all peasants. o-o