

“Hyung!~” Sungjong's whines could be heard throughout the whole house. No wonder Sungyeol and Hoya had wanted to switch rooms. Only I'd heard Hoya had somehow gotten the short end of the stick for they'd played kai~bai~bo and his fist had matched the maknae's.

I chuckled, remembering the time Infinite and I had all gone out to Lotte World and he was forced to be with Dongwoo on the Gyro Shot. It was just about the biggest ride there, and Dongwoo was just about the biggest baby. He'd clung to Hoya the whole time, screaming pleas into his hyper sensitive ears. I believe he mentioned something about going deaf.

I knocked again, louder this time. I heard some thumps and some curses until finally the door was yanked open by no other than the flirty greaseball himself.

“Yeobo!” Woohyun scooped me into his arms and spun me around.

“Yah! Pabo, put me down!” Woohyun did as I said and pouted.

“Aigo, don't be mad! I haven't seen you in so long, I can't help it!” He kept pouting. It was adorable and irritating at the same time. I guess that's how I became attracted to him. No, not because he was an idol or a great singer, but because everything he did made me feel... different. I would be lying though if I didn't say I was a hardcore Inspirit. You could find me at almost all of their concerts and fanmeetings. That's how Woohyun had noticed me.

This had to have been at least the third time I'd been to a fanmeet. There I was in line with my new copy of Infinite's newest CD, Paradise. As much as I wanted to run home and pop it in my stereo and listen to my boys, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity of yet again, another signed CD.

My body trembled and my hands got all sweaty as I neared the front of the line. There they were, looking as handsome as ever, and there he was. He was in the middle of greeting another fan. He gave a small smile that soon returned back to his cold stare.

L. The object of my affections. The one I silently gave my heart to.

It was my turn to go up. I tried my best to swallow my nervousness down and climbed up the steps. I reached Dongwoo, who'd greeted me with a wide smile and the most amusing laugh I'd ever heard.

Annyeong!” He chirped happily. I bowed my head and returned his greeting. He cheerfully signed my CD and carefully handed it back. That's how the others went as well. Though, they weren't as gleeful as the happy-go-lucky lion rapper who was now giggling at a fan's reaction to shaking his hand.

I had now only had three more to go, Sunggyu, Woohyun, and L himself. Sunggyu went as fast as the others, he seemed rather worn out. I gave him a ~fighting!~ and moved on.

Woohyun also greeted me with a smile. He had somehow reminded me of a Cheshire cat. “Annyeong! And what would your name be?” He winked and threw me a heart. I just rolled my eyes and told him my name. I guess my nonchalance of his flirty ways caught him off guard, for he sat there and blinked. “W-what a pretty name for a pretty girl.” He recovered with a smirk.

Gomawo.” I replied shortly. He was taken aback once again by my laid-back attitude. Then he wouldn't stop staring. I started to shuffle my feet feeling uncomfortable under his gaze.

I think I've seen you before.” He slowly pointed his right index finger towards me. “You're a regular, aren't you?” He smirked once again. I was caught, what he'd said was true. 100% true.

Ne.” I whispered softly. Woohyun was once again astounded my 180 degree change in attitude. Honestly, I was quite embarrassed, and very upset. I was embarrassed that he had found out how much I loved Infinite. And I was upset that it was him, and not someone like L, who had noticed this.

Yet I was flattered. Flattered that he'd taken the time to remember where he'd already seen me. Flattered that he noticed this was more than just a coincidence, that I was a huge fan. Flattered that he'd made me feel special. That he'd made me feel... different.

He finished signing it and I awkwardly took back my CD and moved on to L, who looked quite bored judging by the way his eyes darted up at the ceiling. Was he counting the tiles? Seriously, of all things to do...

I cleared my throat and he looked my way. “Oh, annyeong. L imnida.” I nodded slightly and waved as if to tell him I already knew that. He sighed and calmly signed my CD then handed it back. He then gave me a lopsided grin. “Please continue to support us.” He then already started greeting the next fan in line.

I frowned a bit. Nothing was interesting about our meeting. He seemed quite dull. I checked my watch and saw I had to be home soon. I sighed and walked out of the store.

About halfway home I opened the CD case. All of their signatures were there, but something caught my eye. There was a phone number. Under it there was a message: Annyeong! Do you miss me already? Well when you do just let me know! Call me!~ ^^ Love, Namstar.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Oh, he'd be getting that phone call alright. Really soon, too.

“Hey! HELLOOO?!?! Are you even listening to me?!” Woohyun waved his hand in my face, bringing me back to the present.

“Oh, mianhe Jagi. I was just reminiscing.” I gave him a smile which he gladly returned.

“Was it about me?” His smile grew wider as I shyly nodded my head. “AIGO! My Yeobo is sooo cute!”
He embraced me in a strong warm hug.

“Oppa!” I whined.

“Alright, alright. Let's go inside, it's cold out here and Sunggyu's ordering chicken!” Aish, I mentally face-palmed. These boys and their chicken.

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Aika0330 #1
Chapter 1: That's so cute.. I wish something out of the ordinary would happen to me. TT3TT
fantasticbabyx #2
Chapter 1: I wish that would happen. My namstar... T__T
Chapter 1: very nice story.... and i really like the plot ^^~~
keep writing Hwaiting!!~~