Wedding Dress (random oneshot #3)

Hope you take time to check them out guys :)


Apply fic (currently open) - 4 seasons

action fic - Dangerous Minds

MyungStal - She

Chaejin one shot - Today was a fairytale

KANG MINHYUK *Q* - Aka No Tanin

Gongchan angst - Kismet

Taemin - Please be careful with my heart


Those are just some of my stories. LOL X)

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This is good but why don't you makes it a bit longer ? :o
@Smilee_Thank you :) Taemin is number 1 in my heart too XD haha<br />
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@emonurie_This is short because this was originally a textfic .. I just randomly posted this .. haha. Thank you btw ^^
this is good~ but........ why is it very short? T_T
Mannn. It's just gives it a better mood if you listen to the actual song (english ver.) ;__;<br />
huuuu~ Taemin is so sweetT____T DAMN. WHY THAT GIRL GO TO YOSEOB!? D: <br />
Taemin is number #1 in my heart~ Awesome oneshot :')
Thank you milktae ^O^<br />
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I have a few more stories :)<br />
and another Taemin fic ^O^<br />
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The other one is bittersweet :)
voguette #6
aw, taemin ]: short and sweet. great job~!