State of DENIAL

State of awkward.

"When the Blind lead the Blind, no wonder they fall into - matrimony" - George Farquhar

"I don't like him that way," Junhyung denies. Doojoon just raises his thick brow, suspicious. He isn't going to believe for a second that his best friend's subtle, secret glances towards the new transfer student, plus, his reddening cheeks whenever the student even moved an inch is not a sign of Junhyung's infatuation for the new guy.

"You're blind if you think that way, Junhyung-ah. You're totally into him." 

"Am not." 

"You're in denial, Yong."

"You're being stupid, Yoon."

And the two continue to bicker like pre-schoolers until the end of the period.

"Do you happen to know if that guy's in a relationship?" Hyunseung asks out-of-the-blue to his new found friend Yoseob. Yoseob turns around to scan the room, to see which guy Hyunseung was refering to.

"Who are you talking about?"

Hyunseung directs Yoseob's head, by force, at the direction of a certain student who is seen to be arguing with his seatmate.

"Yoon Doojoon?" 

"No, not him. The other guy."

"Uh... Yong Junhyung?" Yoseob confirms. When he receives a nod, he answers the previously asked question, "I don't think he's with anyone. Why do you ask?"

Hyunseung smiles. Unsure if it's because he's relieved and happy with the answer or it was the way Junhyung's nose crinkled, which the former happened to find cute. "No reason." Hyunseung goes back to writing notes on his notebook.

Maybe it's because of the spring season nearing that Junhyung is completely smitten by the handsome(ly beautiful) creature named Jang Hyunseung. What else can explain his accelerated heartbeat as he watches Hyunseung from behind? 

"Are you gonna follow him until he reaches his house? You're this close to becoming a stalker," Doojoon playfully jokes, vexing his best friend.

"One more and I swear I'll knock you out."

"Whoa," Doojoon steps back cackling, "We got a bad- over here. Haha!" His laughter is heard a few meters in front which makes Hyunseung turn around.

He spots his two classmates, in a split second, averting from his direction and walking the opposite. Hyunseung finds it hilarious. Junhyung peeks behind him, accidentally sharing a gaze with Hyunseung. It's expected that there'd be fireworks, sparkles and stars all around if a gaze is shared between two people but it was delightfully -- awkward

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Chapter 2: Why? I thought you like it (smacked by Junhyung) owww and KEEP UPDATING FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Lol awkward
QueenOfRoses #3
Chapter 2: Please update! :)))
b2utyAngel #4
Chapter 2: Junhyung, why you so babo...?
vanilLaJae04 #5
Chapter 2: babo jun is babo. their awkwardness...I cannot. T____T
pinkhamsters #6
Chapter 2: junhyung you fool -.- that was prime opportunity there, theyre wayyy too awkward. but really loving this! can't wait for how their story pans out and for em to finally get over this awkwardness ;)
MsLonlified #7
Chapter 1: They are too cute..update soon!(; Thanks for updating today!
vanilLaJae04 #8
Chapter 1: omg babo!junseung is so cute. <333
Chapter 1: ubpdate soon please
^^its sooo lovely
Chapter 1: OMG XDD
Why so cute (stupid) lol
Please update soon XD
Junhyung is just too.. XD