Wanna Be ?!

They Said My Life Would Become Hell


-Myungsoo’s POV-

I want to go to the police station to ask that girl’s name. Why did she do that anyway? She’s just a fan, she was attracted by me for a moment and just couldn’t resist. I’ll not be , right? What Sungkyu said scared me. I’m just in front of the police station, I’ll just ask her name first…

“Heu…” I approached silently “I was wondering the name of the girl you know… who kissed me”

“You wanna meet her again? Haha!”

It’s totally wrong, I don’t ask her name for that.

“So, what’s her name?”

you you> “

“And… where does she live?”

“Her house is really close from here, just two streets after”

After he explained me how to get there I quickly went out before he could do some stupid jokes.

I walked around, trying to find her house. Looking everywhere. Her house isn’t big but seems really comfortable. I approach the door, still looking everywhere. I knock at the door slightly when someone immediately opened.


-Your POV-

You heard someone knocking at the door. Your mom opened.

‘Maybe fans already found your house. It’s scary. I should just endure.’ You go down the stairs, wearing simple jeans and white t-shirt. You froze. Completely. Myungsoo came. ‘He is just here. Why?  For some lawsuit? Or maybe he fell for me? No way, stop daydreaming!’

“Good afternoon. I came to see your daughter, may I see her?”

Myungsoo was being kind and polite with your mom. ‘Oh my! How can he be that perfect?’

“Oh, I see, troubles will start today, then…”

“No, I didn’t came for that”

‘Maybe he really likes me too? Wow! It can’t be’

“Ok, then… She upstairs” She looks at you “Oh, well, she’s just here, so I let you two…”

You walked closer to him. He just stand quietly.

“W-why d-did you came t-to my house?”

‘I just shuttered… What will he think about me? Why is he silent?’

“I… Wanted to know why you did that… You know?”

“Of course I know, the whole earth know… Actually, I didn’t really mean to hurt your feeling and Inspirits’ ones”

“Hurt my feeling?”

“Yeah, Actually… I… Love you?”

He is still looking at you

“I know you’re used to that kind of things, like ‘oppa I love you’ and all… But I really fell, I know it’s hard to believe. I know my live will become hell, but I had the chance to kiss the person I love once, so it’s ok.”

You said it like if you were talking to yourself. When you saw he was still here. You started to blush madly. He saw it. He’s still looking at you quietly.

“Ok, then… Sungkyu hyung talked to me about lawsuits, but I through there were no use… And it might look like a weird idea, but maybe… We could hang out to convince the members, and maybe… To know each other better?”

Your eyes widen. ‘Did he really fell for me? We’re gonna marry each other, have children and all, so great’ You imagination went a little bit too much…

“So, you’re ok with that? But Sungkyu Hyung said weird things about being … So… Please don’t hehe”

He said smiling as you blushed and looked down.

“Y-yeah, I’m ok”

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ukissbelieve666 #1
xxcalm #2
Coconutzie #3
Chapter 1: Woah, strange girl O.O
Looking forward to he hearing her out, kekeke ~
Update soon!