Chapter One

Best Friend

First chapter up guys...^_^ Hope to get some positive feed backs for this. Remember to 'comment & subscribe'.



Eighteen years old Sandara Park sat in the gazebo in the back garden of the Park’s Mansion sketching in her pad, admiring the beauty of the cherry blossom blooming this spring. Deep into her work, Dara didn’t notice a figure approaching her from behind her until his voice broke the tranquil silence.

"You’re sketching again?"

Dara, startled, looked to her side. "Ji, I didn’t see you. What are you doing here?"

"Did I scare you? Mianhe, I didn’t mean to. But you were so immersed."

Dara waited for him to answer her question but when he didn’t she asked again, "Yah, you didn’t answer my question."


"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to Seoul today." Dara asked, but seem more like a statement to Jiyong.

"I am. But I want you to go with me too. Please?" Jiyong makes his puppy face that he knew she couldn’t resist.

"Yah, don’t show me that face!" Jiyong laughs loudly, "You know I can’t say no when you do that." This time it was her time to pout.

Jiyong looks at her while she turns back to her sketch while ignoring him. He knew she was doing it on purpose to annoy him. He smiles silently as he plays along and turns the other way to access his surrounding enjoying the view of nature.

Dara sneaks a glance from the corner of her eyes watching the side of his face. He was good looking. She didn’t know why but she had caught her heart racing several times for the past couple months every time he was around her.

"I know I’m handsome, but it’s rude to look." He whispers teasingly, she hadn’t notice him moving his face closer to hers while she was away deep in her own thoughts.

She blushed deep red, "Please! I was not looking! Who would want to look at you?! So arrogant!"

"No? Then why are you blushing?" He continues to . He thought she was adorable when she blushes. There were hardly any girls left nowadays who would still blush, not that he knew of anyway.

"It’s because of the sun! It's too hot." She answers all too quickly as she playfully pushes him away from her and turn away so he couldn’t see her face. She could feel more warmth crawling onto her cheeks.

He sat beside her again and laughs at her lame excuse to defend herself. "Alright, I won’t tease you anymore." He chuckle, "Will you come then?" He takes her hand to get her attention. "I really want you to come, Dara."

Dara could feel her stomach doing flip flops and her heart racing. She couldn’t define the meaning behind this strange behavior of hers’. She pulls herself together when she noticed his gaze had been questioning her for a while now, "But it’s nearly noon. Can we still make it back tonight? Why didn’t you come earlier?"

Jiyong scratches the back of his head sheepishly, "I meant to tell you last night when we talked on the phone, but I forgot then I thought I would tell you this morning, but I overslept."

"Aigoo…you and your brain. Whatever will I do with you?" Dara, irritated, got up from the bench.

"Where are you going?"

"We’ve already lost half the day; we must leave now if we want to get back by night. I’m going to put these away and then we can go." Jiyong watches her go as he follows her inside the mansion to the sitting room.

He already knew Dara wasn’t going to take long. For all the years he knew her, she wasn’t like other girls. She doesn’t take forever to dress up and do makeup or whatever girls usually do before they go out. In fact, she prefers the natural look than makeup and casual clothing then dressy and converse over heels. But he thought she didn’t need any of that anyway, she’s beautiful the way she is without any of those artificial products.    


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rihannika #1
Chapter 1: i like this fic, authornim <3. it's pretty interesting. please update soon.
aubreyLazy #2
very well written!!! ilove it!!! please update mooore! :D
Chapter 1: It's very interesting !!! They just ONLY best friend?? Can't imagine becoz they are perfect 4 each other (^-^)

Thank you very very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ Authornim please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee(^-^) Authornim fighting (^_^)/~~