Five Years Later, September 8


Hey you guys! Sorry I forgot to update here so here's the three new chapters I wrote, hope to hear from you guys and don forget to comment! ^-^ I love to hear from you guys!



*Beep beep*Beep beep*Click*

Sunye groan and lifted her head up that was on her pillow. Squinting her eyes to look at her alarm clock that was facing her window, with her curtains open the sun shone brightly.

"Eight thirty," Sunye read the time and got up, stretching her body she walked towards her bathroom in her room. Today was her first day of school at her university, which is technically it's her third year then.

"Dongguk University here I come." Sunye mutter out while taking her toothbrush. Minutes later she was walking down the stairs into the kitchen of her halmeoni and hal-abeoji's house, she'd been living at since she was fifteen years old.

"Morning halmeoni." Sunye said smiling and giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek, over this five years her hal-abeoji passed away leaving her with halmeoni alone.

"Morning my sweet Sunye." Halmeoni said giving a smile and patted Sunye's back as she hug her.

"Eat breakfast before you leave for school." Halmeoni said as she took a bite of her breakfast, Sunye sat across from her and started to eat. As breakfast ended Sunye got up and gave her halmeoni one more hug before leaving the house. Walking out the door she started walking towards Ye Eun's house, she was Sunye's best friend since childhood.

Ye Eun was also her cousin and Sunmi's, she was the only daughter of Park Dae Hyun. Her dad was Sunye's father older brother, he left the Min's family business to Sunye's father to pursue his dream of becoming a cook, marrying Park Jinyoung.

Walking down the street she stop at the restaurant call Park Will Make You Full, looking at her wrist watch she glance at the restaurant window above that had an extra floor where Ye Eun's family lived.

"Morning Sunye!" Ms.Park, Jinyoung, said to Sunye as she flip the sign from closed to open. Returning the reply she gave a smile and wave.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ms.Park ask as Sunye nodded.

"I'm waiting for Ye Eun." Sunye said and glance at her watch once more.

"Oh she'll be coming down shortly, though she's taking forever in the bathroom." Ms.Park said with a sigh sarcastically which made Sunye laugh.

"Umma!" A voice came behind Ms.Park, a figure appear behind her as she ran towards Sunye.

"Umma I did not take forever in the bathroom." Ye Eun said as she hook her arm on Sunye's.

"Whatever you say sweetie." Ms.Park said as Ye Eun started protesting again.

"Bye you guys! Good luck on your first day of school!" Ms.Park said and went inside the restaurant. Both Sunye and Ye Eun started walking down the street as Ye Eun mutter to herself.

"Mother's." She mutter, both Sunye and Ye Eun attend the same university and didn't live far so they walk to school together. Ye Eun is not your silent type of girl. She's caring and loving and love to make new friends, the most important thing in her life is her family and friendship. And like Sunye she loves to sing and play the piano. She had black hair that hung all the way around her shoulder, she's intelligent and she has a big appetite. How can she help it? Her family owns a restaurant and she loves food.

"Sunye?" Ye Eun ask, waving her free hand in front of Sunye's face.

"Huh?" Sunye ask snapping out of her thinking.

With a worried look Ye Eun felt Sunye's forehead. "Your not sick........did you eat breakfast this morning?"

Sunye smile and nod her head, "Yes, now come on were going to be late on the first day of school. I was just thinking that's all." She explain herself and made her pace faster and both the girls walk down the street. Just as they pass by a store with a TV Sunye stop her tracks pulling Ye Eun back alittle.

"Yah, why you stop?" Ye Eun ask as she look at Sunye who was looking at a TV from a glass that caught her attention.

"Min Hee Young has done it again! The hottest clothing company in Korea, DMH Company is rising to the top! Their clothing line has caught everyone's attention and their on FIRE!" A women who was a reporter said with such a cheerful tone that can seem to get anyone's attention. Sunye clench her fist from hearing this, she could feel Ye Eun looking at her with concern.

"Sunye-ah, deep breath. It's okay, you'll get the company back soon." Ye Eun putted a hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze, reassuring her.

"It's more than that Ye Eun. I want my house back, that belongs to MY family and I want to see Sunmi. SUNMI who I haven't got to see since I left that house." Sunye said with a harsh tone and eyes getting red, with her index finger pointing to the ground for no particular reason.

Sighing Sunye putted one of her hand on her head, "I'm sorry Ye Eun, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just seeing this and everything she does makes me angry."

Ye Eun gave a smile and putted a hand on Sunye's shoulder once more, "It's okay Sunye, I understand. But you owe me a lunch then."

Sunye laugh from this and nodded her head, "Come on, were going to be late for school." As they both walk down the street Sunye glance back at the TV once more before leaving.

"Sohee, sweetie wake up. It's your first day of school today." Hee Young woke her daughter up gently, Sohee lifting her head from her warm pillow glared at her mother and slowly got out of bed.

"I don't need you to wake me up. And beside it's not really the first day of school since I've been going to the same high school for the last three years or so. I'm just going to the same school in another grade." Sohee reply with a motionless tone as she went towards her closet.

Hee Young stood their looking at her daughter and gave a light hearten smile, "I picked your school uniform out already." Sohee, with her back facing her mom turned her head and studied her.

"Don't you have someone else to wake up?" Sohee ask as her mom smirk.

"Oh don't worry about her, when I got to her room she seem to be awake already." Hee Young said and sat down on Sohee's bed.

"Anyways your uniform is in the bathroom, so go and get freshen up. I'm going to drive you to school today." Hee Young said as Sohee walked towards the bathroom in her room.

"And what about her?" Sohee ask stepping inside the bathroom and turning around to face her mom.

"Sunmi? Oh, I told her she should get a life. So I'm guessing she's taking the city bus to school like always." Hee Young said with a smile. Sohee closed the door and gave a sigh, another day like the previous one.

Sitting in the big living room, Sunmi took a bite of her rasberry jam toast. Scanning the room she found the maid cleaning and no site of her step mom and sister.

"Morning Ms.Min." All of the maids said as Sunmi cringe from hearing this. A woman sat across from Sunmi and looked at her with a smirk.

"Good morning step daughter." Hee Young said as Sunmi return the reply and stood up from her seat.

"Excuse me, I think I'll be leaving. Don't want to miss my ride." Sunmi said and grab her bag that was set down beside her chair.

"You mean your city bus ride?" Hee Young said as Sunmi face flush from embarrassment, she could hear the maids murmuring pitying her.

"Yes." Sunmi whisper out and walked out the living room running into Sohee.

"Sorry." Sunmi mutter and scooted aside for Sohee to go pass her. Once she got in the living room Sunmi dash out the front door putting on her shoes first and ran to the bus stop.

Standing at the bus stop with some other people, mostly halmeoni she looked around the place. Trash were everywhere making Sunmi upset, she cares for the earth and wants to help it in her future.

"I'm going to stick on a wall and worry about the future of Earth." She mutter to herself and heard someone snicker behind her. Turning her head around she found a teenage guy probably around her age, perhaps one year older smirking at her. She didn't notice anything else when she quickly turn around to face the front feeling embarrassment coming to her. Just then the bus came and she quickly got in.

Every seat was already full until she found an empty spot at the very back. Sitting down she gave out a sigh thinking she'll never see that guy again.

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herlyn #1
Chapter 15: are you still writing this story?
binnie #2
yay finally u update
binnie #3
when u want to update??