A Quote & The Start


Dear Diary,

One year has pass since Hana left me, and I didn't really get the time to visit her grave. Why? Eheheh, I bet you already know Diary but anyways I'll tell you. I spent my time with Hee Young and her daughter with mine. I think we can actually rebuild a new family. I even ask Hee Young to marry

Dong Min slam his diary into the drawer and locked it as Sunye poke her head in smiling.

"Appa! It's time come on!" She said happily as he got up from his chair and straighten his suit. Today was an important day for him, he and his two daughters was going to meet up with Hee Young along with her daughter Sohee to take the wedding picture. Continue from that their going to pick the cake, wedding dress, theme, accessories, invitations, etc.

As Dong Min help Sunmi get seated in the car Sunye got in the passenger seat next to his dad.

"Appa, you look pretty today." Sunmi said smiling as Dong Min laughed from her comment.

"Handsome Sunmi, not pretty." Dong Min reply and made a sour face playfully when saying the word pretty. Sunmi laugh also as she buckle herself. Minutes later they started driving to the city wedding shop.

"Dong Min!" Hee Young voice called out to him when he step inside the wedding shop.

"Hee Young." Dong Min reply back with a calm soothing voice as he smiled. Sitting down on a couch as Hee Young and Dong Min pick out their outfit Sunmi sat beside Sohee across from them.

Smiling Sunmi turn to face Sohee, "Would you like to be the flower girl?"

Sohee turn to face her with a emotionless face, "Why would I?" Sunmi's eyes turn from excitement to shock.

"Why?" Sunmi ask more to herself and scratch her head thinking about this.

"Sohee!" Hee Young shouted slightly and eyed her daughter, she heard their conversation and scolded her with her eyes.

"Now Hee Young, no need to scold her you'll frighten her." Dong Min said and turn to look at Sohee with a smile, she stared at him and looked away.

"It's okay umma-almost to be- I'm okay." Sunmi said with a smile that gave out a happy vibe. Just then a girl clear with all attention turning towards her.

"I'm going to get some water." Sunye said and left, she couldn't stand the tensions there. It wasn't like she dislike Hee Young, it's just that she need time to except the fact that her appa is getting marry again. Taking a deep breath she thought back to this morning. She saw her appa slamming a book or something into a drawer and locking it when she reached his office.

"What's inside?" She whisper to herself.

"What's inside unni?" Sunmi voice appear beside Sunye which made her jump and yelp alittle.

"Sorry unni, I didn't mean to scare you." Sunmi said shyly as Sunye just smile.

"That's okay Sunmi, why did you leave appa, Hee Young, and Sohee behind to come to me?" Sunye ask as she played with Sunmi's pigtails.

"To be with you unni, your upset about appa getting marry again aren't you?" Sunmi ask with concern, Sunye shook her head denying it.

"No, it's just....it's just........." Sunye tried to think of something as Sunmi gave her a look saying "I told you so".

"Okay, maybe alittle." Sunye admitted as Sunmi shook her head.

"Alittle? Unni, I know how you feel. I...I...' Sunmi hesitated and look at Sunye with a serious face. "I feel the same way too unni. I may look happy and all, but inside I feel the same way also. It's just that I miss umma and I feel down alittle knowing appa is marrying-" Sunmi got cut off when Sunye hugged her, embracing her with the same emotions.

"I know Sunmi, I know everything about you. Don't feel sad, we can do this together. We don't want appa to be lonely do you?" Sunye ask as Sunmi shook her head.

"For appa, will be happy for him." Sunmi said as Sunye nod her head, they both shared an embrace and walked back to Hee Young and Dong Min smiling brightly.

Dear Diary,

Five years has pass by, it's been five years since I got remarried to Anh Hee Young now known as Min Hee Young, she's  my wife but I don't love her the way I love Hana. She can never replace her, but she's my great friend I trust. And since these five years has pass........it was truly a great memory I'll never forget. But it seems that my health has been going down the hill. My condition is getting worse everyday and the doctors seem to have know cure for this. I guess my time is up on earth, I think I can rest in peace. With Hee Young here, she'll surely take care of my daughters and her's.

Putting away his diary under the bed mattress, since his condition was getting worse he couldn't get anywhere since he's becoming weaker, so his diary was now moved to this location. Sighing he looked out the window, the sun was shining bright on a June day.

"Appa!" A teenage voice came from the hall. Dong Min turning his head he looked towards the door to find a head poking from the doorway.

"Appa." She said once more with a cheeky smile.

"Sunmi." Dong Min said gesturing her to come inside.

"I got you Palmiers (French Puff Pastry Cookies)(picture on what it looks like- http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/gallery.php?rid=66655)" Sunmi said smiling, showing him the box that had a red ribbon on top. She's now twelve, the same age as Sohee while for Sunye she's now fifteen.

"You know, umma don't want me to eat these." Dong Min said with a serious face.

"I know, but I also know that you love them. And you know you can't resist eating one." Sunmi said getting one out of the box and taking a bite in front of her father.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Sunmi made some noise and close her eyes for more effect. "that hits the spot."

Dong Min watched as he wet his lip, "Okay you win Sunmi, hand me one quick before your umma see's me eating one." Sunmi laughed and handed him the box, opening it he grab one out and took a bite.

"Mmmmmmmmm, you are right. It really.....what do you young people say now these days? It hits the spot?" Dong Min ask as he took another bite of his cookie.

"Yep." Sunmi said as she her fingers that was holding a cookie minutes ago. Just then another voice came from the door, it was a girl voice with a feminine touch to it.

"I see you got appa another box of cookies." Sunye voice came from the door as she poke her head in from the door way like Sunmi from before. Sunmi smile cheekily and nod her head.

"Looks like you beat me to it." Sunye said showing them the same box from the same store with the same cookies imside.

"Sorry unni." Sunmi said as she laughed from this.

"You girls, you should be a shame of yourself for buying these for me. You know I can't eat these since I'm going to leave this world faster if you-" Dong Min said as both of his daughter shouted sternly at him.

"Appa!" Sunye and Sunmi both said at the same time with serious eyes at him.

"Don't joke like that." Sunye said lowering her voice.

"Yeah, don't say that appa. It's not funny." Sunmi continue as Dong Min just chuckle from their comments.

"Oh my precious daughters, you know it's true. My condition are getting worse everyday and I'm going to leave the earth soon." Dong Min said as he had tears in his eyes.

"Appa." Sunmi said as she sat on his bedside taking his hand in her's.

"Now when I leave you guys better be good, you hear?" Dong Min ask looking from his oldest daughter to the youngest.

"I promise." Both of the girls whisper out.

Dong Min gave a weak smile, "Good. Now let me tell you girls something I once heard from a friend. 'The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and good bye for the last.'" Dong Min quoted as both the girls took this into their mind.

"Two hardest things to say in life are hello........" Sunye said to herself as Sunmi finished it for her, who also seem to be talking to herself.

"For the first time and good bye for the last." Sunmi whisper as Dong Min nod his head.

"Now you two girls leave me alone, I think I'm getting tired quick lately." Dong Min said and yawned.

"Okay, bye appa." Both the girls said and left the room, closing the door behind. He waited until their footsteps grew faint and took out his diary once more.

Dear Diary,

I think my time is up..........may my new family have joy to their life..................

[Sunye P.O.V.]

June 20, was the day my father pass away. Sunmi and I weep in each other arms as Hee Young umma (I don't know why I call her this instead of umma though) weep in Sohee's shoulder who seem like usual, emotionless. The sun wasn't out that day and the sky seem gray, I couldn't believe that last night talk with appa was my last one.

"Unni, we have to stay strong." Sunmi whisper in my ear as she hugged me tighter. I looked down on her and hugged her tighter also.

"Yes." I whisper in her ear. I didn't want to talk about appa's death and even think about it. And eventually his funeral came, we pass through that tragic and everything seem to have settle down.

Until appa's umma came this one day, I still remember their conversation or rather their argument. It was like Hee Young umma was another person, she isn't like this when we first met her. She was sweet and nice, but the Hee Young we saw when she talked to halmeoni was harsh and wicked. Maybe it's..........it's.....her...........true self. I'm scared if that's the truth, but that day when appa's umma came was like this....................

"Sunye! Sunmi!" Appa's mom called out to us from the outside of our house. Sunmi and I was at the living room so we heard her and ran out, embracing her.

"You guys come live with me." She said as we just nod our heads not knowing why.

"Not so fast beoblyul eomeoni (mother-in-law)." Hee Young umma said with a sly smile as her eyes was kept on halmeoni (Dong Min's mother).

"I'm not leaving until I take them." Halmeoni said as she hugged me and Sunmi tighter around her arms.

"Oh I'm not stopping you beoblyul eomeoni. It's just that you can only take one, I don't really care which one.  You'll do me a good deed, one less child to take care of." Hee Young said looking at her nails and cross her arm over her chest.

"You wicked.......wicked.........." Halmeoni said as Hee Young umma smirk, I looked at Sunmi who had a smile.

"Halmeoni," Sunmi said as Halmeoni turn her gaze from Hee Young umma to Sunmi. "Take Sunye unni." She said as my eyes widen from shock.

"Sunmi! No you can't!" I shouted at her, she shook her head. I could feel her release her arms around halmeoni.

"Halmeoni, please take Sunye unni. She needs it, and please take care of her." Sunmi said walking towards Hee Young umma.

"Sunmi-ah............" Halmeoni called out as Sunmi shook her head slightly and gave a bright smile.

"Take care you guys." She said as Hee Young umma had her maid drag me and halmeoni out the house front that I use to live in outside the gate. Minutes later as we stood there a maid dump a bag that had some of my possessions inside in front of  me.

"Bye Miss Sunye." The maid said and closed the gate that led it to my use-to-live-in-house.

"Let's go Sunye." Halmeoni said, as I got the bag and looked at the house once more. My grip tighten on the bag I was holding. The only thing I had in my mind was, "I hate you Hee Young, I'll never forgive you."

That day when I got to halmeoni and hal-abeoji's house, which took hours they gave me a room. They live so far from my old home I couldn't help but got home sick. Once I got to my new room I slowly got my possessions out from my bag and put it away. Just then a paper fell from my bag as I put it away in my closet. Picking it up and opening it I recognize Sunmi's handwriting. I quickly started reading it as I sat on the wooden floor in my room.

Dear Sunye unni,

Please don't be mad at my decision, you really deserve this. I know you think I'm  a babo for doing this, but I think you should be away from umma. I know you don't want to be in this house sometime after appa's death...........Once you live in halmeoni and hal-abeoji's house be happy and free. (Oh don't forget to tell them I say hi and that I love them!) I know you'll be smart and beautiful when you grow up. Fighting unni! I'll always be with you even though we might seem far far apart.

-Love your 4-D sister Sunmi ^^

Tears slid down my face as I finish reading the letter. Wiping it away I read it once more as more tears came down my face.

"Sunmi you babo........" I whisper out and laughed quietly to how she finally admit she's a 4-D person when she never admit it till now. As I finished everything and took a long bath, I got to my new bed I thought how everything happen so suddenly. Before I fell asleep I thought how I'll take back what belongs to me and Sunmi from the beginning in the future.

"I"ll never forgive you Anh Hee Young." I whisper out and fell asleep.

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herlyn #1
Chapter 15: are you still writing this story?
binnie #2
yay finally u update
binnie #3
when u want to update??