Chapter 2

The Lives We Lead

Eunhyuk didn’t really know what to say at first, but just standing there staring at them seemed to make it worse, so he quickly spoke up;

“I’m fine, I don’t think I broke anything-“, he said it as a joke but the 2 faces in front of him darkened at the remark, and he suddenly felt really uncomfortable, was he really that bad at making jokes?

“My doesn’t break that easily you guys-“, at his second remark the one he had now known to be Donghae smiled brightly, making Eunhyuk feel instantly more at ease.

“Oh, I’m Eunhyuk by the way, one of the dance teachers here.” Eunhyuk suddenly felt himself a lot more at ease and if these 2 were in fact new trainees, they seemed to be around his own age which made him feel a little glad, though he was only 26, all these young teens sometimes made him feel like he was an old man.


“Hae, you idiot, I can’t believe you just knocked over our dance teacher, you really are like a 5 year old sometimes...” Sungmin grabbed Donghae’s head and started nuzzling his hair, which made Donghae winch and try and push him away.

“Ahh- Minnie you’re messing up my hair!” Donghae finally got free of the hold, only to once again bump into Eunhyuk, this time not fully knocking him over.

He quickly turned and looked extremely apologetic towards Eunhyuk, smiling shyly, holding the back of his neck with his right hand lightly scratching it.

Eunhyuk sighed to himself, he somehow couldn’t get mad at him, his eyes just seemed so childlike and innocent and he felt like he would be scolding a child.

“Don’t worry about it, just don’t let it happen again okay?”

Donghae smiled at him so brightly, like a child that had just been told he could have all the candy he wanted.

“You got it Teach!” Donghae was such a happy person, Eunhyuk couldn’t understand how one could simply be so happy, what could there possibly be to be that happy about.

But suddenly while the 2 newbies had turned to the changing rooms to change into their dancing clothes, Eunhyuk found himself smiling at the foolish actions of the young man he had just met, why was he standing there smiling all of a sudden… He was a little puzzled, but pushed the thoughts away as more dancers, mostly old but also a few new ones, entered the room, Donghae and Sungmin entering last with Eunhyuk’s fellow dance teacher Yunho.

And another day of dance practice began, firstly settling in the new members and then just going straight into routine after routine, dance after dance.


It seemed as several hours had come and gone before anyone really noticed it was time to stop for the day, Yunho turned to switch off the music, halting the remaining people that were still moving about, including Eunhyuk. Donghae though was still in movement and somehow managed to trip over his own feet, once again successfully knocking Eunhyuk over, this time landing on top of him.

Donghae wanted to say something, but his lips moved as no sound came out he closed them again.
Eunhyuk sighed and pushed him off the sudden closeness made him a little uncomfortable if he had to be honest with himself.

“Yah! Hae, seriously, you don’t have to keep knocking him over!”
Sungmin had rushed over helping Donghae up, as Eunhyuk had already gotten to his feet by himself.
“Eunhyuk-ssi, I’m so sorry about my friend, I’ll keep a better look out for him in the future.”
Sungmin bowed and showed a rather apologetic look towards Eunhyuk, then moving his eyes to Donghae eyeing him to also bow, which he quickly did, also looking incredibly sorry.

An awkward silence fell over the room which was broken by Yunho.

“Okay everyone that’s it for today, we will be following up on everything tomorrow. You can all go hit the showers now.”
Yunho looked just as tired as Eunhyuk felt, but he was grateful to his co-worker for wrapping up the day, Eunhyuk just didn’t have it in him to talk to all those people right now.

Everyone excited the much too heated dance studio to go to the showers, leaving Eunhyuk behind.
Eunhyuk started his daily routine of opening the windows fully to let fresh air in and then proceeded to pick up various towels people had just left behind, letting out a breath as he then walked towards the door, heading towards the showers, almost everyone was gone by now, only leaving Yunho and him, or so he thought at first.


Eunhyuk was walking down the hall towards the showers, thinking that he’d meet Yunho, he usually never left before talking to him shortly about the following days schedule.
But he bumped into someone on the way, as he was walking absentmindedly, he didn’t really see someone walking in front of him, as he fell, he thought to himself, this had to be the at least third time he fell down today.
As he sat there on the floor, he looked up to see who it was that he bumped into this time, well technically the other times today, hadn’t been his fault, it had been that new trainee--

“Teach I’m so sorry“. He reached out to grab Eunhyuk arm. “I feel like I have done nothing but knock you over today, I really didn’t mean to, and though I am usually clumsy, this day has got to be in the top three of days.”
As Eunhyuk was pulled up from the floor boards, he thought to himself that he really wouldn’t have expected it to be anyone else, even if it had been his own fault this time around.

“Donghae-ssi it’s okay, as I said earlier today, my doesn’t break that easily”.
Donghae started to smile, much like he had done earlier in the day at Eunhyuk’s childlike joke, though this time the smile seemed more genuine.
Eunhyuk found himself smiling back at the younger, but soon caught himself in doing so and quickly cleared his throat-

“So, why haven’t you left yet, everyone else seems gone by now?”
Donghae suddenly turned rather shy and directed his attention towards his shoes, scratching the back of his neck with his right hand.
“I- ehm- kind of forgot a towel.” He slightly raised his head as he spoke to Eunhyuk, not fully meeting his eyes.

“I mean, usually I could just borrow from Minnie hyung, but he had to leave early today, so I kind of just got stuck here, I mean I usually am very forgetful and I would have asked the other teacher, but I didn’t even know his name, and then I-".
He was rambling on and Eunhyuk didn’t know whether to stop him or to let him finish, but Donghae did seem rather nervous and at edge all of a sudden, so he decided to cut in.

“Hey, slow down. You’re in luck today, I have brought an extra towel with me and since I didn’t use any of them during todays training, you can have the extra one, how does that sound?”
Donghae now lifted his face to fully look at Eunhyuk. And Eunhyuk could have sworn there were sparkles in his eyes. And he once again found himself smiling back at him, this time actually smiling his wide gummy smile.

“You head on back to the showers Donghae-ssi, I’ll just get my bag and the extra towel.”
“Okay Teacher-nim.” He nodded and turned to head back towards the showers, but turned to yell after Eunhyuk-
“Oh and you don’t have to call me Donghae-ssi, Donghae or even just Hae is fine, Teacher-nim.”
And with that he disappeared into the shower room, Eunhyuk still stood there and smiling to himself, he lightly chuckled before he turned around and headed the other way to grab his bag.

Not noticing the door that was quietly shut beside him. A door with the sign ‘Choi Siwon’ on it.

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Lonelyl3o #1
Oh dear!
Love this story so far ^-^
Keep up the good work..
Will be looking forward for every update for this story ♥‿♥
'Spread the love'
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 2: Why is hae so clumsy? Or he did it on purpose? Kekeke nice one hae, when kyumin meet?
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 1: First meeting of hae, ming and hyuk. More to come? Where is kyu? Update soon...