
Be Mine


A small sigh escaped my cold lips as I made my way to the front door of Korean school. Another week. Another boring lesson. I pulled up my knitted scarf just below my mouth before burying my hands deep into my pockets. I quickened my pace as I felt a cold breeze pass, causing my body to shiver. I let myself in and walked down the quiet hallways to my classroom. I opened the door and sighed in disappointment as the temperature in here was no better than outside. I made my way to my seat saying short greetings to my classmates as I passed by. I sat there for a while trying to calm my shaky body. I glanced around the room and my eyes landed on him. He was laughing with his friends and I couldn’t help the small smile that was tugging at the corners of my mouth. He’s so handsome. I couldn’t help the thoughts of him and I together that made their way in my head. I shook my head and immediately snapped back to reality. Averting my gaze from him, I stared at the classroom door waiting for my teacher to arrive. 


Late again” I mumbled to myself. 


I sat there patiently waiting while blowing into my cold hands. I couldn’t stop my knees from shaking. Why today? On one of the coldest days in Winter? I could be in my warm bed listening to the latest Kpop music. Another sign escaped my slightly blue lips just thinking of all the other possible things I could be doing instead of being here. Another gush of cold wind flew by the class as someone walked through the door. My head shot up to see if it was the teacher. To my disappointment, it wasn’t. I slouched back down into my seat and leaned my elbows onto the desk, my head resting on my palms. I completely zoned out, thinking about all the recent photos of BigBang and Se7en. I was too caught up in my own world, that I failed to realise a very familiar aura surrounding me. I felt someone creep up behind me and............ flick my hair?. That felt rather familiar. I opened my eyes and slowly turned around to find that one face the lightens up my mood, standing in front of me with a sweet smile plastered across his face. I couldn’t help but smile back. 




Just that one word from him made my insides melt. 


“Hi” I replied shyly. 


I patted the seat next to me, signaling for him to sit. He happily obliged and slumped onto the chair. We sat there for a moment in silence. I was happy in his company. He had that power over me that just made me.... happy. A few minutes passed and we were engulfed into a conversation about who knows what. But I enjoyed it. *sigh* I wish moments like these lasted forever. But that thought bubble soon burst as the teacher of the class finally decided to show up. I, once again, signed inwardly as he bid goodbye and went back to his normal seat. The class finally started as the students went back to their assigned seats, mine not being next to his. A few minutes into the lesson and I could already start to feel my eyelids slowly falling. I tried hard to concentrate on the lesson currently taking place. I softly slapped my cheeks and blinked back the sleep that was slowly taking over me. I stared straight ahead only to be distracted by one particular person. He’s not looking. Great! I took this time to carefully analyze him. Everything about him in Husband material.. I thought to myself. Just looking at his soft, fluffy hair, how can a person look so cute? 


“Dara..” Did someone say something? Oh well.. 


Don’t even get me started with his back. Just by looking at his, what seems to be muscular back, gets me thinking what his front would look like. I wonder wha-




I quickly snapped out of my trance when I felt someone nudging my side. I shook my head and focused my head to where my table partner was nodding. I faced the front and found my teacher gazing at me. Uh-oh. I also failed to notice the deadly silence that suddenly dawned upon the class. All eyes were on me. *Gulp* 


“W-What was the question?” 


A few giggles could be heard as I slumped deeper into my seat. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Oh my gosh, how embarrassing! I could hear the teacher sigh and he repeated the question. After hearing it the second time, I still had no clue what the answer was. Think Dara, think! 


“Well.. uhm.. I don’t kn-” 


Before I could even finish what I was trying to say, Jiyong swiftly stood up and answered the question for me. 


“That symbol stands for..” 


I totally spaced out after hearing his deep, cool voice.  I felt my heart flicker for the shortest second before beating normally again. Is he really answering the question for me right now? I couldn’t help but touch my cheeks while listening to him save my . Why are my cheeks so hot? Why is HE so hot? 


“..use it in the right term” 


After answering the question, he turned around and glanced my way. My voice hitched in my throat as I carefully studied his angelic face. He has such smooth looking skin. I just want to touch it.. Not to mention his fine jawline *drool* Before he turned back in his seat, he sent me a small wink and a smirk. The rest of the students in the class were well aware of what seemed to be happening between the two of us as they started hooting and whistling. Jiyong just turned back in his seat, a hint of red creeping up to his cheeks. My table partner, and best friend Bom, gave me a look that I was way too familiar with. The class immediately quietened down when the teacher slightly coughed hinting that he was still present. Tiny giggles could still be hear throughout the class as the teacher continued with the lesson. This is going to be a loooong day..


A loud bell brought me back to life as I shot up from my seat. I found myself to be the only one standing with very messed up hair. All eyes were on me.. again. Crap. More giggles escaped my classmates’ mouths as I slowly descended into my seat. Not one person moved after hearing the bell except for the teacher who quickly slipped out, clearly not wanting to be here a second longer. Laughter filled the room in an instant as they all looked my way. I buried my face in my palms before turning to look at Bom. She covered to try to stop the laughs waiting to escape. 


“Was I sleeping?”


I obviously already knew the answer. She tried to compose herself before answering with a short nod. I looked at her with a horrified expression and cautiously looked around the room. The students were all clutching their stomaches trying to ease their laughter. I just sat there, in my chair, hoping to God that the floor would just open up and swallow me whole. I sat in my chair covering my face with my hands, hoping to become invisible. I gradually separated my fingers to see if he was watching me too. I saw him smiling widely at one of his mates who threw me a glance and he stood up from his chair. 


“Where is he going?” I mumbled to myself. 


He turned around and started walked in my direction. My eyes suddenly widened and prayed that he would just walk pass. This is so embarrassing! I could feel my heart racing and I anxiously waited for this moment to subside. I tightly shut my eyes again, hoping that I could teleport to anywhere but here. I heard movement in front of me, only to find Jiyong pulling up a chair and sitting in front of me. He had his legs sitting on either side of the chair as he sat backwards on his seat. His arms were crossed on the top of the back rest. He leaned his chin on his arms and looked at me with a boyish smile plastered on his face. I removed my hands from my face as he stared intently at me. I could just feel my heart pumping out of my chest at this very moment. I tried to compose myself before he started speaking, a tint of pink on my cheeks.


“Dara, are you okay?” 


I tried not to get lost into his light brown orbs. Speak Dara! Say something! I let out an awkward giggle before replying.


“Eh he.. I’m fine, thanks” 


After hearing those words from me, his face lit up even more and I couldn’t help but smile at his pearly whites. We were engaged in another conversation for a few minutes before a sudden shiver hit me as someone walked through the door. Jiyong didn’t fail to see it as I saw him chuckle cutely and swiftly got up from his seat, only to come back with the small heater in hand. I looked at him confusedly, before he pulled me down on the carpet to sit beside it. He also sat down with the small heater placed between us. I could already feel my body starting to warm up and I couldn’t help but let out a soft, relieved sigh. 




I looked at Jiyong with a happy, content smile. 


“Better. Thank you” 


He smiled back as we just sat in silence for a while enjoying the warmth. Before we could start another conversation, a different teacher quietly slipped in and hustled the students to go back to their seats. A sigh escaped my lips, I’ve been doing that a lot lately, as Jiyong had to retreat back to his normal seat. I rested my elbows on the table and leaned my chin on top of my open palms. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was so handsome, even from the back! He suddenly looked my way and smiled smugly before turning back around and focused on the class. Oh my gosh, I’ve just been caught staring at him.. I fiddled with my fingers in my lap avoiding the gaze I knew Bom was giving me. Here we go again.. I thought to myself.


The minutes dragged on for what felt like hours. I just wanted this class to end. Thank god my embarrassing moment finally passed as the students started to compose themselves once again. I heaved a deep sigh as I watched the hands on the clocks tick. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tic-.. What just happened? Did that hand just stopped moving? Noooooooo!! I will die in this classroom... I thought to myself. More minutes passed and it just seemed like this class wasn’t ending anytime soon. I tried so hard to entertain myself with anything I could get my hands on. If only I could get my hands on Ji- Stop it Dara! I scolded myself.


While finding something to do other than listening to the teachers constant talking, a miracle happened. The bell rang. WOOHOO! I forced myself not to jump out of my seat and run home to my bed. He dismissed the class, and everyone started moving from their seats. Once the teacher was out of sight, I slumped off my seat and stretched my arms and legs. The second I stretched out my legs, I heard a loud grunt. My eyes shot open and was shocked to see Kwon Jiyong on all fours. Before anything could actually register, I couldn’t help but notice how firm his looks. I wonder what they feel like.. Here we go again. Me drifting off to my wonderland.. Bom nudged me, signaling for me to help him. I snapped back to reality and hurriedly ran in front of the table to help him up.


“Oh my gosh, are you okay? I’m so sorry.” 


I had a worried expression on my face, not to mention a crimson colour across my cheeks. How embarrassing! Why today of all days? Am I being punished? He simply shot me a lopsided smile and nodded. I held his forearm and helped him up.


“I’m fine, no need to worry.” 


I would’ve been convinced if I didn’t notice the red carpet burns on both his knees. It was a preeeeetty hard fall. I tried to hide my shame and embarrassment, and assisted him to sit on a chair while I got him some ice for his knees. I came back with some ice in hand and handed it to Jiyong.


“Thanks” he replied, and shot me one of his signature smirks.


I tried not to melt right there and then. He’s so cute! I shook my head. Must resist.. 


We were sitting next to heater once again as the temperature started to get a little colder. My hands were folded together on my lap as I tried to keep them warm, but to no avail. I was furiously rubbing my hands together, bringing them to my mouth and trying to blow cool air into them. Im guessing Jiyong noticed this and reached over and grabbed my hands in his.


“Need help with that?” He asked and a short laugh followed.


He reached over the heater and started to rub my tiny hands with his fairly large ones trying to help me warm them. I think he noticed my shocked expression and chuckled.


“My hands are muuuuch bigger then yours, so I thought it would be helpful” 


He said and gazed as his hands which were completely covering mine.


“See look”


He opened his hand and signaled for me to do the same. I hesitantly opened my hand and placed my palm against his. Breathe Dara. Breathe. I let out a shy laugh and averted his gaze, hiding the blush that crept up to my cheeks. He chuckled once again and slowly dropped his hand, to my disappointment. We sat there for a while in silence, appreciating the warmth the heater was giving off. Jiyong cleared his throat before starting a conversation.


“So.. I hear that you’re trying out for the YG auditions, huh?”


I shot my head to face him with widened eyes. How did he know?! I let out an awkward chuckle before answering.


“Uhm, yeah.. how did you know?”


“Bom told me” he simply stated.


I slowly glanced her way. I shot her a deadly look and narrowed my eyes. She cheekily gave me two thumbs up before scurrying away. Remind me to kill her later..


“So, any idea what song you’re gonna sing?”


“Er, not really sure, actually”


He nodded his head and didn’t ask further questions. This is so embarrassing! I cleared my throat before bashfully asking,


“Uhm, i-if you’d like, you can come and watch? I-I mean.. if you’re not busy...” 


Stop stuttering Dara! You sound like an idiot! I cleared my throat before continuing.


“My other friends will be there too.. so it won’t just be the two of us... I was just wondering if you’d wanna come watch.. You don’t have to if you don-”


“I’d love to”


He shot me a heart-melting smile and I immediately looked away, hiding my flushed expression. We started conversing more after that. I just feel so free when I talk to him. I feel so comfortable around him. No way does he know what issues I go through in my personal life, but when I feel blue or just out of it, he always knows what to say to help clear the atmosphere.


A couple more minutes passed and the afternoon bell rang signaling the class that we could leave. I was the first one to get up from the carpet and held out my hand for Jiyong to take. He looked at my hand first before looking at me. I blushed under his gaze and he willingly took my hand and hoisted himself up.


“Thanks” he said and ruffled my hair.


“No worries. How are your knees by the way?”


I bent down and took a peek at his knees before he softly grabbed me by my upper arms and pulled me back up to face him. He smiled before speaking again.


“They’re fine. Just help me, will you?”


And with that, he wrapped one of his long, muscular arms around my petite shoulder. I shudder a bit at his sudden touch before composing myself and helped him walk to his desk to gather his things. I then gathered my things and bid my goodbyes. I was the first one to leave trying to get home as fast as possible and out of the icy, cold weather.


I was standing outside the school waiting to be picked up by my mum. I glanced at my watch and frowned.


“She’s already 10 minutes late.. Where could she be?”


I decided to head back inside the school to avoid freezing to death. I sat down on the leather chair inside the lounge room waiting for my mum to arrive. A few more minutes passed and the receptionist, Em, called out to me. I hesitantly stood up and walked towards the front desk.


“Hi Dara, your mother just called and informed us that she won’t be able to pick you up due to some complications at work.


I sighed at looked towards the ground shaking my head.


“Again?” I mumbled to myself.


“Do you need to call someone and ask to be picked up? Em asked me.


Before I could reply, a soothing voice cut through.


“No need. I can take her home”


Jiyong walked behind me and placed his arm around my waist. I shivered at the warm feeling and he led me outside. Once he opened the front door, the sudden chill came over me and I couldn’t help but hug myself and furiously rub my upper arms. Jiyong looked down as me and laughed. I pouted my lips and looked up at him. My teeth were chattering but I couldn’t resist smiling as his laughing state. He removed his jacket and placed it over my body. Me being the small person I am, allowed the jacket to cover me completely warming up my body in am instant. I smiled for the shortest of seconds before frowning again noticing that he was only wearing thin layers. I was ready to remove the jacket from my body when he stopped me.


“Don’t. You’ll freeze to death if you don’t wear it”


“But-” I was ready to argue but he stopped me again.


“Don’t worry, I’m fine” He replied and ruffled my hair.


I smiled back and replied shyly.


“Thank you”


This day didn’t turn out so bad after all. Being the gentleman that he is, he opened the passenger door for me and dramatically escorted me inside. With one hand he held open the door and with the other he rolled his arm motioning for me to enter.




He spoke with a posh British accent and held out his arm to the passenger seat. I stifled a giggle and played along.


“Thank you, M’Lord”


He laughed whole-heartedly at our cheesiness and closed the door. I regretted saying that the instant it came out of my mouth. What did I just say right now? I cannot believe I said that.. I buried my face in my hands out of pure embarrassment but immediately straightened up when I heard Jiyong opening his door. He buckled his seatbelt and turned to me, noticing that I haven’t buckled up yet. 


I turned to look at him and caught him staring at me. I turned away, only to find him leaning closer and closer. My heart rate sped up and I was afraid that it would burst out of my chest. Oh my gosh, is he going to kiss me?! I thought to myself. He leaned over my eyes automatically closed. I waited for the impact on my lips, but felt nothing. I slowly opened one eye to take a peek. He reached over and grazed my arm with his warm hand, sending shivers throughout my body. I opened my eyes completely and realised that he was just buckling my seatbelt. I flushed and smiled at him in thanks. I admit, I was slightly disappointed.


“Ready?” He asked.


I nodded my head and shot him a smile, which he swiftly returned. He was always taking care of me. He’s such a caring guy and for that, I’m truly grateful. Maybe he just thinks of me as a sister? He is always just taking care of me. I mean, when I think about it, he’s always playing with my hair and ruffling it. I frowned at the thought. He revved the engine, and reversed out of the parking lot and onto the busy roads. I kept stealing glances at him while he was focusing on the road. I couldn’t help but admire his handsomeness. I snuck a glance at him and this time, I froze. I think I stopped breathing for a second. He was staring right back. I’ve been caught staring! Again.. I looked away and outside my window. Suddenly, the outside world seemed more interesting.


We stopped at a red light and everything became awkward. The silence earlier was comfortable and completely normal. But now it was tense.. and slightly uncomfortable. I turned my head in his direction and quickly turned back after catching him staring again. Why is everything so awkward now? It’s never been awkward between the two of us. We were always so chill and ourselves when we were around each other. But there was something in his eyes that melted my heart. His gaze was so soft and affectionate. Why is my heart beating so fast? I clutched my chest to try to ease my heart. I took deep breathes and tried looking his way just once more but the traffic light had turned green. 


The ride home felt like it was never going to end and it suddenly got a little chilly. I released a shudder and reached out to turn on the heater, only to be met with Jiyong’s hand. I looked up from the heater and shyly pulled my hand back and onto my lap. Jiyong softly chucked and cutely rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled and chuckled at his shyness.






We spoke and at the same time and let out a short laugh. I relaxed in my seat as he turned up the heater. Now this feels right.


A few more minutes passed and the tense atmosphere started to die down. I stared outside my window and noticed that this wasn’t the way to my house. I turned around to face him with a shocked expression. Jiyong caught my look and laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


“Jiyong, where are we going?” 


I was very curious and slightly worried. He looked at me for a second before facing the road again with a smile.


“I want to show you something. Can I?”


He looked at me again with a reassuring smile and I couldn’t resist. I nodded and looked down, fumbling with my fingers on my lap. I could already feel my cheeks burning up and my stomach started to do flips for no reason. I patiently waited for him to take me wherever he was taking me. It was getting darker and my eyes started to slowly flutter. I’ll just close my eyes and rest for a while.. In an instant, my eyes completely shut and sleep finally took over me.


I stirred a little as I felt something heavy on my body. I cracked open one eyes to see what it was. It was a jacket.. Jiyong’s jacket! I quickly shot up from my seat remembering where I was. I rubbed my face and straightened up my hair and saw Jiyong holding back a smile. He turned towards his door and got out. My face flushed in embarrassment and turned to look outside. My jaw dropped as I saw the amazing view before me. We were at a park close to Jiyong’s house. I noticed the scenery however I only came by during the day. It looked incredible during the night. There were beautiful lights everywhere. It felt like Christmas with the gorgeous blue and white lights spread across the trees and street lamps. I saw Jiyong making his way to a bench nearby, making himself comfortable. He casually looked around as if he was waiting for someone.


“He must be expecting someone..” I mumbled to myself.


Thinking that, I quickly got out of the car and walked towards him. I couldn’t help but feel upset at the thought. He turned around and looked at me. I stopped for a moment and gaped as his handsome looks. I regained my compose and continued walking. I took off the jacket and neatly folded it before placing it down next to him. He looked at the jacket then at me with a confused expression.


“Well, uhm.. thanks for the ride. It looks like you’re expecting someone, so I’ll just head home now. Thanks again”


I shot him one of my best smiles and turned to leave. Before I could take another step, he called out to me.


“Wait Dara! Uhm, if you don’t mind, could you please keep me some company before that, uhm.. ‘someone’ arrives?”


I looked away for a minute considering his proposal. It wouldn’t be that bad to wait with him.. I failed to see the mischievous look he had on his face. I faced Jiyong and he stared right back.


“Uhm.. I don’t kno-”




He pleaded and started to pout. My heart started beating faster and faster. I chuckled at his playfulness and gave in.


“Okay fine, but only until she comes”


He immediately brightened up and I trudged back to where he was sitting and stood there for a minute contemplating whether this was a good idea. Before I could say anything he slapped the empty area next to him on the blanket and started pouting again. I smiled and collapsed next to him. I wonder what he’s planning here.. It was silent for a while before he broke the silence.


“You’re probably wondering why I came here, right?”


I looked at him with a shocked expression. He was looking up and the sky, gazing at the stars. He totally read my mind! How did he do that...


“Well, I’m planning on confessing tonight. To the one I’ve liked for a really really long time”


My heart sank hearing these words. Why can’t it be me? I looked away hiding my sadness. He continued..


“I don’t know why I didn’t tell her sooner though. I was shy at first so I only looked at her from a distance. But then she started talking to me. I felt so relieved when she made the first move. I couldn’t help but feel upset that I didn’t have the courage to do what she did. I started warming up to her and soon, I noticed that I grew feelings for this girl. She was so cute and innocent. She’s smart and pretty and to simply put it, she made me feel.. normal”


He paused for a moment. He looked down and let out a chuckle and shook his head. I felt disappointed thinking how that one girl made him act like this. I looked at my hands that were placed on my lap and suddenly found them so fascinating. He didn’t stop there..


“The more time I spent with her, the more open I became. She always made me feel so free and natural. She’s funny and to be honest, I don’t even think she tries. Not that it’s bad or anything. But I like it when she acts natural. And she doesn’t change when she’s around specific people. She’s pure and real. I like her a lot and I hope that tonight, she’ll finally accept my feelings”


He stopped and gazed at me. I looked up from my lap and stared deep into his eyes. He must be waiting for me to say something. I thought to myself. I let out an awkward laugh before speaking.


“Well, uhm..  she’s one really lucky girl” Really lucky..


He too, chuckled and looked up at the sky.


“Yeah. You are”


I whipped my head and faced him with widened eyes. When he faced me, his chuckles disappeared and he looked longingly into my eyes. His face softened and he stared into my eyes sincerely. My stomach started to do tricks and flips while my head began to fill with fireworks. I couldn’t think straight as I stared into his brown orbs.


“A-Are you saying what I think you’re saying? I thought you were confessing to the one you liked?”


I couldn’t help but stutter like a complete idiot. He was the only one who could make me stutter like this.


“I just did” He replied and shot me one of his heart-melting smiles.


If I was standing, I’m pretty sure I would have fainted. He softly my hair and slowly leaned down. I could feel my heart pounding at that very moment. I looked down out of shyness and instantly felt his index finger tracing my jawline. He gently gripped my chin to face him. I stared at his mesmerising face, as he stared into mine. I could feel my heart constrict at the closeness between us. He leaned closer and closer. Right there and then, I was sure that everything was moving in slow motion just like in dramas where the most romantic part is about to happen. When it feels like nothing else matters in the world except for you and him. That’s what I felt. My heart began to beat faster and faster. When I looked at his face, deep into his eyes, that’s when I saw it. His eyes were soft and gentle. Full of love and passion. Could it be that he was feeling the same way towards me as I felt towards him the entire time? His face was only centimeters away from mine before I heard him whisper with a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips..


“Sandara Park, will you be mine?”

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Chapter 1: OMONA!
its so cute I just love it
nnoapplers #3
Chapter 1: It'll be great if there a sequel.
And I wanna see their classmate's tease when they found out that they're being in a relationship already xD
Jaydang #4
Chapter 1: thanks guys for the comments, even though I'm new to this (:
I probably won't be able to update or write a sequel anytime soon due to my exams D: but I'll try writing again once they're over ! :]
vmorhor06 #5
Chapter 1: cheezzyy... ahmmm so what's the answer of Dara??? hmmm i think a sequel could be the answer to our question :)
Chapter 1: Awwww~ Cute! Sequel please :))
myjoyce1986 #7
Chapter 1: please a sequellllllllllllll
poohdt #8
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!! such a cute couple <3
Chapter 1: Waah! Cliffy! Sequel Please!
Chapter 1: It's very very cute!!! I LOVE IT(^з^)-☆