Just want to tell you that I LOVE YOU

Just want to tell you that I LOVE YOU [shortfic]

Kris quietly entered the room where Nicole was sitting, her lifeless eyes up towards the window. Image emaciated of Nicole makes Kris painful. Nicole slightly startled, she felt the familiar scent - scent of Kris. No way. He can not appear here. Maybe she was wrong. Nicole reassured herself.

Nicole – It is the voice of Kris.He actually went to this place.

Kris. Why did you come here? - Nicole panic. She stepped back. She don't want Kris to see her current situation.

I want to meet you - Kris walks to Nicole and grabs her hand.

Go away, I don’t want to see you - Nicole push out Kris hand and run away. But because she could not see around so she was tripping. Kris quickly lifted Nicole up.

No, don’t touch me! Please, don’t come near me! I don’t want! - Nicole almost cried with him. Her tears threatened to fall.

Nicole, why did you run away from me? Do you know I was worried about you?- Kris still hold Nicole hand.

Why you worried about me? What I'm your? I am nothing - Nicole start to cry. She don't want to weakness in front of Kris but her tears keep falling, it can't stop.

You will be my wife. I don’t allow my wife to leave me like that

I said I don’t want to marry you. I don’t need you so please go away. Don't let me see you again - Nicole collapsed and sobbed. She blamed herself was too weak.

But I need you – Kris was crying. He clasped Nicole in his arms. Nicole tried to struggle but that just makes Kris increasingly tightened her. Both just hugged each other and cried. Cry for the pain they went through. Cry to make up for the days they separated.

Kris moved to his own apartment and took Nicole to live with him. Kris wants to take care for Nicole. Although it is very difficult but in the end he convinced Nicole parents and they have agreed to Nicole by his side. In contrast, Nicole opposed. She hated to think that she is Kris's burden so she always irritable with him. She refused all his help. She wanted to make him hate her.

Why did you bring me here? I want to go back my home - Nicole screamed. She threw a glass of water that she's holding.

This is your home. Although it is not as good as your old house but it will be our home - Kris picked up pieces from broken cup. He carefully wiped drop of water lingering on Nicole's shirt.

No, it's just your house is not our home and I just want to live with my parents.

Sorry, but they dont want to live with you anymore so they sent you to me – Kris jokes.

Why do they act like that? Why would they dare send your daughter to a stranger?

I'm not strangers, I was their son-in-law. And because I'm a trustworthy guy, so they do not have to worry about sending their beloved daughter to me.

Psss, You – is – a – trustworthy- guy. That is the most ridiculous thing I heard - Nicole mocked him.

If I’m not a trustworthy guy, I’ll you – Kris threats.

You… dare… - Nicole gasped.

Don’t worry! I just make love with you when we get married or just when… you ask me - Kris tried to say in a y voice.

In your dream! – Nicole turn away.

Nicole, why do you blush? Are you thinking about ert thing?- Kris playfully asked Nicole.

Yahhhhhhhh, Kris! Quit joke! – Nicole threw slipper toward Kris.

Ok, ok! If someone is shy so I won’t say anymore. But I'm still curious what did you think?

Krissssssssssssssss! I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!

Always been like that. Each day Nicole tried to mess with Kris, she wants to make Kris to hate her but in the end, she is always the loser. No matter how she nasty, he still gently treatment to her. Kris persevere side and took care Nicole. If she is sad, he will joke to make her laugh. If she feels suffocate, he will take her for a walk. If she injured, he will appease her. If she's hungry he will cook her delicious dishes. If she was cold, he will hug her. If she had nightmares, he would sing for her until she fell asleep. Kris cared for Nicole as a real husband. Nicole's heart begins to melt for him. She slowly accepted Kris but she still avoid when Kris mentions marriage.

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Chapter 3: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
This fanfic was really sad even with the happy ending
Love it when Kris tries his best to stay by Nicole side even she refused it
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
SweetMelody123 #2
your story is so touching
Chapter 3: I was touched! to both of them. But it was sad that Nicole lost her sight ;(
I subscribe! Please update soon! I love this couple!
Nikki6492 #5
Can't wait...I really love this new couple