In love with my hot step brother

Eunhyuk p.o.v---


"Hyuk, you okay? You're squeezing my knee...." Said Siwion, i didnt even notice that it was his knee i was squeezing.

"Oh.. Sorry." I looked down, he patted my head.

"Its okay, look the movie is about to start." We looked at the huge screen infront of us, Siwon was so into the movie but i wasnt really paying any attention to it. My eyes were on Hae and that girl who i might add is flat as a computer screen. Siwon offered me some poopcorn, i got some but when i was about to put it in my mough i thought of something else to do with it. I started throwing popcorn at them, i missed a few times and hit other people but i still continued doing it. Siwon didnt even notice that i was throwing the popcorn. I threw three more and i managed to hit the girl on her head, 'BINGO!'

Heechul p.o.v-----

'What the hell hit my head!?' I looked back but i couldnt make out who had hit me.

"Chullie hyung? You okay?" Asked Hae, who was staring at me weirdly.

"No, some annoying er thought it'd be fun to hit me with popcorn!" I hissed, No one should miss with the almighty KIM HEECHUL! OR ELSE BALLS ARE GONNA BE CHOPPED OFF AND S WILL POP!

"Haha calm down, its probably some annoying little kid."

"Hmp, i dont care! When i find out who it is im gonna give it to em!" 

Eunhyuk p.o.v---


"Whoa, why did you snarl? That scared me!" Laughed Siwon, i looked at him and gave him a smile,

"Oh sorry, heheh i just wanted to see if.. if i sounded like a dragon!" I lied. 

"Well, you did. Haha you weirdo." Siwon continued eating his popcorn and looking at the screen.

---Movie finished-----

"That was a good movie huh Hyuk!" Exclaimed a happy Siwon as we walked out of the theatre.

"Yeah, it was." I said not really paying attention to what he was saying because i kept looking to see if Hae and that girl walked out of the theatre yet. Next thing i knew Siwon had grabbed my hand and kissed it. 'What the?!'

"Thanks for accepting the date. It made me really happy." He smiled, i felt my heart skip a beat. 'E-Eh? Why did my heart skip a beat? Whats going on?'

" problem. The least i can do since you always protect me.. thanks for taking me out today Wonnie..." Siwon and i were staring at each other for a while when suddenly he started leaning in closer. 'Oh no.. is he going to kiss me?! omg.... omg... OMFG..' I didnt move, i didnt want to be mean for rejecting his kiss so i just stood there waiting for it to come. But it never did..

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" 'EH!? THAT VOICE!' I opened my eyes and saw a hand between me and Siwon, i looked to the left and saw that it was Donghae!!

"HAE?!" I yelled, Hae looked at me and gave me a smile. He looked at Siwon a bit suspicioulsy.

"Hey Hyukkie! Hope you dont mind me interrupting but who is this guy who was about to kiss you!? Excuse me? I know you're the kid who i gave the wallet back to but what do you think you were going to do just now?!" Asked Hae in a protective way, im sorta glad he stopped the kiss though! Dodged a bullet!

Donghae p.o.v---

Chullie and I were walking out of the theatre when i spotted the kid i gave the wallet back to, he was with a guy. I didnt pay much attention to him untill i saw the other boys face. 'OMFG THATS HYUKKIE!!'

"Yah, fish face! what are you staring at!?" Asked Heechul, I saw that, that kid was leaning in to kiss him! I pointed at my brother with my mouth open.

"THATS MY BROTHER! AND THAT GUY IS ABOUT TO KISS HIM! OH HELL NO!" I gave my jacket to Heechul and ran towrds them. I managed to put my hand in between those two. 'Pheww that was close!' I saw Hyukkie staring at me with wide eyes, i just gave him a nice smile.

"HAE?!" He yelled, i smiled then turned to look at this guy who was about to kiss my cute brother!

"Hey Hyukkie! Hope you dont mind me interrupting but who is this guy who was about to kiss you!? Excuse me? I know you're the kid who i gave the wallet back to but what do you think you were going to just now!?" I asked him in my overprotective voice.

"Errmm... i was going to kiss him?" He said hesintly. i cocked up my eyebrow.


"HAE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Pouted my brother, i looked at Hyukkie and couldnt help myself so i pinched his cheeks.

"Awwww sorry Hyukkie! I just cant bare having someone take my baby brothers first kiss away!!" He slapped my hands and glared at me.

"BROTHERS?! YOU'RE HYUKS BROTHER?! OMO IM SO SORRY HYUNG!" Said the other guy bowing 90 degress. 'Hehehe bow down pesent!' 

"YAH! YOU STUPID FISH! DONT SCARE THE BOYS!" Heechul said as he ran towrds me, he gave me a smack in the back of my head.

"OWWW HYUNG! THAT HURT!!" I whinned.

"HYUNG?!" Yelled Hyukkie.

Eunhyuk p.o.v--

"HYUNG?!" I yelled pointing my finger at the hyung of his. His hyung eyed me then furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes i am a HYUNG not a NOONA." He said sounding irritated

"Ohh im sorry hyung.. i didnt meant to sound rude..." I said bowing my head. 'NO ING WAY THIS GUY IS A GUY!'

"Its fine since your Hae's brother.. you're idiot brother also thought i was a girl." He said pointing his finger at Hae, Hae only stuck his tounge out.

"Im also sorry hyung.. i also thought you were a girl..." Said Siwon bowing his head down too.

"Its not fine for you sinc you're not anybodys brother. Prepare young man because your balls are about to be chopped off!" Hissed Haes frined. Siwon hid behind me as Hae and i chuckled.

"So, whats your name?" Asked Hae.

"Im Siwon hyung." He answered

"Well Siwon! Are you trying to get at my brother?" OMG HAE WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?

"I really like your brother Hyung." Siwon smiled scratching the back of his neck.

"Chullie Hyung? What do you think  i should do to approve of this Siwon guy liking my brother?"

"Chop his nuts off for No ual activity." I blushed, why would they think Siwon would so something like that to me!?

"Umm Hae, you're scaring Siwon." I finally said.

"A guy with those muscles? scared of a fish? Im proud of you Hae!" Said the chullie hyung guy.

"Im not scared of your brother Hyuk, im scared of him! He looks like he's going to kill me." Whispered Siwon.

"YAH YAH YAH GET YOUR MOUTH AWAY FROM MY BROTHERS EAR! Well, you look decent. I approve of you liking my brother. But i dont allow you to be his boyfriend." 

"But.. but i thougt i was decent!" Yelled Siwon. Okay what am i supposed to do? If i stand up for Siwon he's going to think i like him, but if i dont, he's gonna feel bad. GOD I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.

"Yeah but that doesnt mean im allowing you to be his boyfriend!" He hissed, somehow i feel happy that he's being overprotective, but that doesnt mean he likes me....



"Nothing. Come on Hyuk, I'll drive you home." Siwon pulled my hand then we left. I could hear Hae yelling words like "DONT TOUCH HIS HAND!" "I WILL FOLLOW YOU IN OUR CAR!" "I DONT WANT TO SEE THAT CAR PARKED SOMEWHERE THAT IS NOT NEAR OUR HOUSE!"

'Hae.. thanks for being so overprotective... but again... if i confess will you accept me as a lover than a brother?'



I honestly wanted to give up on this story but i didnt know if i should. When i saw the results for the poll it made me happy knowing that you guys wanted to continue reading this story :) Thanks to you guys im going to keep going with this story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D Hae is such an overprotective brother.. or is he? ;) Hahaha i promise that i will update this story as much as possible. Once again thank you all and enjoy :) Comments are lovely :D

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Chapter 9: cute story~~ >.<
Chapter 9: Haha Hyukkie is cute CX
remaschan #3
Chapter 9: huykkie how cute you are <3
chullie sooooooo smart xDDD
Chapter 9: New reader here! I love this story and the plotline~ it's so intetesting ^^
Omg, Chullie found out Hyuk's feelings! This is going to be interesting, kekeke..
Update soon :))
Risa91 #5
Chapter 9: lol... why i felt it would be weird if heechul didnt find out about hyukkie feeling. hahaha i hope heechul would be eunhae cupid! haha he always do. =)
koutaroux #6
Chapter 9: Heechul found out^^ It is so exciting now
Fanaeh #7
Chapter 9: diva heechul FTW
make that pabo fish realize he freaking love hyukkie
lol hyuk.yes, everybody wants u (especially me n hae)
Chapter 9: "Damn, everybody wants me" best line ever XD
*partying hard* hae has feelings for hyuk Yay!!!
Allinit #9
Chapter 9: oh just admit it you have feelings towards Hyukkie hehe
and Heechul is really a diva he knows Hyukkie loves Hae very fast wow ~