Oreo Cookie Bouquet


Flowers may be great and all but Oreo cookies are a hell of a lot better especially they come in a bouquet. Junseung!


I was in the mood for some Junseung today and I couldn't help but write this little drabble for them. It made me feel like a wonderful person. time to write some Dooseob as soon as I write another one of these drabbles. Lately, I've been Junseung-ing so it just had to happen. Like REALLY had to happen.

This story does not in any way, shape, size, or form depict the real lives of the actual people thereof involved within the story's plot. If I did own them there would be Junseung-ing all the time, Dooseob-ing, and DooJunSeob-ing.


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noisygurl #1
So cweeet ;'>
AWW~ so cute~ X3
playful Junhyung~
4everjxsyxj #3
so cute
lol that's cute