Architect vs Quantity Surveyors

Architect vs Quantity Surveyors


My watch shows almost 4 o’clock. My oni-chan still not appear at the café. Ahh I need to called him.

‘Mosh mosh oni-chan, are you come back home with me today?’

‘Arghh gomen sis! I have band practice today. Can you go home by yourself?’

‘Un. No problem ni-chan. But can I go to mall 1st? I need to but something for Yucie tanjoubi.’

‘Go there by yourself? Can you go tomorrow with me?’

‘Oni-chan I’m 20 years old. Not  12.’

‘Ahh okay2 you can go. But tell okasan 1st. make sure you went back early. Don’t be late. I’m warning you.’

‘Okay bos! You can have my word. Jyaa oni-chan.. love you.’

‘Hmm jyaa love you too sis.’

Yosh! This is my 1st time going to mall by myself. It sound funny. But not to my oni-chan. He so serious about me. Kyaa I’m lucky to have oni-chan like him. Some girl said my oni-chan is a playboy coz many girls chased/like him. To me my brother is not person they should blame. Maybe he so busy to protect me then he not have time to select a girl for him. Kyaa lucky you Yumi-chan have a brother like him.  Ahh I almost forgot. It’s shopping time! Ikuzo! Laughing at myself.  Hahaha

Suddenly BANG! ‘Ittai! My head!’ rubbing his head.

‘hontouni gomenasai! It’s my fault’ “kyaa that’s all about my daydream just now” *mumbling* ‘Daijoubu desu ka?’ while help him his drawing that scattered at the floor.

‘Un dajoubu. It’s my fault too coz ran without look around first.’ While look at his watch. ‘Arghh yabai! I’m late. I gotta go now! Jyaa’ he ran again.

‘Jyaa’  “Arghh all architect student is same, except my brother.  They  think only them not enough time to do work?  QS also busy. Ehh busy? Lol XD What is important now I want to go shopping!!”

Crack… “hmm I step on a pencil? Must be the busy architect pencil. It have named on it. –Inoo Kei- Should I keep it?? Argghh keep it! Maybe oni-chan know him coz he also architect students.” Continue my way to the Mall.  






‘Okairi oni-chan.How is your band practice?’ Said me it happily.

‘So far so good. Today we have new pianist. He is architect student. Argg I can’t remember his name but have Kei something.’ He try to remember while scratch his head.

‘Souka architect student again? Hmm *mumbling*

‘nande? You still don’t like architect student? Later if your boyfriend is architect student then I will teased you everyday’ oni-chan is start to laugh.

‘Urusai! I don’t want! Architect student is so arrogant. I don’t like them.’

‘ohh seem my lil sis don’t like me too coz I’m also architect student.’ Make a sad face.

‘of course no! I love you oni-chan. You are number 1 important after Ka-chan.’ Hug him.

‘Un I know, my lil sis will not hate me’ pinch my nose.

I hope we will remain closed until the end. Thank God I still my oni-chan after my father gone.





‘Yumi-chan over here!’ sound yucie call me to the table at the café.

‘Yucie-chan ohaiyo! Ehh since when you come with this Tower? *refer to yuto beside yucie.

‘Baka! I’m not tower, I’m just gakkoi tall guy.’

‘Uwekkk I need water now or else I will vomit at this table.’ As yumi do vomit expression.

‘Enough. Enough. Or else I will knock both your head.’ Yucie start getting mad at us.

‘Okay-okay’ both of yumi and yuto nod their head.

‘Good. Yumi-chan did you finish the exernal wall finishes calculation? Kyaa I’m stuck at the semi-glazed tiles. There is no specification about it.’

‘Oh I have ask Mr. Fujiyama. He said that only kitchen and bathroom using that kind of tiles.’

‘Souka.. Arigatou. Can u lend me a pencil? I want to correct my sketching.’


‘Eh who’s pencil is this? Inoo Kei? Kyaa yumi-chan you have a BF now???’

‘Waaa that’s why you refused my love’ yuto start teasing me again.

‘No! That’s pencil is belong to a boy I accidentally bump yesterday’

‘You should return to him. Not using it.’ Yucie sound serious.

‘Hmm I don’t know him. Ahh okay I will keep it and give him when I bump with him again.’

‘Why you sound not like him yumi-chan? Did he doing anything to you?

‘Ahh he is architect student’ hmmm

‘Souka.. I undertand it. But you have to return it when you meet him.’ Yucie is know that yumi don’t like architect student.

‘Haaa You remind me to our new pianist when you said about architect student. He is gakkoi yumi-chan.’ *wink wink*

‘Hontou? I want to meet him!’ said yucie excitedly.

‘Urusai! It for Yumi-chan not for you Yucie. “why am I saying like I’m jealous” kyaa yuto do not know his own feeling.

‘I don’t want too coz I don’t like architect student like yumi-chan’ “ehh what am I saying??”  yucie suddenly feel shy.

‘kyaa both of you like lovey dovey couple ne…’  yumi start teasing them.






Both of them are remain quite until Yumi-chan ask Yucie to went to ladies.

‘Yucie-chan I think you & yuto is suitable. One is like tower and one is pine tree.’ Start laughing.

‘Ittai yucie-chan. Yucie pinch my arm. I’m just kidding. But I know you like him ne..’

‘Maa I still don’t know my feeling. I’m afraid he only like me as friend not like what I feel.’

‘Leave it to me! I will be your love detective.’

‘It’s up to you.. But make sure we will not been awkward. I don’t want our friendship ends because of my feeling.’

‘Yes Mam! I will’ both of us laughing.


The way that Yuto look at you I know that’s it have some feeling like you do Yucie. Trust me. Both of you will be the happy couple in the world.. Well it’s me will remain single. I don’t care. I know My Mr. Perfect is hiding somewhere. I need a full passion to find him. GANBARE Ishikawa Yumi!


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MimiTot #1
Chapter 4: Done reading!! Waah! Kei! Why'd you forget to get her number?? Make sure to remember it next time!! Candle light dinner? How romantic.. >__<
Falcon_SJ #2
Chapter 3: Lucky you to have nii-chan like Yuta~~!! xD
MimiTot #3
Chapter 3: Precious Pencil... Hmm. I have a feeling Inoo chan got that from his nee chan.. Wee!! Sharing the same umbrella! So cute! ^_^
And him wearing glasses.. My gosh! He makes my heart go doki doki.. >__<
Uniekorn89 #4
Chapter 3: wow~ unie was here!
Chapter 2: Jealous..~~~T^T

demo,ganbatte ne for the next updated!!~:')
MimiTot #6
Chapter 2: Inoo chan! Come out! Come out! Bump into her again! And soon Kei chan will be looking for his pen and then he remembered that he bumped into a girl yesterday and then.. and then... Hehe! Peace!! I'm sorry for spoiling.. although I don't really know the continuation.. Kya!!
"Mr. Perfect! Mr. Perfect! Where art thou, Mr. Perfect?" WEee!
Chapter 1: tarattata!welcome to Asianfanfic!!~^^
gnbatte kudasai for the next chapter!!~:3
MimiTot #8
Chapter 1: INOO CHAN!! KYA!! >___<
Hahaha No! No! You're fine the way you are.. ^_^
Really interesting opening Tia san. :D I'm looking forward to the coming chapters. :DD