Long Before, When we all Met

Love was Never Meant to be Easy~

01. Long Before, When we all Met



          A little girl with long brown hair, that gently swayed with the wind, walked out of a dimunitive and repungnant house. The house was dull, filled with dark colors inside and out. It was not like other houses which were filled with bright diligent colors. The little girl's family was not as rich, but they managed... because of love, which made them stay strong. Her parents seperated and is now living with her acholic mother. Although, it was because of this little girl which made her get a job, but the mother still hasn't stopped drinking. As she was walking she could hear whispers from older kids and teens. "So thats Ms. Choi's daughter,Jinri or shall I say Sulli? aww i feel sorry for her,"they whispered. However, little Choi Jinri ignored them. Jinri was already independent, and even though she dislikes the fact, she still puts up with it. But Jinri always love company, they make her feel like she's cared for.


          As she reached school, she walked around for a bit, since it was her first day in this school. She was now a first grader, not a baby anymore.. a kid. Suddenly an adult asked for her name. Once the adult got her name, she escorted Jinri to her class. Well, first you had to line up, but all the other kids didn't make that possible. As Jinri got into the snake looking line, she'd seen a girl her age crying. Jinri approached the the girl.


          "Are you okay?" Jinri asked the girl. The girl had resplendent hair, long and glistened a bit, but had covered the girl's face which accompanied her small hands.

          "The boys were making fun of me and was playing with my hair," the girl said.

          "Aww its okay, boys are stuuupewd and next time they got to go through me," Jinri giggled.

          "Hehe. Thanks. Mmm, I'm Soojung but call me Krystal."

          "You're welcome. I'm Jinri but you may call me Sulli."


          Finally the teacher escorted us all inside her classroom, which where filled with a kinds of pictures. As we sat in our assigned seats that the teacher said to be in, it was now time for the introduction.


          "Hi, I'm Taemin and uhmm, I like having things," he stated. Jinri gulped she's close to introducing herself. Now it was the next person who Sulli sat next to. "I'm Jongin, call me Kai and I like-" Kai was about to finish until a bell rang. What is this sound? What is it for? most of the kids thought since in kindergarten, the teacher would just interrupt them. However, this sound meant for RECESS. Every kid loves recess.


          As the kids got out of the class, Sulli and Krystal walked towards the slide and approached two guys.


          "Can I go on?" Krystal asked.

           "No way," one of the boys said,



           "Meanie!" Krystal fell to the floor and started whining and sobbing. She was 'crying' fake crying,

           "Taemin, let her," the other kid said.

           "Fine then, stupid Kai.Here," Taemin said as he got off.


           "Thanks," Krystal stopped crying. As Krystal got on and kept on sliding on the slide, Sulli began to know each of the guys. Then Krystal got off and started talking to them. Once recess ended, they got in line. They were all in the back of the line, waiting for their teacher. "Lets be bestfriend forever, kay? Pinky promise," Sulli and Krystal said and made the boys pinky promised.


          ... and that was how all of them met. They became annoying best friends as simply as that



A u t h o r ' s  N o t e

Was that short? I can make chapters longer, if you want.

Okay first chapter kinda to me. Sorry for my mistakes

I actually had a different plan that was longer,

but it sounded kind of weird so yeahh.

I'll update soon.



Kay thanks. Much love <3

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kailli pls! too many kaistal and taelli fics :(
leejinris #2
Taelli <3
kaistal_sm #3
taelli and kaistal <3 my otp <3 update soon ^^