Well... At Least It Wasn't Me?

Well... At Least It Wasn't Me?






It was November and it was raining. Rain; Kyungsoo hated it, especially today. He forgot his umbrella again and was soaking wet.

Kyungsoo sighed and walked a little faster to get to his house that seemed farther and farther with each step. He sighed when he say a cute little dog run across the street and into a little kids arms. Kyungsoo felt like the only person who really listened to him was— well not exactly a person but Doong, his dog. Kyungsoo shivered at the cold.

Jongin shook his soaking wet hair and smiled. The rain dropped off his hair and onto his collar, maybe i’ll see that guy again… he thought. Jongin saw a shorter boy ahead of him shivering. Hey that’s that guy! Jongin took out his unneeded umbrella and ran to catch up with him.

“Hey... Uh, do you need an umbrella?” He said in a smooth tone. Kyungsoo winced when Jongin put his hand on his shoulder. There pace slowed to a stop and the shorter man looked at the taller boy confused.

Kyungsoo looked at the popular kid confused. “W-why?” Nice going, Kyungsoo. He thought to himself. “I-I mean, today a-at school your friends b-beat me… up…” Kyungsoo whimpered. He pulled the collar and shirt of the uniform over his shoulder to show a scratch and bruise.

Jongin opened and closed his mouth like a fish. “Y-your parents would be disappointed if you came home soaking wet.”

Kyungsoo looked him in the eye and immediately looked away, a blush creeping up on his face. “W-well I can’t d-do much… now…” Jongin opened the umbrella and held it over the both of them.

“Well, you can do this,” Jongin moved the boy closer to him and threw an arm around his shoulder. Kyungsoo gasped. “And I have cloths you can use.” He nodded in the direction of the house they were standing in front of.


Jongin took Kyungsoo’s hand and dragged him in the direction of the house.

“I-I don’t know your parents. I barley kn-know you!” He protested.  Jongin brought him in anyway.

“Come on, Kyungsoo.” Jongin pulled him by his hand. He put down the dripping umbrella and opened the front door to his house. Jongin kicked off his wet shoes and kept walking through the house. Kyungsoo hurried up and followed him. Jongin turned around and pointed up the stairs.

 “Up there is a full bathroom and my room is directly across the way.” He tapped his chin then continued. “And i’ll get you a towel if you want, or you could air dry.”

Kyungsoo looked down and shook his head, “No, a towel is f-fine.”

Jongin awed and mumbled under his breath lies about towels being rough on perfect porcelain skin like the latter’s.




Kyungsoo stepped in the hot shower, the water hitting his skin. He ran his hand through his hair. Although the water was hot, Kyungsoo shook. Why was Jongin so concerned if he got sick or in trouble?




Jongin whistled while he worked. He pulled out a white and blue t-shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans. He heard the shower stop and Jongin suddenly remembered: Oh! I never—

“Uh… Jongin,” Kyungsoo called from the bathroom, “You never got me that towel…” Kyungsoo looked at the foggy mirror and waited. Jongin, though, smirked and walked to the door. He knocked and Kyungsoo opened the door standing out of the way so Jongin couldn’t see anything.

“I don’t have any more towels. But here,” Jongin held up the pile of cloths, “A shirt and pants.” Kyungsoo reached out and took the cloths. Jongin looked at the mirror and he smirked. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he slammed the door shut. He slid down the door a sat on the carpet in the small bathroom, hair dripping, and body damp with water. He looked at the cloths and thought, Jongin’s planning something. He’s never been nice to… Anyone. He—Oh my god! He saw me ! He looked at the mirror and shrieked.

Jongin sat on his bed with his bag in his lap. “Ugh, what the hell is he doing in there?” He said out loud. “Yah! Kyungsoo-ah!~ What’s the matter?” He called across the way.

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. Kyungsoo… ‘-ah’? Oh no, he’s diffidently up to something! “I-… uh, fell…” What kind of lie was that?! He thought. He bit his nail hoping for an answer for the other. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcra—

“Do you need help?” The door knob turned before he could answer.

“NO!” Kyungsoo shouted. “I-I’m fine.”

“I mean, i’ve already seen everything.”

Kyungsoo blushed in embarrassment. “R-really..?” He said in a tiny voice.

“You know, it wasn’t half bad.” Jongin smirked when he heard a squeak from the door.

By now Kyungsoo was scrambling to get into the cloths Jongin provided. He checked himself in the mirror and shook his hair out. He faked a cough walking past Jongin. Just let me get out before he does any—

“Leaving so soon?” Jongin wrapped his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders and raised an eyebrow. “Stay a while. My parents aren’t home and I get lonely.”Jongin pushed Kyungsoo Toward the couch. He spun out of his hold and walked back to the door.

“Well mine are.” Kyungsoo said reluctantly.

“Your right. Well, I could at least walk you home.”

“I just live right down—“

“I want to walk you home. That’s not negotiable.” Jongin said slipping on his shoes.

“Oh… Okay.” He said. Jongin opened the door and grabbed the umbrella to put over the two.

They walked in silence for a while before Kyungsoo broke it. “H-how do you know where my house is?”

“I don’t.”

“You do. You’re leading me to my house.”

“No I’m not. Oh, your moms home.” Jongin pointed to the cream colored car in the drive way.

“Oh my god! You do know where my house is. Exactly!” Kyungsoo gasped. Jongin, however, just kept walking to the porch of the house.

“If I get you in trouble… I’m sorry.” Jongin said quietly. That’s unlike hi—

Kyungsoo felt something on his lips. They tingled with excitement as Jongin kissed Kyungsoo. He nibbled down on Kyungsoo’s lip and he gasped letting Jongin’s tongue enter his mouth. Jongin ran his tongue against the latters and before he knew it Jongin pulled away. Kyungsoo let a little whine fall from his lips, when he did so Jongin chuckled  and pecked him on the lips again.

“I have to go, i’ll see you tomorrow?” Jongin asked.

“S-sure.” Kyungsoo said hazily. Jongin turned to leave as Kyungsoo pushed open the front door of his home.

“You’re late.” His mother said. Her arms crossed. “Where were you and why aren’t you wearing your uniform?”

Kyungsoo’s fingers absent mindedly were  drawn to his lips. “I-I made up a test. I had a extra set of clothing, too.” With that he walked to his bedroom.

Oh god. Kyungsoo thought. I left my uniform at Jongin’s.







A/N: Dang. I didn't expect it to take this long to finish it. Well... Mianhae ^^

I made it 1200+ words to make it up.

I hope you enjoyed it and please leave pretty comments.


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I'm working! The chapter is long and'll be up a little after midnight.


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galina #1
Chapter 1: Author,it's amazing) If you have time then write sequel, please)
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg this is jjang ! Daebak oemgg i need sequels XD
sapphirebluelf6 #3
Chapter 2: Where's the sequel??? TT TT
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the sequel
Chapter 2: aaa~~~~ can't wait for the sequel~ <3 <3 <3 totally looking forward ^^
Chapter 1: i just read the first chap & my mouth was agape XD
air dry?? that was a brilliant one ^^
Chapter 2: Cant wait for the sequel because this story is too cute ♥
Chapter 2: ehmergad! I can't wait for the sequel. Ohmygod! It's so cute!
Chapter 2: Damn it. Why should it be so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeee? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAlet me get fainted ;AA;
luhans-vaqina #10
Chapter 1: Omg, this was adorable.
LOL, Kai seemed like such a cute _______ed creeper here... And I kinda need more of that.