
Drabbles Collection!

Genre:Humor, (talk)
Disclaimer:I own nothing but the plot
Word Count:789
Summary:Aiba fantasizes about him night and day, wishing that he can have Nino.


Aiba Masaki drooled as he imagined the only iest and amazing man who could satisfy him in bed. Unfortunately, that man disliked him, called him an idiot and spat at him whenever he tried to talk to him. Also, they had stopped talking when they were middle school after Nino’s family moved away. Still, that didn’t stop him from fantasizing Ninomiya Kazunari, and screaming his name so lovingly.

When Aiba was not fantasizing, however, he stalked that man to and from school. There was a day, right before Christmas Eve, he was spotted by that y man and was harshly asked to go away. If he didn’t do what he was told, the government officials will have to get involved. Nonetheless, he still continued to stalk him, but more meticulously and slyly this time.

Unfortunately for Aiba, Nino was away on vacation for the New Years, leaving him all alone and no one to deliciously stare at. Without Nino, it was indeed boring...

From what Aiba heard from Nino’s friends at college, the latter wasn’t due until February so Aiba didn’t have the willpower to attend school. Instead, Aiba stayed home all day, watching and imagining he and Nino were the characters.

When he wasn’t watching, he was drawing hearts, his and Nino’s names on his notebooks.

At times when he was really really bored, he’ll create stories about him and Nino taking place in medieval times. Nino would be the princess and Aiba would be, of course, Prince Charming. Near the end of the story, he and Nino would have an amazing .

In the end, after all those stories and drawings later, Aiba still couldn’t find anything close to Nino. Because firstly, his drawings , and his stories never made sense (except for the part).

It wasn’t until he heard his doorbell ring, followed by a very familiar shout.

“Coming...” Aiba sighed dejectedly as he slithered out of his bed.

As soon as Aiba (slowly) made it to the front door, he then opened it and was surprised to see what-- more like who-- was standing on his welcome mat.

“Ninomiya-san?!” He gasped excitedly as he saw the man of his dreams.

“Yeah, idiot, it’s me. I can’t believe it either.”

“Wh...What are you doing here?! I thought you weren’t coming back until February?”

Nino clicked his tongue in annoyance. “I was supposed to. But my mom insisted I bring you along.”

“Your mom?”

Now Aiba was really confused.

“Yeah. We haven’t talked since middle school, and when I told her about you, she wanted to see you again.”

“Oh my God!” Aiba exclaimed, remembering Nino’s kind mom. “Really?!”

“Yes, idiot.”

“Give me about a minute,” He told him before vanishing and coming back a minute later. “Ok, I’m done.”

“Better act normally or I’ll kick you out.”

Aiba grinned, but in his head, he thought of a plan to make Nino’s parents accept him as part of the family. “Yeah, sure...”

Dinner with the Ninomiyas’ hadn’t changed. Nino’s mother was still as lovely the last time he saw her, and his father was still reading a book during dinner. The only one who had changed was his older sister, who was dressed up nicely in a pastel dress, and their dog, a corgi, who was not close to the labrador he played with long ago.

“Mother,” Aiba casually called Nino’s mom as if she was his own mom, “Is it ok if... If you allow Nino and I to be together?”

As soon as he asked that question with a huge smile, there was the sounds of people choking on their food. Nino’s mother was the only one who took the question seriously.

Then, she smiled. “Of course! I’ve been wanting the two of together since you were babies, but too bad my son,” She paused and glared at Nino who was too busy choking on his food, “didn’t want it.”


“No buts!” She snapped, “You and Aiba will be together.”

“Yes!” Aiba yelled in triumph as he eyed his to-be-boyfriend. “Finally.”

“God, you’re ing crazy...” He heard Nino grumble off to the side while his sister and father were laughing all the same.

Mrs. Ninomiya hissed. “No cussing on the table.”

“Yes, mom...”

In the end, he and Nino were forced together. He still received a few snarky remarks from him, mostly insulting how crazy he was. Though he can see how Nino was (slowly) starting to accept him. At the end of the day, he asked if he can finally make his fantasy come true -- Nino eventually said yes.

As he laid down his protesting boyfriend, he lightly pecked him on the forehead. “You’re mine.”


*Originally from the 365 Day Challenge - 1 word a day

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Chapter 25: This made me cryyyy ;--; the part where jun forgot everythingg even Nino's confessionn..whyyy *cries*