Of korean boys and Chinese men...THEY'LL NEVER GROW UP!


                          Park Sung Young here...you may not know me...but you do know my Oppa.  Park Jungsu??? AKA Leeteuk of Super Junior??? There ya go haha!! Well this time, Umma and Appa want to send me back to Seoul.  No!!!! I love it here in U.S. *Sigh* Oh well, Umma already talked to Oppa and he said that I could live with him and his "dongsaengs".....Oh brother...I already met Henry, Zhou Mi, and Hangeng, trust me...the only behaved one is Mimi!!!! In this story I'm gonna tell you allllllll about my adventures with "SUJU" :P.  *gulp*....WISH ME LUCK DDDX!!!!!!!


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Chapter 2: Haha, the story seems interesting so far.
The format is a bit confusing.. between the thinking of the character and what they're actually doing..
Please update soon! :)
13elivein15 #2
Chapter 1: Omg thank you so much!!! I'm happy you guys like it so far!!! I promise to do better on the font!!!
AnimeKitty #3
This story looks so cute! Please update it soon!
I'm in agreement with hanjayheebum, the font is hard to read.
hanjayheebum #4
Chapter 1: Good so far! But the font is really hard to read, could you not just stick to normal.