What the marshmallow is anterograde?!

♥ S P I C A ★ The Brightest Stars

Ji Yeon paced down the hall for what was probably the hundredth time that hour. “Ji Yeon-ah, come sit down. Pacing like that isn’t going to help anything,” Emi said gently. Ji Yeon sighed and sat down beside the other girls. Joo Li patted her back comfortingly. “Argh, I can’t do it,” Ji Yeon jumped up with an exasperated sigh.

“That sure lasted long,” Nadia muttered sarcastically. “Yah!” Elisabeth whispered nudging the girl. Nadia shrugged, “Hey I don’t blame her! We’ve been here for over an hour already and they haven’t told us a thing!” Elisabeth nodded in agreement, “It’s getting ridiculous. Why can’t they just tell us if she’s okay? It’s not rocket science.”

Wren let out a huge sigh as she stood up and stretched. She wasn’t sure why she had stayed until then, thought it was probably because she was worried about their debut. How could this clumsy girl fall down the stairs so close to their debut? She knew there was a reason she didn’t like that girl. She glanced over at the other girls sitting on the bench. They were driving her crazy with all their pacing, complaining, sniffling and crying. Weren’t they the least bit worried about their debut? Some professionals they are, Wren though rolling her eyes.

“Well I’m out. Let me know when you find out what’s going on. Then we can discuss our debut.” She waved dismissively and walked away, not waiting for a reply.

“Why that bi-!” “Nadia! We’re in a hospital!” Joo Li scolded. “So? It’s a hospital, not a church. Besides, she’s being a . Marie-unnie is in the hospital unconscious and all she cares about is our debut!” Nadia fumed.

“Oh, so you don’t hate Marie then?” Elizabeth joked. Nadia glared, “It’s not funny! I mean sure Marie-unnie is unbelievably annoying but I don’t want her to be hospitalized, unlike some evil person.” She glared in the direction Wren had left. “I’m sure she is worried for Marie too. But you have to remember she’s not as close to her as you guys are,” Emi reasoned. “Oh and that gives her the right to dismiss Marie’s hospitalization and treat is as a nuisance? Admit it! You know she only cares about whether it will affect our debut or not.”

Emi shook her head; she knew there was no point in arguing with Nadia. She was far too stubborn. If she was honest with herself though, Emi had to admit she was slightly bothered by Wren’s behaviour. It was hard to read her. She wanted to believe that Wren cared for Marie’s well-being, though it certainly didn’t seem like it. Emi shook herself from her thoughts. Now wasn’t the time, she had Marie to worry about, and though she hated to admit it, she was also worried about their debut.

Ji Yeon was having similar thoughts. She was quite close with Marie, and really looked after her a lot so she was unbelievably worried for her well-being. But she was also Spica’s leader and she had many responsibilities. She had to think of every worst case scenario. All of them had worked so hard to get to where they were today. No matter what happened they had to debut as schedule, even if it meant debuting without Marie.


Clack. Clack. Clack.

All five girls jumped up at the sound of the doctor’s footsteps. ‘Finally!’ They thought as the doctor approached them. “How is she? Is she going to be okay?” Joo Li asked worriedly, tightly clasping Emi’s hand. The man smiled kindly at her, “She’s going to be fine. There were no serious injuries.”

Sighing in relief, the girls exchanged excited glances. “Does this mean we can perform as scheduled?” Ji Yeon asked tentatively. The man turned to look at her apprehensively, “Well, that I’m not too sure about. That could be a bit difficult.”

Nadia glared at the man, “Why? You just said there were no serious injuries! Explain properly!” “Nadia, be respectful.” Emi muttered under her breath as Elisabeth reached over to pinch the girl. Nadia turned her glare to Elisabeth and stuck her tongue out.

The doctor laughed amusedly, “No worries, that is a valid question. It’s true that there were no serious, life threatening injuries. But she is still injured. She received a serious blow to the head, and she has quite a few bruises. She will probably be very sore for a while. On top of that, she seems to have sprained her wrist.”

Nadia rolled her eyes, “Well then, it’s fine. She can perform like that, she’s a tough girl. I think your underestimating us a little bit here. We perform under those conditions all the time.”

The man smiled kindly again and Nadia couldn’t help but think he was creepy. Who smiles that much?

“Well, there is one more problem..” The man trailed off glancing at Emi who nodded at him to continue. “She is suffering from Post-Traumatic Anterograde Amnesia.”

The girls all looked at him blankly. “What the marshmallow is that supposed to mean?” Elisabeth deadpanned. The man chuckled, “Ah yes, sorry. Basically what this means is she is suffering from amnesia resulting from a head injury.”

Ji Yeon’s eyes widened, “Does that mean she doesn’t remember any of us?” The doctor shook his head, “No, forgetting one’s old memories is what we call Retrograde Amnesia. What Marie-ssi is suffering from is Anterograde. What this means is that she is having troubles forming new memories through memorization. She will have problems remembering things that have just happened, events, people, and information. The reason for this is the data does not transfer successfully from her conscious short-term memory to her permanent long-term memory.”

“Well that’s just GREAT. So basically, she will have to problem remembering the dance moves. It’s just that there’s a possibility she will all of the sudden forget what she’s doing, or where she is, while we’re performing. Fantastic,” Nadia spat out sarcastically. Elisabeth smacked her arm, “I thought you weren’t worried about our debut?” Nadia shot her an unimpressed look.

“Nadia listen to Elisabeth, she’s right. Now isn’t the time to be worrying about our debut. The most important thing is that Marie is going to be okay. So let’s go see her, and then when we get home we can discuss our debut, ok?” Emi stated authoritatively. Nadia nodded submissively. Even she knew it wasn’t the time for arguing.

Joo Li turned back to the doctor and bowed politely, “Thank you doctor. May we see her now?” Nodding, the doctor motioned towards the room Marie was staying in, “She is drifting in and out of sleep at the moment, so try not to disturb her.” The girls nodded in understanding, and the doctor left to see to his other patients.

“No one mention anything about our debut ok? Marie is really sensitive about stuff like this,” Ji Yeon directed. Quietly, she pushed open the sliding door, and walked into the room. Immediately she felt sick to her stomach. Just the sight of her friend made her feel terrible. She should have prevented this from happening somehow.

Marie looked terrible. Her wrist was wrapped in a bandage, there were little scrapes and bruises littering her face and arms, and there was a large bloodstained bandage wrapped around her head. Marie had always been fair skinned, but now her skin was deathly pale, and missing its usual brightness.

Joo Li felt tears begin to well up in her eyes, she hadn’t seen Marie until now and she was surprised. Marie was always so bright, it felt weird to see her like this.

Sighing, Emi made her way over to Marie’s bed and began to her hair. The poor girl, she had always been a bit of a baby and didn’t have much pain tolerance. It must hurt a lot.

Elisabeth said nothing as she sat down beside the bed, taking the girls slender hand in hers.

The room was silent until they heard the sheets rustle. Shooting up they all immediately surrounded Marie, anxiously waiting for her to wake. Finally the girls eyes fluttered open, squinting in the bright light.

“Where am I?” she croaked.

“You’re in the hospital, hun,” Emi explained with a gentle smile.

“Oh,” Marie blinked confusedly as she looked down at herself. Suddenly her eyes widened as she seemed to realized something, “Oh no! Unnie! What are we going to do about our debut? What did the doctor say? Did he say I would be fine to debut? No matter what, I’ll make sure I can stand on that stage! I promise!”

The girls all laughed at the girls disoriented rant.

“Don’t worry about that right now Marie,” Ji Yeon comforted, “We’ll figure everything out soon. You just focus on getting better.”

Marie nodded reluctantly, “Boy, I’m tired.”

Nadia snorted, “Well, I guess she’s fine then. She’s still the same freak of nature as always. Go to sleep, and get better soon. It’s weird seeing you like this.”

Marie smiled brightly, “Okay Nadia-yah. Thanks for worrying about me.”

“Yah! When did I say I was-! Oh forget it, yeah yeah, I’m worried about you, now go back to sleep.”

Marie nodded a smile still on her face as she drifted back off to sleep. Everyone exchanged glances, relieved to see their friend smile.

“Well, she seems to be okay,” Joo Li stated. Everyone nodded in agreement. Maybe things weren’t as bad as they originally thought. Just then they heard Marie stir again, they all turned their eyes back to her.

Marie opened her eyes again and looked around confused, “Where am I?”

“Awww ,” Nadia exclaimed.

Or not.



Oh, hello my lovelies! How have you been?! Let me tell you, I am soooo busy lately. I feel like I'm going to die of exhaustion. BUT, I still set aside some time to write for you guys. Aren't I just the best? :P

Anyways, it's spring break for me this week (and last week) which people would usually think means I have crap loads of free time.. But instead I'm a million times busier than normal. That's the problem with having separated parents.They both have all these things they want to do with us, but of course not together, so everyday is filled with different activities. And we of course have to visit all the relatives of both sides of the family.. And I do like to see my friends every now and then. Yes I have friends, amazing eh? Okay, I'll shut up now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

OH, and if you haven't voted for Spica's debut song yet, go do it now. It's your last chance!

I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you for all your comments. If I wasn't so busy/tired/lazy I would respond to you all. But I do love your comments. They make my day and I read them over and over again.

Listening to: Cruel Fairy Tale - IU (OHMY. Most epic song EVERR.)
Eating: Seaweed (.. I'm addicted. o.0 I eat a package a day. My family thinks I'm insane.)
Thinking about: My book. I forced myself to stop reading my book (which is seriously intense and exciting) just so I could write this for you. This is the extent of my love for you all.

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Thank you!


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ohyeahyeahyeah #1
spica is my fave rookie!
I came across this again while listening to Spica's song. It's funny how Spica actually debuted and they're awesome. lol! You see the future? XD
awhh.. it ended.. ;(. this is really.. beautiful!! ^^.. thank you for writing unnie!! Since I was what.. 15?? lolol! xD.. I'm 17 now... ;p.. i know.. its hard to write apply fic.. I know you tried.. even though its short, but still.. you finished it.. thank you so much! ;)
i was strolling on allkpop and i found out there's a new girl group named Spica and i was like..e.e.. thats us!! xDDDDD
awh.. dont abandon it.. T.T
jenli98 #6
imeant keep updatiing..<br />
jenli98 #7
WAW i really like your story...<br />
keep u datiing..<br />
Omg that's so cool ! -points at the videos- Wren and Nadia's rap = Awesome-ness. XD Thank you for taking the time to make these videos unnie ! :3
OMG!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THE VIDEO OF THE DEBUT!! it was so cool!!.. Nadia's voice was actually similar to my real voice.. lol.. thank you very much! for one second i really thought that was a real debut vid..xD..haaha.. khamsahamnida!! :D
himitsu #10
Thank you for the comments guys! I'm glad I was able to surprise you. :)<br />
@joosworld<br />
It is an AMAZING drama. Oh my gosh. I love it. You should definitely check it out.<br />
I was kind of skeptical at first and didn't really want to watch it, and I didn't think the actors were going to be good.<br />
But I was blown away.:)