My Thoughts


How I reveal my thoughts on my friends, family, and people. Most important is my friendship changing because of love. Love could be so evil when you're the same gender. I am still only looking at her. I fear her, I hate her, I like her, I... love her.


Ever since that dream happened, I felt weird. Since I started feeling weird I started acting weird. I was scared. Scared to approach you. Was it so hard to admit that I like you? I wanted to tell you. One problem was that, we were the same gender. You weren't a person like that, I know. Yet I still imagined you and thought of you everyday. I imagine you and I see flashbacks of you. But eversince I have found out that I liked you, I have kind of confessed. You told me you weren't like that. I know that it's weird. I never expected to like you in this way. I always wanted to see you as a friend. Only a friend. Should I be happy that I am your friend or cry that I want to be more than a friend? You said that turning to you would ruin our friendship, I didn't want that. Eversince I told you, you kind of changed. I have changed. If we havent met that one year ago on that one trip. Would we still be friends? Would we still be close if our close friend was going to move? She told me that you and I wouldn't really exist if she wasn't there. Maybe she was right. If she had gone would we be this close? I never thought of you this way. But that dream. That dream had turned my world upside down. I've been thinking too much. I have been thinking about you. Thinking about my one sided love. It hurted when you have changed a little. It hurted for me to like you. It hurted. It hurts for me to think of you this way. It hurts so much I couldn't think about anything else but you. I didn't want this feeling at first. But thinking about it, and giving it my time, I had decided that I had like you. I like you, and by that, I mean I like you. Last year on Feburary 19th, our friendship formed. And when it was Feburary 19th again, we had been friends for a year. One year had passed. And it took me only a year and a few weeks to know that I like you. You may not understand why I like you. But when we argue and playfully hit each other, I felt like... I've never been like this with anyone before. You make me, me. It hurts me that I am only your friend. It hurts that I like you. And I am scared that I like you. I am scared that others may view a different person instead of me. I am in the closet. I never wanted to think this way. I never wanted to feel this way towards you but it just happened. When I'm with you, I want to bother you. I want to see you smile or make you smile. Sometimes when I am alone, all I could do was try to find a way to make you smile. Sometimes I would think, if I just didn't exist, would everything be better?


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