Caught In A Cloud Of Smoke



“Come on Taemin just this once! You never come to parties! And this is a massive one you can’t miss this!” Key begged me as I was about to slam the bathroom door in my roommates face. “Pleaseee!”

“I said no key so just leave me alone okay”

“I will get Jonghyun to come here and beg with me, you don’t want that do you?” he teased grinning because he knew he would win.

“Fine, I’ll come but I’m not drinking I’ve got studies to think about okay!”

“Yes!, you won’t regret it!, I promise!”

I mumbled a feeble response and closed the bathroom door to freshen up before we left.




The music is too loud in here and I can barely hear myself think, I want to go home but Key has Jonghyun on his side now and I can’t back out. We are sitting on a coach in the living room of an apartment I don’t even recognise,  is this supposed to be fun?

Later on Key drags me onto the clearest place on the flat which I presume is supposed to be a lame excuse for a dance floor, I love to dance, it’s my life but not like this. Eventually key gets me in the mood and I start busting some moves and its turns out to be pretty fun.

“Im gonna go to the loo, where’s Jonghyun?” I ask Key shouting so he can hear me over the music.

“Alright, ermm, I don’t know, probably making out with some random girl.”

I laugh as I walk of in search for a bathroom of some sort.


On my way back from the bathroom I get lost, so I just sit down on a random chair and hope Key comes along at some point and spots me. I think I see Key so I get up to go over to him but a hand stops me. My eye follows the hand resting on the wall, along the arm and up to an admittedly attractive face I didn’t recognize. “Do I know you I say?”

“ My name is Minho, what’s your name? I bet it’s something beautiful, to go with your beautiful face”

Im a bit stunned so I don’t say anything, jeez this guy must be so drunk he has mistaken me for a girl. I do get comments sometime on how I would make pretty girl but I didn’t think it would ever get this bad. I turn to walk away but the guy pulls me back again.

“Come on cutie what’s your name?”

Again I say nothing and make one final attempt at getting away, when another hand is slammed on the wall next to me blocking all forms of escape and all I can think is ‘Ahhh ’, he takes a step forward forcing me against the wall and before I know it he’s leaning into me and his lips are touching mine. His eyes are closed and all I can do is stand there, but then I start to notice how soft his lips are and even though he’s so drunk he still seems to be so tender. I try to lean my head the other way to escape him but it backfires and makes it so my lips are more ‘welcoming’ than before and the kiss intensifies. My heart starts to beat so fast, I don’t know what to do, I want to get out and run away but this kiss is strangely amazing. Eventually I get the courage to push him away and he stumbles backwards looking confused, and just in case anyone was watching ( which was highly unlikely, they were all too caught up in there on affairs) I slapped him and stormed of.

I made my way into the hallway and kept looking into random rooms in the hope of recognizing someone. At last I spotted key, I stormed over and grabbed his shoulder and declared that we were leaving. As we were walking to the bus stop key calls Jonghyun and a few minutes later he jogs up to the bus stop to join us.

“What was all that about! I was having a good time as well!” Jonghyun sounded annoyed but I couldn’t be bothered to deal with it right now.

“Don’t look at me!” Key said “something must have happened to Taemin he just grabbed me and pulled me out!”

“oooohh did he get rejected by a girl! Aw is okay Taemin!”

“NO, I didn’t just leave me alone okay!”

We got on our bus and Key and Jonghyun were talking about the party but I remain silent the rest of the way home.


The next morning I wake up with a head ache which is strange because I didn’t drink anything but then I remember how loud the music was and I answer my own question. But then I remember everything else that happened that night and I just want to stay in bed for ever because I’m so embarrassed. Do I really look that girly? I suppose it’s a compliment but still… Ergh he’s such a jerk kissing me so full on that fast, you shouldn’t ever treat a girl like that, BUT IM NOT A GIRL! But why did I enjoy that kiss so much, he was a really good kisser but that doesn’t explain why my heart was racing so much. It’s probably nothing.

I forced the memories of the night before out of my mind and got out of bed.

Today was another dull day at school but as I as making way out of the library I heard someone call out my name, I turn around to see Coach Onew, I start making my way towards him dreading that he is going to say something about how I didn’t try enough in my dance lesson today. Though I don’t mind, Coach Onew has been good to me, he knows that I don’t like to practice in front of others so he set aside some time so that I can do my dance lessons on my own. So I guess I can’t really complain.

“I have a letter for you Taemin, it’s about this work shop coming up exclusively for selected dancers and you and some others have been chosen to take part.”

“oh cool! Thanks coach, I look forward to it!”


Hey, so this is my first time ever posting a fan fiction and im not really sure about the chapter lengths and stuff so if your reading this and you think its to short or what ever please let me know! would be appreciated!

so yeah i kinda ed this up by putting the first chapter in the description thing, oppss, im new okay. hopefully it shouldnt effect too much. enjoy!


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PetShawal #1
Chapter 12: Wow! Amazing!! You really caught the characters perfectly ~~<3
Chapter 12: Hehe Key ing xD But anyway this was a great fic and I really loved it! :D <3<3
Chapter 11: Please update as soon as you can! >.< <3
Chapter 11: Ooh~ Tae's innocent eyes •π• Ha ha! Yay, 2 Min confessed! It's funny to see jongkey like that, always. Hopefully, next chapter would be happy 2min.^_^
Chapter 10: Taeminnie it's not your fault. Go back to Minho >.<
Update soon please! :D
Chapter 10: So sad. Oh, Tae, please know by now. It's not your fault! Poor Minho! Update soon, please! ^^
Chapter 9: Oh, it's a sad chapter. At least, Minho knew everything by now. Can't wait for more!! Update soon! :'(
Chapter 9: What will Minho say to Taemin? :O
Update soon please :D