Late night drinking and a not so happy Donghae

maid and master !

Eunhyuk didn't even realize what was going on  . .. . he cried  hell he brawled his eyes out in to Donghae's white one-of-a-kind jacket  . .. . Great ! 

After a good 30 minutes of brawling , Eunhyuk "calmed" down as unbelievable as it seemed , donghae hadn't said anything in fact he had only patted him and wispered soft words once or twice. " Lets go home " he just said softly after Eunhyuk had settled down a bit. As hey made their way to the car Eunhyuk realized " what about the meeting ?", it had to tatally slipped out of his . "I canceled it " Donghae shrugged. Wow talk about last minute  . . .. 

They drove back to Donghae's apartment in silence -well sort of Eunhyuk couldn't stop hiccuping. It was so embarassing yet he couldn't control them. 

They quickly made their way to the apartment and Donghae helped Eunhyuk to his bed. " I'll be right back " Donghae said and swiftly made his way  out the door. Omg !!! Eunhyuk thought whats up with him . agrrrr ~ He blushed and almost spazzed. DUDE! Eunhyuk get a hold of your self ! The hell is up with you, you just almost got molested, saved by Donghae (who you are by the way supposed to hate) yet your jumping with joy and fangirling on the inside ?! WTF!

Ok  . . . so maybe i like him just maybe  . . . Eunhyuk thought. But he wasnt able to get very farwith his thoughts, when Donhae entered the room, with a tray of food. hmmm it smelled so good ~

"Here drink this, it'll give you energy " he said putting the tray on the side table next to Eunhyuk and sat on the bed . Eunhyuk looked at the food, then a tDonghae and then back at the food. He didnt know what to do anymore  . . . . 

Why did his heart beat so hard when he saw him ? why did his throat feel like a clogged drain pipe, so he couldn't even make a sound ? 

Seeing that Eunhyuk wasn't eating Donghae took the bowl of soup and start to feed Eunhyuk  . . .  Eunhyuk was so shoocked  by the sudden movement that he jerked back violently causing the bowl of soup to go flying on the floor 

"Oh my god! i-im soo sorry Donghe-shi i-i i'll clean- " Eunhyuk was stuttering when Donghae stopped him with a finger on his lips.  o////o

After his initial breakdown Eunhyuk recoved and managed to sit back while Donghae cleaned the mess and brought another bowl of soup.  He ate his soup in peace, when Donghae left to go pick up Aerin from the after school daycare. 

. . . . 

The night Eunhyuk couldnt sleep at all, he kept tossing and turning but no matter what he did he couldn't foget about Donghae ; those almond eyes, the small nose  and ofcouse those perfact bow shaped lips  . . . hmmmm What should i do he sighed , there was no way Donghae would never feel the same about him.

 . . . 

The next few days went by in denial - well for Eunhyuk that is Donghae didnt have time to notice anything, they had several meetings all one after the other and many large projects to complete. This was a good distraction and Eunhyuk was glad for it.  By the honorifics had subsided a bit and they had become closer  because the had been spending more and more time together. And whatever the case now atleast Eunhyuk thought he wasn't being treated a like a maid serving his master .

It was friday  finally and they were heading home , but as they headed towards the main desk and were saying goodbye to Jessica that Donghae noticed soemthing he wasn't exactly thrilled about. 

" ohh Eunhyuk-shii you look so tired today ~" Jessica almost purred. Eunhyuk who failed to recognise this just replied with a "yea im beat, i think i could really use a drink to wash all this away". This was her chance and so Jessica made her move  "How about we go together ?" She asked.  Donghae had walked on a bit , but apon hearing this he walked back " whats taking so long lets go Eunhyuk" he said making sure to sound like he was in a hurry. H ewas not liking this he didnt want Eunhyuk to go for a drink with Jessica, and worst part was he didnt know why.

"Ohh Donghae-shii me and Eunhyuk-shii are planning on going for a drink , why dont you come with us ?" Jessica almost sang the "me and Eunhyuk-shii". And as much as Donghae's blood boiled apon hearing that he decided to join them.

At the club they went and sat down near the bar. They ordered their drinks and talked and chatted for a while  . . .  Mostly Eunhyuk and Jessica, Donghae sat there sulking, he didn't really know the cause of his sudden not-so-happy mood but all he knew was he didn't like Jessica as much as he used .

Soon it got pretty late and Donghae thought it would be best to go, they had, had quite a lot to drink  . . . Donghae knew that he was mostly sober and Eunhyuk looked pretty sober too , but Jessica was anything but sober.

"Lets call a cab for Jessica-shii" Eunhyuk said as he made his way to the exit. Jessica wobbled and held on to him  . . . to which Donghae tired to ignore and keep calm.  As they called for a cab and waited Jessica had completly wraped herself around Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk thinking that she had a bit too much to drink let her and then said goodbye as he sent her off in the cab. 

He was just about to complain about how heavy she was , when Eunhyuk noticed that Donghae had stalked off and was apparently in a really bad mood. Hmmm wonder whats wrong with him thought Eunhyuk as they made their way to the car for the drive home.


Hay guys sorry for the late update :) 

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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 18: Update it's been 3 years
kkk_okay #2
Chapter 18: WAAaa~!! heechul is sooo genius!!
i cant wait what happend next!!!! xD
Update soooon..~!! :3
Chapter 16: the "hyung" is heechul right???
No one can make him stop if he wamt do something...^^
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 18: heechul just genius in his way...looking forward for this
Chapter 18: Okay...
Heechul is a genius xD
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 18: pwahahahha.. heechul and his idea.. hahaa..
wonder what gonna happen next that both hae and hyuk being locked up.. ehehe

thanks for the update..

barani #7
Chapter 18: ohh I can't wait for next chapter. .. so excited
thanks for your update
Chapter 18: I'm really excited
Can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 18: :(.... i forget what they do before...
blackwinter #10
Chapter 17: hahaha!! update soon k? :*