Falling for everything

Queenka vs. Kingka

Things were way too quiet, I was still wondering why in the world did Key decide to just get into my car, when he clearly has his own motorcycle.

Why does he look so freaking cute!?

I heard him sigh deeply, "can you drive any slower?" He pouted, looking out the window.

I rolled my eyes, then smirked.

I'm driving too slow huh? Then let's put it into gear.

We stopped at a stop light, Jonghyun, Onew, Taemin and Minho were right behind us. Just when the light turned green I stepped right on the gas, making the tires squeak as it slid on the concrete and pulled forward. I smiled at the feel of the free gaining instantly.

Just the way I like it.

I felt Key's hand grab at my arm that was resting on the compartment. He instantly switched it from my arm to the seat. I giggled and turned to look at his frightened face.

"Is it a little too fast?" I chuckle under my breathe.

"Yah! Keep your eyes on the road!" he held tighter onto the seat, making me laugh more.

"Scaredy-cat," I giggled as we continued driving, but I could catch myself glancing at him with the corner of my eye. 

Why are you so cute... I mean, the rest of your group is cute, but you in general.. You stick out to me the most.

I guess Key noticed me sighing a little more deeper than usual.

"What's wrong?" he asked, as if he cared.

Pfffbt, do you really care?

I shook my head, "nothing really," I shrugged spinning the steering wheel to the right.

His sudden action made me jolt a little and caused me to grab onto the wheel tighter. I glared at him through my glasses, but sadly he couldn't see my flaming eyes.

"Yah! Who said you can poke me?!" I yelled at him, still looking at the road, now paranoid he'll poke me once more.

"I did," he chuckled, "now we're even," he said under his breathe. I sighed deeply, but he knew it was because of his response, which made me smile a bit, but I took out my phone to act as if I was texting and read a text that made me smile just as he turned around to notice.

"Could you slow down now?" he asked, I turned to him when I slowed down to stoplight.

"Oh right," I giggle a little, "sorry."

He murmurred something, but I couldn't catch what he said so I let it go.

The light turned green and we had one more corner to drive around before arriving at KFC.

"How can you be a queenka of the school? Didn't you just get here?" Key asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I looke dat him confused.

"Didn't you just move to this school, were you a queenka at your other school?"

I looked at him even more confused.

Why do you care? Not like it means anything for you or what not.

"Yes I did, uh yeah sure let's go with that," I shrugged once more.

I can't tell you that I'm from the United States, Taemin already knows. Lord knows how the hell he found out, but I can't have anyone else know I'm from the states.

Key stayed silent as we pulled into the parking lot of KFC. I turned off the engine, just as Jonghyun pulled to the right of my car and the rest pulled on my left. Key got out quickly and slammed the door.

"Yah, gently close the door, pabo," I scolded at him, he just chuckled and petted my car.

"Sorry, Eun Ji's precious car," he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and put up my sunglasses above my head.

Onew walked towards me and put his arm around my shoulder, "let's go Eun Ji-ah I'm hungry," he whinned. I laughed and walked with him into KFC.

Onew's eyes grew wide with happiness filling his smile when he saw the menu and the prices of the buckets of chicken he could possibly get. I looked towards the cash register and person was waving towards me, I looked closely and it was my good friend, Thunder.

I ran up to him, "Thunder-oppa!" I shouted, he smiled brightly, "how are you? I haven't seen you since, yeknow," I whispered. He just laughed.

"Oh I know it's been a while," he looked at the five boys behind me, "your little posse?" he joked.

"You're lucky you're behind this counter or I would have punched your arm by now," I grinned he just shook his head while laughing.

"Two buckets?" he asked, getting ready to punch the numbers into the cash register, I looked at Onew and laughed turning back dto Thunder, "make that 4, you know Onew's here right?"

Thunder looked at me confused, seeing as it was true he laughed and nodded, "ah right, Onew the chicken lover right?" I nodded.

"Wow! You remember?" I asked in surprised, he was about to say something about before I left for America when he stopped as the boys got closer.

"Oh hey there, Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, and... Key?" Thunder glanced at me with a smirk.

"Yah!" Key yelled, "how can you forget me?!" Key whinned, making me giggle a little too much.

"I'm kidding, Key, of course I remember you," Thunder laughed as Key gave him a glare.

"Alright, your order should be ready soon," Thunder smiled, "it's on me, don't worry about it," before I could even grab my purse out of my bag, I gave him a "are-you-kidding-me" look but he shook his head, so I gave up.


I then headed to a table while SHINee followed me.

"Noona?" Taemin poked at me, I looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, Taemin-ah?"

"How do you know Thunder-hyung?" he looked at me suspiciously.

I smiled sweetly, "I met him before school started, a while back actually," I glanced at Thunder taking orders from people in line.

Not to mention he used to my crush, until I met Kibum.

Jonghyun poked my cheek to get my attention.

"Yes?" I giggled.

He looked at me very carefully then back to Thunder.

"What's your guys' relationship?"

I looked at him appauled and laughed, "he's my kuya and I'm well.. His ading," I gave them an eye smile when they turned their heads sideways due to confusion.




I shook my head laughing a bit, "it mean older brother and  younger sister in Filipino."

They looked at me in awe, "are you Filipino too?" Onew asked with chicken stuffed in his mouth.

Awe, that's cute!

I nodded, "mhmm, part of my family is from Philippines, while the other part are from Korea."

They nodded with "oh, I get it's" and I started biting onto my fried chicken.

I noticed Key was glancing at me then to Thunder every now and then.

Okay? What's his problem?

He then got up to head outside, Jonghyun looked at him confusingly as the rest of the members did as well. Jonghyun was about to get up when Minho pulled him down.

"Let him be, hyung."

Jonghyun nodded, "alright, but someone has to check up on him sooner or later," he muffled after stuffing chicken in his mouth.

I looked at him all confused, I only saw Key glancing at me then to Thunder, I didn't even see his last facial expression before he headed out of the place.

Taemin got up to sit by me and whispered in my ear, "something's up with hyung, but don't worry about it, okay?" he looked back to me, I nodded unconsciously.

He smiled and slid his plate in front of him to take a bite of the chicken.

"Looks like you'll be hanging around with us more often, Eun Ji," Jonghyun smiled at me, after sipping some of his soda.

"What do you mean?"

"You're queenka right?" Minho interrupted, I nodded.

"I guess? It's what people crowned me as," I put quotes up around the word crowned, which made them laugh.

"Then you should hang out with us more often, queenka and the kingkas," Onew muffled, I'm surprised I can even understand this guy.

I agreed to it, "alright then, sure why not? I don't do much during lunch anyway," I looked at the time on my wrist, "oh guys we should head back," I said pointed at my watch. They shook their heads.

"Too early," Minho complained, looking outside, "can you go check up on Key, Eun Ji?" he asked still looking outside.

My eyes grew wide, "waeyo?" I looked at him confused.

No really, why me?

"Just do it please, we're not done and it seems like you," he poked at my empty plate, "are done already," he smiled as he took another bite. I grunted and got up.

"Fineee," I chorused and headed outside.

Sure enough Key was leaning on the hood of my car, normally I'd get pissed but he didn't look like himself.

Hmm, what's up with this guy?

I walked up to him, taking a seat on top of my car, I looked at him, "so what's up?" I said looking away as I noticed our surroundings.

He turned to me then just looked about, "nothing, what's it to you?" he said coldly.

I looked at him baffled, "why are you out here, you know we're inside right?" I joked at him, but he didn't seem to laugh at it.

"Just wanted fresh air, that's all," he said putting his hands in his sweater pocket.

I looked to see that the rest of SHINee was looking at the two us.

"Oh? What's roaming around your mind that makes you want to go outside, hmm?" I asked suspiciously.

He turned to glare at me, "why the hell do you care, can't you just leave me alone?"

Now.. Before I spoke, I remembered when someone said that to me. I ran home crying, then again I was only 7 years old at that time. So those "hurtful" words had an affect but now it doesn't. I just smiled.

"Nope, can't do," I grabbed his hand, "come on, you didn't even finish your chicken," I pulled at him, but he didn't budge.

"You're annoying you know that?" I nodded as I kept pulling.

"Come... On!" I said now pulling with all my might, making him chuckle and finally budging.

"Alright, alright, you can stop pulling me," he laughed as he peeled my hand off his arm. I then skipped back into the fast food restaraunt.

Thunder motioned me to him and I obliged, "what's up, kuya?" he looked at Key.

"What's up with Key, he looked a little well, uncomfortable when he walked out."

I looked at him then at Key and shrugged, "I don't know, he seems fine now," I smiled at Thunder.

"Kuya when are you taking me out?!" I yelled making SHINee along with Key shoot glances at me.

"Take you out?!" They exclaimed, causing me to laugh and turn to Thunder.

"Um.. Er," Thunder stuttered, giving me a panic glare, "ikaw (you)!" he pointed at me, then looked at SHINee, "tonight?" he asked. I smiled brightly.

"Okay! We have to go now, so take care, I'll see you tonight," Thunder glared at me, "chillax, I know you have that date with unnie, just go with it," I leaned over the counter to whisper to him. He gave me an "i-get-it-now-look".

"See you tonight then, ading," he winked at me, causing me to giggle.

I skipped back to SHINee, "come guys, we're gonna be late if I we don't head back now," they looked at me astonished.

They fall for everything.

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killthemall #1
update please!! ??

im begging lol
14 streak #2
Update soon!!! I wanna hear what happen to her in america??? I hope key and her can be together XD
whoa...the beginning was all happy, and I was smiling, right? But then...the last paragraphs I was like "WHY!?!?!?!??!AJSDKFEORYWIRY" That's so sad! I wonder what's gonna happen while she's in Korea~
oooh~ me wants to read! Update soon please!