The Aftermath

Mission: To make You Fall In Love With Me Again


Heechul’s POV

Heechul hears noises... people are talking! In his room! Don't this people know that he needed some beauty rest?

Aish! why are they so noisy? 

He wants to shout at them and tell them to leave the hell out of his room but then he calmed himself down, hey it's still morning and   he still need some beauty rest.

Still those people continues to talk

What are they talking about?  

Heechul wants to open his eyes but as if it has its own mind that they don't want to be commanded or so... he feels as if he was drug... he feels okay but then he feels so lifeless.

And what's worse is that he's so sleepy, he doesn't know why but he have a bad feeling if he's going to wake up something bad will come up to his face. 

Then he heard someone spoke about Leeteuk. What are they saying? I can’t hear them properly… why the hell they are whispering? Leeteuk… Leeteuk… Leeteuk…

I know him… he’s my friend.


“Hey Heechul! It’s already late why are you still sleeping?”  Leeteuk was nagging him while moving around his room looking for his bag. “hey aren’t you going to stand up? We’re getting late.”

Heechul tries to open his eyes. “Gees bright light… give me five more minutes… I need some rest.” he then reach for the pillow to cover his face from the light that’s coming from the window.

“What have you done last night? Why didn’t you rest after school? Are you dating someone again? Is it that Chinese guy? or is that Rich guy?”  He’s words were sharp. As if he’s investigating a criminal.

Upon hearing those questions Heechul threw the pillow his using to cover his eyes. He then sit up and look at Leeteuk.

“Hey don’t use that tone on me! I will do what I want and go out with whoever I want! Don’t act like you’re my mother!” he wasn’t able to control his rage.

Leeteuk pick up his bag and slowly walk to his side. He’s face was sad and he was looking at the bag. He stretches his arm to give the bag to Heechul.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to nag at you. It’s just that I care about you.” He’s voice was so soft almost cracking.

“Fine but don’t use that tone again on me” Hee said nonchalantly. He then surveyed his friend. “You look different, what’s wrong?”

He just shrugs off his shoulder. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. I’m just worried about you”.

“You’re totally weird today.”Heechul won’t just give up. “Come on tell me.”

Leeteuk let out a chuckle he caress his cheeks that looks so fluffy in that morning.

“There’s nothing wrong about me, it’ just that I think since you are busy with your other friends you don’t have time for me. And I’m starting to miss you.” He was looking intently to Heechul as if he wanted him to know how sincere he was while saying those words.

 “Please always remember that you are the most special person for me in this world and I will always love you forever.”

Then he turned back and head to the door without waiting for Heechul’s reply. He holds on to the doorknob tightly and looks at Heechul again.

“Stand up now. You don’t have much time left. You don’t want to be late right?” he then smiled and showed his dimple.

 Heechul wanted to squish his face for doing aegyo again. But he just sits in his beds touching his cheeks that was touched by Leeteuk and watch him as he leave his room.

Heechul wanted to ask him what he was talking about

Will always love you forever…

the most special person

starting to miss him

but he just with him a minute ago. Why would he miss Leetuk when their house is just beside Heechul’s house?

What’s so wrong with being late to school? Their school not strict when it comes to late students and they are in college!

Or his not talking about school.

Don’t want to be late.

Don’t have much time left.

Leeteuk… what’s wrong?

Is he saying goodbye?

“Leeteuk wait! Are you leaving me? Leeteuk!”


Is he going to leave me?

Leaving me.


Leaving my side…

Then he remembered the accident. The crashing, the bruises, their bleeding wound and Leeteuk looking so pale, Leeteuk who was motionless beside him. Then the rescuer. Then everything went blank.

Heechul run to the door to talk to Leeteuk. He can’t see anything just white light. Everything so bright.

“Leeteuk! Leeteuk! Leeteuk comeback!” he was shouting on top of his lungs and then he realize he was crying.


“Leeteuk!” Heechul was shouting his name. “Where’s Leeteuk?”

His sister rush to his side to console him. “shh… it’s okay. It’s okay.”

“sis I want to see him! Where is he?” he looked at his sister who looked away, she doesn’t want to meet his eyes.

“you’re not well yet.” She said in a soft voice. “Rest first” she was gently pushing Heechul back to bed.

“I’m calling the doctor.” She turned her back. 

“Where is he? Is he okay?” 

"You have to rest Heechul" she forced to smile.

Heechul new that something is not right when her sister starts avoiding his qustions. "I know something is not right." he was almost crying and was biting his lips to prevent the tears from falling. he looked at his hands he have IV fluid on and he touched his head, there's some on his head. "I just want to know if he is okay?" his eyes heat up and slowly tears fall down to his hands that were clutching the blanket.

“He’s just resting.” She said flatly. 

There was some commotion on the door, as if someone was wailing and then the door open, it was Leeteuk’s sister. She was surprised to see Heechul awake.

“h-he had flat line again.” She said crying.

"No!" Heechul screamed. "I want to see him, bring me on where he is..." he then pulled the IV fluid. "Bring me to him. NOW!"

He tried to stand up but his legs we're wobbling. At a flash his sister was already on his side to help him stand up. 

Leeteuk's sister was also worried about him. "You are not well yet."

"Are you going to bring me to him or do you want me to tear everything in here?"

In young then look at Heechul's sister for approval, she just nod her head to answer her.

The two ladies helped Heechul to walk even if he was determine to walk alone. he keeps on falling and he needed stronger hands to helped him up, Heechul was already in a recovery room and Leeteuk was in ICU fighting for his life.

It was as if the longest walk he had in his life. He feel so weak and alone. And thinks he is going to have a heart attack any moment now. His heart is throbing uncotrollaby he feels as if his going to collapse any moment.

They stood outside the ICU he was looking at the window, he could see Leeteuk. He have in his head and some kind of apparatus attached on his body. He started to cry again.

"He's going to be okay, don't worry hyung".

Heechul look at his back to see the person talking and then he saw Donghae who gave him a consoling smile. 

"He will fight for you." Eunhyuk added.

Then he looked at all their friends who are in there who is giving him an assuring look. 




"Yes, he's not going to give up because he loves me." and then Heechul looked at Leeteuk again. 




A/N its becoming melodrama already will try to make it lighter on the next chapter.

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teukie_17 #1
Chapter 8: I need an update.. the story so good even it sad TT
update this story please~ T^T
i really like this one
Chapter 8: I really miss this story :(
TeukTeukTeuk #4
Chapter 8: update this please T^T
Chapter 8: i'm waiting
this was interesting story
Chapter 8: yeay.. I'm waiting for your update for a long time and its finally come. I really love this hehe. Cant wait for the next xD
Aki_Hikari #7
Chapter 7: Teukie! Now you know that Chullie is important for you. Just fall in love with him again.
Chapter 7: i love this!
teukchul! love them!
Chapter 7: waaaahh!so nice ..really nice..o my keep updating i really like teukchul fics now^^
Chapter 6: Heechul, dont give up! Fighting for teukie's love again! Get his heart! I know someday they will be together again. Because 83 is soulmate xD update soon