Lies, Betrayals, and a Bathroom

Fake Glasses


"What?!" Jonghyun's eyes darted from me to Jessica.

"N-no! Don't believe her!" Jessica protested. "I'm your girlfriend! You have to trust me!"

"Yeah you're his girlfriend, alright!" I said sarcastically. "Is that why you were kissing Key!?" Suddenly feeling angry, I had a sudden outburst.

"What?!" Jessica shrieks in a shrill voice. "WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT NONSENSE?!" 

I give her a look. Anyone could notice that she was totally overreacting. I look up at Jonghyun and give him a reassuring look. He repeatedly blinks in a nervous way, his eyes fixed onto the floor. He looks up.

"How can I trust you both?" He asks, his usual strong voice was now trembling.

"Because I'm YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" Jessica responds, obviously hiding her anxious tone. I grow silent.

You babo!!! How could you just jump out like that?! You don't have any proof! I sigh, feeling wronged.

Jonghyuns eyes lowered to the ground as he lets out a small sigh.

"I saw them though..." I bite my lip. Why do I even care what happens to him? Why do I feel that I need to do this?  My heart was thumping uncontrollably. Jonghyun takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Dan-bi," He said softly. "But I have to believe my girlfriend."

I looked at him in dismay.

"I know Jessica has tortured you," Jonghyun contintues. "But... we've been together for two years. I can be disloyal to her. I have to trust her."

Jessica makes a satisfying smile. "See Jonghyun? Her shocked expression says it all," she let out a mocking laugh. "She thought you would trust her. She thought she could keep you for all her own!" I glared at her. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed onto Jonghyun's hand. "Let's go," she said as she dragged him down the corridor. I lowered my head, unable to hide my betrayed expression. As I look up, I meet Jonghyun's eyes as he stares at me with guilty eyes as he went further and further down until he finally disappeared. 


During lunch, I met up with Tiffany. She cocked her head. "You've been acting real strange today." she told me. I dig my head into my folded arms. "I'm ruined," I sigh. She puts a hand onto my shoulder. "Is it perhaps..." she pauses. "About Key and Jessica?" I stare at her. "You mean... you knew?"

She giggles. "I'm not blind. Of course I saw them." Her smile turns into a more sorrowful smile. "But... I can't believe Jessica did that. Jonghyun is an awesome guy." I stare at my untouched food. "I told him. I broke his heart." I whisper. She grows silent. "Did he believe you?" She finally says, I shake my head. "No..." She nods and smiles. "Come on, we should get going." I my head. "What? But lunch just started thirteen minutes ago." 

She grabs me. "Let's go~" She sings as she drags me out of the cafeteria. I try to ask her what this is about, but I get silenced. She stops dragging me once we're in front of the girls bathroom. I stare at her, showing a confused expression. "This is where Jessica goes during lunch." She leads me into a hiding spot.

I give her the same confused expression. "In the bathroom???" I scratch my head. She smiles. "Yup. This is where all the girls go to hang out without being caught doing anything wrong." I nod slowly.

We hide in silence for about ten minutes until we hear a loud giggle.

"Okayy Sica, see you laterrrr," the voice croons. Tiffany nods at me. Jessica comes out of the bathroom and fixes her hair. Tiffany starts giving me signals, and I had no idea what they mean. She facepalms herself as I give her a confused look. Eventually Jessica spots us.

She sighs, as if she was holding in her anger. "What." She demands.

I shoot up. "Why are you lying to him?" I question.

"Why do you care?" She retorts.

I grow into silence for a while. Why did I care? There was nothing to care about... but why do I feel that I have to expose her?  She scoffs at my silence.

"Listen," she tells me. "Jonghyun only likes me, so don't even try. Don't you get it? He believes me because he favors me over you." She pokes my forehead, piercing my bangs. I glare at her.

"He doesn't seem to like you that much..." I mutter. I admit that I was scared to speak confidently. She comes closer. "What?" She grits her teeth. I try pushing her away, as I get backed up into the corner. Tiffany grabs her sister's shoulder. "Stop." She says sternly. She pushes Tiffany's hand away, making her fall over. I struggle to get her to move away from me.

Getting to the point that I wanted to smack her, I attempt to give her a hard push. She grabs my hands, and throws them off of her. "Just leave me alo-" I get inturrupted by Tiffany.

"Wait a minute..." she gets up. We both stare at her"I thought you said that your wrist still hurted," her eyes get sour. "And that you couldn't 'stand the pain.'" I'm unable to say anything as I get to shocked to see Tiffany so angry. Jessica gasps and quickly withdraws her "injured" hand from my collar. 

"I-It only... doesn't hurt as much as..." she stammers uncontrollably. She shakes her had furiously. "Oh shut up." She says after she regains her natural self. "I have no reason to be afraid of you, sister" Tiffany shrugs. "Alright then!" She faces me. "Let's go." She attempts to leave, but knocks into Jessica, making her fall down as she walks over to the cafeteria. "Oops." She calls over as she opens the cafeteria's door. I grin. Tiffany is awesome.

As we enter the cafeteria, she stops me and hands me a cellphone. I blink, confused about what this was. "It's Jessica's phone." Tiffany states as if she had noticed my confused look. My eyes get wide. "How did you get this!? I know you guys are sisters and all, but she never leaves her cellphone!" She giggles. My confused look washes away. Of course. (A/N: I hope you're not confused as to how she got the cellphone xD)

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Chapter four is actually just a continuation, for those of you that are wondering why this chapter was so short :3


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Chapter 15: Awright :3 how can i say no to my subbies....
I'll continue. BUTTT I might not be able to update a lot, due to school, after-school, korean school..... yeah.
KasienSapphire #2
Chapter 15: Nonononooo pleeeese don't delete iiittt!!!!!!
KasienSapphire #3
Chapter 14: Jessica is such a- nevermind...
poweroftwo #4
so nice! :D
wonderkris #5
so cute!!! :)
key oppa! <3