The Forbidden

Take me away


“Mister!” The tiny Jongwoon ran up to the tall figure, their back turned to him.  His tiny feet quickly brought him to the handsome stranger who was turning around slowly.  When he looked down to him, Jongwoon’s teary eyes started to dry a little.  He tugged on the man’s pant leg, hoping he could help him.  “Mister, I don’t know where I am.”

“Well, that’s not good, is it?” The man picked Jongwoon up, holding him firmly.  Jongwoon was just exploring the palace garden, he swore!  Hopefully this man would bring him home.  His parents would scold him if he was out too late.  “Would you like to see something pretty though?”

Pretty?  Jongwoon liked pretty.  He nodded eagerly.

“Well, little one, what’s your name?” The stranger chuckled, starting to walk off in an unfamiliar direction.  The further they went, the more vibrant the flowers looked, the more luscious and prosperous the plant life looked.

“Jongwoon!  And Jongwoon’s a prince!” Jongwoon answered eagerly as they walked by a wall of bright red flowers Jongwoon couldn’t quite identify.  The stranger chuckled at him, slowing his pace as they neared a white archway with blue roses wound around the flawlessly white painted metal.  “Mister, what’s your name?”

“Call me Kyuhyun, my little Prince.”


He didn’t know who this masked stranger was.  The mysterious red eye mask, embellished with gold rhinestones, concealed his identity but revealed beautiful large hazel eyes.  As they twirled in the warmly lit ball room, the crowd whispered at how this beautiful stranger had practically lifted him off his feet and began dancing.  The violins and flutes continued playing the beautiful melody even as almost everyone gasped in pure surprise.

It was quite obvious that Jongwoon was utterly enthralled and bewitched by this unknown man who had him by the waist.  His expression was clearly dazed, not even his decorative black masquerade mask able to hide it.  He couldn’t keep his eyes off the taller male that was dancing with him so elegantly.  They wandered to his nose to his lips to his cheeks to those seductive dark eyes.  It was like they were him in with just a simple look, practically reading his soul like an open book.

“You look quite brilliant tonight, Jongwoon-ah.” The stranger said as he leaned down, lips brushing his ears.  It was like the shiver that went down his spine was familiar, as if he knew who this unknown man was.  Maybe he did, but from what he could see, it was not someone he was familiar with.  At least not someone from the past few years.  But the way he spoke his name, the way he held him so intimately, it felt like this stranger was not a stranger at all.  Instead more like someone he held as close to his heart as possible.

“T-Thank you… You’re quite handsome as well…” Jongwoon muttered, blushing and shy.  Usually he would return the compliment purely for politeness sake.  After all, he had a reputation to keep up; he had to reflect his family and status well.  Else he might get a scolding or get the awful silent treatment.  Of course, he would never get a beating; his parents never laid a hand on him.  But this time, just this time, he wanted to be honest, looking up to the mysterious man.  He was beautiful, even with the item disrupting the view of the stranger’s face. 

“Of course I am.” He chuckled, drawing Jongwoon’s closer with a quick little tug.  The petite male was pulled flush against his chest, stumbling clumsily as if he hadn’t been doing so the whole night.  Even after the years of training and lessons from the most experienced and strict of teachers, he could not figure out how to dance with one left and one right foot.  He was growing very embarrassed by the amount of times he had accidentally tripped on the stranger’s perfectly polished shoes.  “But you are looking exceptionally stunning tonight…” He spun Jongwoon around flawlessly and the smaller could not help but wonder how he managed the twirl without getting his feet tangled and falling flat on his .  But the stranger had manipulated him perfectly and brought him right back into his long arms.  “But of course, I would not have missed my Jongwoon’s twenty-first birthday for the world, even if you had shown up in the most awful of clothing.”

Just the way his voice floated, addressing him as if he truly owned him, sweet and low like chocolate, made his body shiver in an unknown feeling.  It rang in his ears like no other and made him shudder from how much control it held over him.  He just couldn’t understand.  That voice was just so foreign and yet familiar.  The way it made his heart palpitate was causing such a feeling of déjà vu that it was almost painful.  Yet he hadn’t felt that way since he could remember.  No girl, no male, no one had ever really made him feel that way.  And yet with a few simple words he was melting like butter, following this stranger’s voice like it had a super power.

“W-Who are you?” Jongwoon stuttered, cheeks burning bright red.  He couldn’t help but tremble a little as the stranger’s fingers caressed his lower back, drawing slow and sensual circles.  He gulped loudly, very amazed that he had even managed to get those simple words out.  Shy by nature and being so affected by the taller male, he wouldn’t be surprised if he fainted.  He saw the other smirk in the slyest way possible and he was very shocked he was still conscious.

“Instead of asking for useless information like that, why don’t we go have some fun together?” The stranger asked, not really giving Jongwoon any room to say no as he leaned forward until their foreheads were pressed together.  He tried to stumble backwards out of habit but the stranger held strong, keeping him in his vice like hold.  “So, what do you say, my Jongwoon?”

“I-I… Umma and Appa…” Jongwoon mumbled, eyes flying to where his parents were seated, watching the grand party with boredom.  They didn’t even seem too fazed why the current happenings at all.  But they’d surely frown upon him and give him a strict word if he disappeared.  The guest of honour should never be the first to leave and it would be terribly rude to do so unannounced.  Especially if it was someone of his status. 

It had been drilled into him from young; he was not a normal person with normal people standards.  He should never display such unsightly behaviours, in public or private.  Word could spread in the kingdom of Riasse mighty quickly and a simple disgrace could be made into so much more.  He couldn’t embarrass himself, his parents or their family.  He was gifted with wealth and luxury but there was always a price.  A suffocating price.

“Shouldn’t the birthday boy be allowed to do as he wishes?  It is past midnight, time has already declared you an adult.” The stranger said steadily, leaning closer and closer until their noses were almost brushing.  Jongwoon was sincerely worried he might collapse from the rate of his heartbeat, the other man was doing such unfamiliar things to him.  His face wouldn’t stop flushing, his heart just might stop from all the mass beating and everything the stranger did made him fall deeper and deeper into their own little world.  He could barely even hear the music anymore.  Perhaps the sound of his own heart was just too loud.  “And don’t you worry your pretty little head about those parents of yours… I promise to take care of everything.”

“But… But I don’t even know you.” Oh, how he yearned to let his stranger sweep him off his feet and let him bring him wherever he wanted.  His heart pulled, wanting nothing more than to comply to the request.  And with the way the other looked at him, gazing right into his soul, it was like he understood.  Understood that he wanted to escape and have some time to actually breathe.  It was like he knew every single detail about him and would take care of every worry. 

But he couldn’t.  No.  His heart may wish for him to follow this stranger to the very ends of the earth but his mind was clearly more rational and was telling him all the things that could go wrong.  He didn’t even know this man for heaven’s sake!  He could be some strange kidnapper out to bribe his parents for all he knew!  Yet behind all the unknown, all the mystery of this stranger, there was a remarkable amount of intimacy lying between them.  It might have been the way those lips quirked, or the way his fingers curled around him, or maybe it was the way those eyes pulled him in.  When the stranger claimed him so casually, it felt so right.  When the stranger brought him as close as possible, it felt like he belonged there.

“You know me, Jongwoon-ah… Your memory just deceives you…” The stranger said, breathing lightly on Jongwoon’s lips, causing him to go redder than humanly possible.  Just a tiny movement could cause a collision of their lips, something Jongwoon was quite sure he would definitely lose consciousness from.  The other just chuckled, closing his eyes as he breathed Jongwoon’s bittersweet scent slowly.  “Do not lie about your wishes, my Jongwoon.  I would never force you into something you do not want.” He wrapped his two arms tightly around Jongwoon’s slighter frame, hands running up and down his spine.  He quivered under the sweet touches, his own baby fingers tightening on the stranger’s shoulders to steady himself.  His legs felt as if they had lost all their bones, the strong structure replaced with the most unsteady of jelly.  “Just say the word… And I shall bring you to a much more…” He took another deep breath, savouring the irresistible scent of Jongwoon.  When was the last time he had been close enough to take in this wonderful mixture of vanilla and coffee?  “desirable location.  The decision is in your hands, my lovely Prince.”

It was like it was beyond his control because before he could think things through, Jongwoon was nodding numbly and surely.  He barely even registered when the stranger pressed his full lips against his own, as if under a deep, magical spell.  He couldn’t even tell he was responding, hands wrapping around the stranger’s neck as the world around them slowly disappeared, everything becoming a massive blur. 

He didn’t even really know how it all happened.  He remembered being lead out by the stranger, his small hand encased by the other’s larger one.  He remembered exiting the ballroom and even leaving the confines of the castle.  But not once did the guests look at him in wonder, giving him condescending looks for his actions.  There had nobody questioning him, giving him strange looks, no one even followed him, almost as if he were invisible.  His parents didn’t stand up from the seats, they looked barely affected.  But he had displayed extremely rude conduct!  It was impossible for them to remain so unresponsive.  Usually they would’ve exited calmly, apologising to the guests before following him and demanding he go to his room and spend a week in solitary confinement. 

Yet here he was, in a place he never thought he would ever return to.  It was still as trim and well kept as he remembered in his childhood, the flowers still as radiant and beautiful in the moonlight as they had been in his memory.  The stranger lead him through the white archway, weaved with the most radiant of blue roses.  He stared in awe at the little haven he remembered more than vividly, bells and light bulbs going off in his head as everything that had blurred came back clearer than ever.  The stranger brought him closer and closer to the glittering lake, his shoes sinking in the dewy grass. 

He was eventually lead to the familiar apple tree by the lake, the tree looking much more prosperous than he remembered, bearing more fruit and flowers.    He was sat on the same white bench that was beneath the apple tree, the paint still pristine, not a chip in sight.  And just like every feature he had passed by, he had no idea how everything remained so flawless and well kept.  From what he knew, only he and that beautiful person knew where this place was.  And that beautiful person had disappeared a long time ago.  It was so many years ago that he barely remembered that person’s face, only remembering that he was astoundingly good looking with the most hypnotising brown eyes. 

So, why did this stranger know about this place?  This little piece of paradise was too sacred to be touched by anyone else.  After waiting everyday for almost two months, hoping that that beautiful person would come back, he had given up.  The beautiful person had never returned.  So, he had no intention of ever looking back and returning.  He wanted to retain his memory of this utopia that he shared with his most precious person.  He never wanted it tainted, corrupted or touched.  Even if it was by this stranger, even if he was still totally bewitched by him.

“Who… Who are you?  Why do you know this place?” He felt tears sting his eyes as the stranger stood in front of him, looking down at him with the mask still concealing his features.  He bit his bottom gingerly, just the idea of sharing his secret haven with anyone else brought him close to crying.  He chose instead, to stare at the grass at his feet, not wanting to gaze upon the mysterious stranger whom was invading his paradise.  “This… This place belongs me and him… You have no right to…”

“My Prince, does your memory deceive so much?” The stranger took Jongwoon’s chin gently, forcing him to look him straight in the eyes.  The smaller’s eyes were glassy, red around the edges and the stranger’s heart clenched at the sight.  He never knew that Jongwoon would treasure this place so dearly.  He had even contemplated that the boy had thought this little garden was just a passing fad.  Something to keep him occupied and entertained.  But instead, Jongwoon held it dangerously close to his heart – close enough to hurt and possibly kill.  “Do you honestly not realise it?”

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jongwoon bit his lip, choking back any possible tears.  He didn’t want to remember.  He didn’t want to remember the beautiful person that had came and left much too abruptly.  He didn’t want to remember a time when he was so filled with joy that everything that came after was just a sad mess.  He didn’t want to remember a time when he was happy.  Just being here brought back the happiest time of his entire life.  A whole year out of his twenty-one wasn’t much, but it was the best time he had ever had.  “I don’t want to be here… Not without him… Please… Please, I just want to go back.”

And as much as he missed this paradise, he wanted to be away from it.  It held too many precious memories that only brought him pain now.  He loved the impossibly blue roses, the gorgeous apple tree, the endless plains of grass, the glistening sapphire lake… But he loved the only missing component the most – the beautiful man that had accompanied him here all those years ago.  That man was gone.  He wanted nothing more than to escape.  Because if that man was not here, staying was only pure torture.

Yet he couldn’t move from his spot, almost like the stranger’s dark eyes were keeping him under a spell.  His legs wouldn’t move, his body numb, held down by an invisible force.  And the more he stared into those enticing eyes, the more bewitched he was.  His body was a puppet to the stranger, only moving according to the stranger’s gestures.  The taller man held his chin delicately, his jaw with light caresses, causing all kinds of shivers to run down his spine. 

“My little Prince… Do you not miss this place?  This little piece of heaven, as you so innocently called it as a child?”  The stranger asked, chuckling as Jongwoon’s eyes filled with confusion.  He the boy’s obsidian hair a few times, combing his fingers through the locks – enjoying how the smaller male unconsciously leaned towards the touch.  Maybe his body memory was a little better.  Maybe Jongwoon’s body remembered how his fingers would through his hair, just like this.  “Do you still not understand, Jongwoon?”

The stranger allowed himself a short chuckle before cutting off all contact between him and Jongwoon.  He turned his back on the boy, walking closer to the lake’s edge, remembering the smell all too clearly.  He took a deep breath, reaching behind to the black ribbon that kept his red mask on so securely.  He undid the tie all too easily, smiling to himself as he imagined Jongwoon’s reaction.  Would he be happy?  Sad?  Angry?  Surely surprised.  Any would suffice.  He just wanted his Jongwoon back in his arms, even if he had to grab him forcefully.

“Perhaps…” The stranger looked up to the dark, starry sky, his unmasked face still hidden.  His feet moved slowly on the grass, his body turning.  His anticipation was just killing him.  He just wanted to sweep the petite male right off his feet this moment.  After all these years away, he wanted the closeness he craved every day.  “you understand now…?”

His dark, seductive eyes suddenly fit so perfectly onto his face, just like all those years ago.  Chocolate brown hair curled over his eyebrows, unchanged from the beginning.  His lips were pulled into the same smile and Jongwoon found an inability to breathe.  His eyes welled up in a whole new set of tears, a completely different rush of emotions.  Everything was happening too fast.  He didn’t know that he couldn’t contain the gasp that pulled at his lip.  He didn’t know his fingers were curling in his lap, scrunching up the fabric of his expensive pants.  He didn’t even know when his legs had regained control. 

All he knew was that he had sprinted up to the stranger – no, the familiar male he had missed all these years.  He didn’t question anything, now wasn’t the time.  He practically tackled the taller male, but the other stood strong, cooing sweet nothings into his ears.  His Jongwoon was trembling, his arms wrapped around the taller’s waist as tightly as possible.  He pet the petite male’s head as he buried his head into his shoulder.  He could feel the tears that were wetting his jacket but didn’t mind, just letting Jongwoon let it all out.  It had been so many years.

“I’m back, my Jongwoon.” He whispered by Jongwoon’s ear, his lips tickling the sensitive skin.  The smaller shivered, holding the taller even tighter.  He could only chuckle, holding up Jongwoon’s jaw with both hands, forcing the tear stained face to look up to him.  “I’m back, so, don’t cry.  My Jongwoon’s pretty face looks much prettier with a smile.” And with that he leaned down to press a feather light kiss to his nose, nuzzling Jongwoon’s cheek right after. 

“You… You came back…” Jongwoon hiccupped, sniffling as he allowed the other to pepper swift kisses down the side of his jaw.  He trembled under the affection that he had not been showered with since the taller had left, missing it all too dearly.  “You came back for me… You came back…”

The other looked down with a look that Yesung couldn’t quite decipher. It made his legs even weaker, made his bottom lip tremble and whole body to become an utter mess.  He leaned down and capture Jongwoon’s lips almost too easily, fitting almost too perfectly.  He moved as slow as possible, trying to prolong the moment.  He didn’t make the kiss intrusive at all, instead opting for something more sensual and passionate as he guided Jongwoon’s hands to grasp at his shoulders.  His own hands were wrapped tightly around the smaller’s skinny waist, pulling their bodies even closer, basked in the beautiful moonlight. 



“Good morning, my Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun Jongwoon’s messy hair lovingly, the two of them lying side by side on the smaller’s more than luxurious bed.  The piece of furniture looked as if it could fit an entire family in its comfort and warmth.  Kyuhyun played with the prince’s locks, long fingers toying with the strands right by the other’s ear, smirking at every shiver that wracked the tiny body in his arms whenever he accidentally brushed the sensitive skin.

“You stayed… You really stayed.” Jongwoon breathed, eyes heavy with sleep as he snuggled closer to Kyuhyun’s body, his warmth more than addicting.  His mind was groggy from last night’s reunion, filled with happiness – the feeling almost overflowing.  He could barely remember what happened, it was all too overwhelming.  He didn’t even remember how he got back home.  All he could remember was staying in Kyuhyun’s arms for an immeasurable amount of time, giggling about everything under the moon, gazing into each other’s eyes and kisses.  Lots of kisses.  An infinite amount. 

It should be strange to do such things with a person that was missing for a prolonged period of time but it wasn’t.  It felt right to be held by Kyuhyun.  It felt right to be touched by Kyuhyun.  It felt right to be with Kyuhyun.  It was the most right he had felt in his entire life.  He was pretty sure that their relationship hadn’t been of that nature back when he was nothing but a child.  But if the quickening of his heart was any indication then he surely wanted this kind of relationship.

“How did you get in here anyway?” Jongwoon questioned, slowly waking up.  He could feel Kyuhyun’s playful fingers drag light against his scalp until beginning to his neck.  Even after he had discovered the other’s identity, he still felt the tiny tremors at everything Kyuhyun did.  He clutched at Kyuhyun’s crumpled shirt with his tiny fingers when he felt light caresses skipping across the back of his neck.

“Is that really how you should greet me in the morning?  I would rather a ‘Good morning, Kyuhyun’, accompanied by a much appreciated kiss.” Kyuhyun teased coyly, pressing his own lips to the smaller male’s head, chuckling as Jongwoon spluttered in surprise.   He could practically feel the smaller boy cheeks blush, the soft skin pressed flush against his collarbone.  “Ow!  I don’t recall you being quite so violent when you were a child.”

Kyuhyun rubbed the spot on his head that Jongwoon had effectively whacked, the smaller boy pushing him away and crossing his arms.  He never remembered his Jongwoon being this way around anyone as a child or as a teen.  Of course he could not keep a twenty-four hour surveillance but from what he had gathered, the boy was shy and sweet.  This violent streak had become increasingly more prominent as the night had progressed and apparently into the morning. 

“I don’t recall you being so mean.” Jongwoon huffed, moving to crawl out of bed.  Through the long talks from the night before, he discovered a side to Kyuhyun he had never known to exist.  The man he remembered in his childhood treated him like he was made of the most precious of glass, capable of shattering with just the gentlest of winds.  He had never guessed the taller could be quite so teasing.  And from what he had gathered of last night’s events, the man also had a sneaky and snarky side. But even with all these discoveries, Kyuhyun had not aged a day, staying as beautiful and flawless as the first day Jongwoon had seen him.

“I’m not mean; you’re just easy to tease.” Kyuhyun said simply, dragging the escaping boy easily back into his arms, refusing to let him get away.  Jongwoon let out a little yelp but the strong tug on his shirt that pulled him until his back was snuggled firmly into Kyuhyun’s chest.  The taller male could practically see the pout present on the prince’s face, cooing silently in his head.  He remembered all the times when the boy’s lips pulled into the familiar pout, watching him endearingly through the window, disallowed from entering and making contact.  Threatened with banishment if he disobeyed, Kyuhyun could only watch from the sidelines.  He couldn’t risk all that he had, not yet at least. 

“Yah!  Let go!  You’re worse than a koala!  I have to go to breakfast.” Jongwoon scolded, wiggling in the tight grasp that squeezed around his waist.  It seemed whatever spell Kyuhyun had cast on him had faded through the night and he could think more clearly – not so bewitched by a mysterious stranger.  Or perhaps it was the very mystery that had added to the enchantment. 

“I assure you, I am much better than any tree climbing mammal.” Kyuhyun said surely as he nuzzled his nose into Jongwoon’s sensitive neck.  Jongwoon slapped one of the hands that was entwined tightly around his waist but to no effect, Kyuhyun continued the action.  He even went as far as to place light kisses across the back of his exposed shoulders, sending familiar shivers up his spine.  “Would you like to see what interesting things I can do, my Jongwoon?”

“N-No!  I do not!  I want to get out of bed… Umma and Appa… Umma and Appa will scold me if I’m late for breakfast.” Jongwoon squirmed around desperately, his breath hitching as Kyuhyun lathered the side of his neck with kisses.  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to give into the fluttering touches which were causing his heart to beat faster than he thought was humanly possible.  His resistance weakened significantly as Kyuhyun kissed behind his ear, his body trembling pathetically. “No… Kyuhyun… My parents are probably upset about yesterday… I have to… I have to go.”

“Why do you always worry?  Don’t.  I have it all covered already.” Kyuhyun said simply, only holding Jongwoon tighter, placing a comforting kiss on the prince’s head.  And yet the smaller male continued to squirm in his hold, irritating Kyuhyun just a little. 

“Even if you do… It’s my duty to tend to whatever my parents have set out for me.  I can’t skip out like that…” Jongwoon reasoned, taking a deep breath and finally deciding to relax a little in the taller’s arms.  At least he could take a short intake of relief, knowing that even if he was a little late, his parents would not notice.  But he would hate to develop bad habits or slacken in his practices.  What if Kyuhyun wasn’t there to cover up for him?  It would be disastrous and what would his parents think of him? 

“I offer you some time to have fun with me and all you think about is work and those parents of yours?” Kyuhyun asked exasperatedly, scrunching his eyebrows together.  He knew that the prince was extremely filial, even with the lack of affection and praise his parents offered, headstrong and stubborn as an ox.  But even the hardworking prince needed some time off. 

In the years that he had been gone, he had seen Jongwoon trying his best to make his parents proud, using every single second he could to give his parents a reason to see him without that condescending look.  But to no avail, they focused on only his younger brother.  So, Jongwoon tried harder, almost to the point of exhaustion sometimes.  Kyuhyun had thought maybe after all those years; he would appreciate this little break he was offering.  Apparently not.

“Do you have any idea how much I would give for someone to offer me a day of slacking?” Kyuhyun sighed, shaking his head.  He entangled their legs as if to make a point that Jongwoon was not allowed to move, no matter how much he wished to.  Today he was going to be only Kyuhyun’s.  He had missed out so many years, yearning for this very boy – he would not allow him to escape quite so easily.  Just one night in each other’s arms was not nearly enough.  No amount of eternity would be enough.

“That’s because you’re a lazy that complains about the miniscule amounts of work that you get.” Kyuhyun turned his head sleepily to the opposite direction, away from Jongwoon, towards the grand window where a familiar voice had originated.  He groaned at the thought of what came with that particular voice.  He was completely sure he had freed up his schedule.  He wanted today to be all about him and Jongwoon.  Not him, Jongwoon and his retarded work. 

Jongwoon looked up quizzically at Kyuhyun, the new voice strangely familiar, but deciding to keep his mouth shut.  He had a vague idea of who it was but didn’t wish to interrupt.  He was utterly confused, how did these two know each other?  Even though both originated from a different world, from the realm of all things deemed unreal to humans, it couldn’t be quite so coincidental, right? 

“Oh, go away Heechul-hyung.  If you want me to do some work you’ll have to literally rip me off my Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun growled, his stupid Hyung and his stupid red collar and bell could go stuff it.  Even if he did go do whatever work Siwon had assigned him, it’d be done terribly and he’d be complaining all day long.  He doubted anyone wished to deal with him when he was grumpy.  He could be quite infuriating and quite evil.

“You’re a retard.” Heechul replied, feline eyes narrowing at the tall boy and his messy bed hair.  It was even worse than his usual puppy hair.  He shook his head at the lazy male that he was assigned to take care of.  It was quite a hassle to even be with Kyuhyun much less be his freaking caretaker.  Siwon must’ve been particularly annoyed with him when he assigned him to Kyuhyun.

“And you’re a nag.” Kyuhyun replied simply, turning his head back to face the small male nestled in his arms.  Jongwoon had his neck craned, giving him the most adorable, inquisitive look possible.  Was this man really an adult?  Sure, he had only reached of age the night before, but most people would not be able to pull off so much innocence and purity after they had turned twenty-one.  But then again, Jongwoon had always been enigmatic and spontaneous.  Even as a child and it was the little antics he did everyday that made Kyuhyun’s insatiable interest in the boy grow.

“I’m just coming to check things over, you imbecile.” Heechul said, jumping onto the bed agilely.  He easily hopped over Kyuhyun’s larger body, curling into a comfortable little ball of grey fur by Jongwoon’s chest.  Jongwoon was most definitely surprised when he saw the more than familiar kitty that rested nearby.  He suspicions were correct.  He could barely contain the squeal that pulled at his lips.

“Heebongie!” Jongwoon exclaimed, quickly pulling the cat into his embrace, effectively excluding Kyuhyun from this apparently very touching reunion.  The prince barely registered Kyuhyun growling low in his throat as he Heechul behind his pointed ears, the other purring at the treatment. 

“Heebongie…?  You’ve got to be kidding me, Hyung.” Kyuhyun finally interjected, only slightly irritated at the affection that Jongwoon was lathering Heechul in.  He was the one to watch over Jongwoon all these years, the one to admire him as he grew from the bumbling child to the awkward pre-teen to the adorable teenager to the full grown man he was now.  He had watched in the shadows, craving Jongwoon more than what was supposed to be healthy.  He had spent a heaven sent year with the boy and then being denied was beyond cruel.  He could never understand the uncontrollable infatuation he had over the boy when he was young but as he grew up, maturing in many ways yet retaining so many features, it all became all too clear.

“How do you know Heebongie, Kyuhyun?” Jongwoon asked, sensing some of Kyuhyun’s discomfort.  It did not stop his constant attention to Heechul though, continuously scratching the cat, currently the feline under the chin.  Kyuhyun glared at Heechul, knowing that not only was he taking pleasure in all the pleasurable scratches Jongwoon was giving him but also in being able to irritate Kyuhyun so very effectively.  Hardly anything affected Kyuhyun, anything thrown at him he could return tenfold.  This, however, was pure gold and Heechul clearly wanted to milk this chance for as long as possible – especially after all the torture he had been made to endure through the years due to Kyuhyun’s annoying habits.

“I should be asking you how you know Heechul-hyung, Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun said as he sat up, still keeping a hand on Jongwoon’s side for an extra measure.  Though it didn’t look like Jongwoon was particularly interested in getting up anymore.  He seemed very enthralled by the fact that he could at Heechul’s soft fur.  Kyuhyun couldn’t help but glare at the cat for stealing his Jongwoon’s precious attention.  Of course, Heechul barely flinched, instead letting out a rather long purr to just annoy Kyuhyun further.

“Heebongie was just a stray cat I found in the palace gardens.  He’s so much fun to play with!” Jongwoon cooed, scratching Heechul just around the collar, causing the bell to jingle.  He smiled adoringly at the feline and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but scowl at Heechul.  “I was surprised that he could talk but I guess I got used to it.  I mean I did meet you, Kyuhyun.  You’re the most unbelievable thing that’s happened to me.”

“I told you to watch over him, Hyung!  Not gain his everlasting affection!” Kyuhyun boomed, startling Jongwoon.  Heechul had expected an outburst at some point but this was plain hilarious.  He had befriended Jongwoon out of convenience’s sake; it was easiest to look after him when he was close after all.  But this was proving to be one of the best decisions he ever made.  He couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of giggles – a rather strange occurrence as most cats could not perform such an act.

“What can I say, Kyuhyun?  People can’t resist me.  And clearly Jongwoonie can’t either.  I don’t blame him; he’s got astoundingly good taste.” Heechul teased, unable to control his sharp tongue.  He and Kyuhyun often got into little spats but never had he had such an upper hand.  He curled up closer to Jongwoon, purring as Jongwoon absentmindedly him, more focused on understanding what was going on.  “How he’s attracted to you, I’ll never know.”

“He’s attracted to me because I’m me. That’s all the reason he needs.” Kyuhyun growled, unconsciously squeezing Jongwoon’s side.  The boy winced and glared up to Kyuhyun, reaching up his small hand to pinch Kyuhyun’s arm.  He pouted at the taller boy and Kyuhyun just manufactured an over the top reaction at the tiny stinging pain.

“Stop treating me like I’m not here, you drama queen.” Jongwoon huffed, narrowing his eyes at Kyuhyun.  He barely controlled the pout that subconsciously made its way to his lips, trying to keep up a mildly annoyed persona.  “How do you know Heebongie?”

“He’s my familiar.” Kyuhyun said deadpanned, almost as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.  Jongwoon sat up as well, fixing Kyuhyun a quizzical look.  It wasn’t like mythology was part of his studies, his parents wanted him educated but not on what they thought was virtually useless and nonexistent.  He knew the basics from knowing Kyuhyun in his younger years but his understanding was still that of an unknowing child. Heechul hopped right into Jongwoon, curling up as the prince’s hand naturally fell to pat him on the head.

“I’m basically his errand-boy--baby-sitter.” Heechul chuckled, his tail waving in the hair happily as Jongwoon his polished fur.  Jongwoon down at the feline in his lap, as confused as he was before.  Heechul definitely wasn’t turning on any light bulbs.

“Hey!  I treat you better than how Siwon treats Hankyung-hyung.  He barely lets Hyung into his human form and has him doing all his stupid tasks.” Kyuhyun argued, flicking Heechul on the head.  The cat hissed at the tall boy, tempted to jump onto his face and scratch his self proclaimed beautiful face.  But then an even more devious plan that would surely boil Kyuhyun’s blood more came to mind.  That would surely get him riled up and Heechul loved nothing more than pissing Kyuhyun off.

“Like keeping an eye on you.” Heechul snickered, only to receive another flick on the head.  And instead of glaring menacingly at his master, he mewled pitifully – putting his acting skills to full use.  He nuzzled Jongwoon’s tummy, causing the prince to coo at him sympathetically and rub his head adoringly.  Jongwoon even shot a warning look to the taller boy sitting across from him.  Kyuhyun had a look of absolute betrayal written on his features and this was only the beginning!  “And you should address your King a little more formally.  Not even a ‘Hyung’.  Imagine if Hannie told him?  He’d have you cleaning the palace toilet for weeks.” Heechul purred, an evil glint in his eyes, a mischievous tone all too obvious to Kyuhyun.  But it wasn’t like the sharp feline was going to give him the time to interject.  “But I guess being attached to you isn’t too bad.  I mean you let me do this as much as I like.”


“Yah get off him you feral cat!” Kyuhyun practically screeched, trying to pry the very , very human Heechul off of Jongwoon.  Excluding the grey cat ears sitting upon his head of black hair and the grey tail swishing in the air, Heechul had all the features needed to recognised as a very charming human.  Porcelain white skin, slim long legs and piercing feline eyes reminiscent of his cat form.  He even had a pair of delicate looking hands that held more strength than they appeared to have – pinning Jongwoon’s wrists quite effortlessly to the soft mattress of his bed. 

“Nah, I quite like it here.” Heechul chuckled, his tail slapping at Kyuhyun’s face to stop his endless pulls of trying to get him off the prince.  He his lips, looking down at the flushing face of Jongwoon, his lips parted in sustained surprise.  He couldn’t resist the urge to up the column of his neck making the boy jerk and struggle in his hold.  Not that it would’ve done anything.  Being a familiar definitely had its benefits.  “I’m sure Jongwoon likes it too.”

“H-Heebongie?  Heebongie stop!  This is embarrassing.” Jongwoon squealed when he felt Heechul’s tongue dip into his collarbone.  It was definitely nothing like the sand paper tongue that lapped at his hands over the years whenever he offered him food.  He was absolutely baffled that Heechul had gone from kitty to human in less than a second.  But he swallowed thickly, accepting that this was probably something that happened on a regular basis for those of the other realm.  If he wanted to stay close to Kyuhyun, he might have to get used to strange happenings such as this.  He knew Heechul was probably just playing around, judging from what he knew and the relationship interactions between him and Kyuhyun, but he would much rather the sensual assault on his neck stop.

“Yah!  That’s it!” Kyuhyun bellowed, eyes fiery, teeth clenched.  Heechul immediately, almost comically, was reduced back to his feline form, hissing at the loss of his fun.  He tried to bite back a remark only to find his tongue incapable of conjuring up any response other than incoherent ‘meow’s.  He glared right at Kyuhyun who only seemed to smirk at his victory – it was moments like this when being a familiar really .  Especially since he had someone as unrelenting as Kyuhyun as the master.  “Now, why don’t you go and run along and play with your yarn or something, Hyung?  Before I do something else.” Kyuhyun called sweetly, blinking as innocently as possible, pulling out the most angelic expression.  The feline just hissed at his master, gracefully leaping off the bed and bounding out the open window.  He didn’t want to see what kind of spell Kyuhyun would cast on him if he didn’t obey.

“Heebongie…?  What did you do, Kyuhyun?” Jongwoon said as he sat up again, cheeks still tainted a beautiful red colour.  Kyuhyun just shook his head, bringing Jongwoon in his arms, wrapping them tightly around the boy’s slim waist.  He blew a hot breath in prince’s ear, a familiar shiver running down his spine as he did so.  It was amazing how he could have such an effect, without the aid of any magic.  Initially, he had just used the simple spell to make Jongwoon more compliant and interested, but instead it seemed that it was not merely magic working at the time.  “Kyuhyun… Why are you…?”

“Don’t fret, my Jongwoon.  I merely punished him for… improper conduct.” Kyuhyun said as his left a trail of light kisses from behind Jongwoon’s ear to his chin.  He could only chuckle when the prince trembled, small hands flying up to grab onto his upper arms.  When his lips went down further, going down Jongwoon’s creamy neck, the boy flinched when a kiss reached his shoulder, Kyuhyun’s hands moving the simple white dress shirt out of the way to give him access.  “If you don’t want me to do something, I won’t do it.  You’re still not ready, I know.”

“I just… we haven’t… all these years…” Jongwoon mumbled, unable to string sentences together properly.  Kyuhyun lips kissing him up the neck was distracting him, his head filling with all kinds of fog.  He could think more clearly than say last night when Kyuhyun had pulled him to the dance floor, but it was still like he was butter to everything Kyuhyun did, every movement of his fingers, every tiny kiss. 

“I know.” Kyuhyun said, lifting his head up to kiss Jongwoon chastely on the lips.  The boy had a positively dazed expression on, his lips slightly parted, eyes half lidded.  It was an absolute temptation but as much as Kyuhyun was sneaky he was a man of his words.  Jongwoon obviously felt the attraction and affection swimming between them but was not ready for that sort of intimacy.  The light kisses and soft hugs were enough to get him stuttering, any further and the boy might faint in the middle of it.  “We can get closer again… Then… Then we can take that step.”

Kyuhyun pulled Jongwoon closer before falling back flat onto the bouncy mattress, pulling Jongwoon on top of him so the prince could lie on his chest.  He chuckled as Jongwoon yelped, running his larger hands up and down the other’s back.  Jongwoon seemed to relax a little in his hold, resting his cheek on Kyuhyun’s chest, snuggling and moving closer as to make himself comfortable.  It would be a lie to say this wasn’t all happening too quickly, but it would also be a lie to say this wasn’t the happiest Jongwoon had been in years.  Perhaps even happier than he had been when Kyuhyun had first come into his life when he was just a naïve child.

“Where did you go, Kyuhyun?  You suddenly disappeared…” Jongwoon spoke after what seemed to be an eternal silence.  It couldn’t have been too long but the comfortable quiet made it seem like they could spend forever just like this.  In the moments given to think, Jongwoon couldn’t help the gripping sadness that tore at his heart – why did Kyuhyun leave him?  Last night had been all about the nonsensical, the flighty and light hearted chit chat, sitting under the apple tree with the luminous moon hanging in the sky.  No treacherous thoughts dared enter his mind, too filled with euphoria.  But here’s the real issue – was Kyuhyun going to leave again?

“I didn’t go anywhere, Jongwoon… I’ve been watching you all these years.  I even told Heechul to watch over you when I couldn’t.” Kyuhyun whispered, running his hand through Jongwoon’s hair, hoping to soothe out any negative thoughts that may be lingering.  But of course he couldn’t stop them, Jongwoon merely had to tilt his head and Kyuhyun could see the hurt and betrayal lying in his chocolate eyes.  If he was always there, why didn’t he come back?  Why did he wait all this time!?  But before Jongwoon could utter the ‘why’ that lingered on his lips, Kyuhyun swiftly cut him off.  “They banned me from seeing you, my Jongwoon.  Such close connections between humans and the mythical realm are usually dangerous.” Kyuhyun said slowly, unable to hide the anger in voice. 

He could still remember the day that Siwon had grabbed him harshly by the arm and given him an ultimatum.  He could not argue with the king and it was supposedly kind that he was given some form of compensation from his years away from Jongwoon.  It was still painful, excruciatingly so.  Having Jongwoon in sight, just within reach but unable to call out to him, to pull him into his arms.  The rainy days when Jongwoon sobbed his heart out, quietly calling out for someone to just save him, calling out to Kyuhyun to just come back – it was like someone had wrenched his heart out.

“And you were but a child.  Incapable of making your own decisions.  I could’ve manipulated you or others might have and caused a threat to our kingdom.” Kyuhyun mumbled, breathing in Jongwoon’s scent, unable to get enough of it.  He rubbed his hands up and down Jongwoon’s back, kissing him on his forehead, seeing the telltale tremble of his bottom lip.  Looking through the window sorrowfully, he had seen this little habit countless times.  “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to visit you… How much I just wanted to hold you… But I couldn’t.  Siwon threatened to banish me if I even attempted to make contact with you a second before you turned twenty-one.”

“Banished?  What would you…” Jongwoon started, his eyes looking up to Kyuhyun as the taller male showered him with kisses.  He could feel a stinging behind his eyes, his tiny fingers curling tightly around Kyuhyun’s shirt.  He couldn’t believe he had caused Kyuhyun such danger, such a threat to hang over his head.  He didn’t know what banishment meant in the mythical realm but if it was anything like what it meant in the human world then…

“Don’t feel upset, my little Prince.” Kyuhyun cooed, holding Jongwoon’s face gently in his hands.  He pressed a light kiss on his lips, on Jongwoon’s bottom lip for a short while.  He knew just how negative Jongwoon could be and that there were many demons taunting him in his mind.  Whispering the nickname he had given him as when he was a child, Kyuhyun cradled the boy closer.  “I don’t mind getting banished for you.  Even if it means I’m stripped of my wings and magical reserves I would stay with you for the rest of the human life I am given.” One of Kyuhyun’s hands immediately found one of Jongwoon’s, intertwining their fingers and squeezing it.  They fit perfectly together and Kyuhyun knew more than ever that this was the person he would give up immortal eternity for.

“But you…” Jongwoon started, almost pleading Kyuhyun with his eyes.  Yes, he was more than elated that Kyuhyun was willing to give up his home, his ranking as a magical ranking, the rest of his life… But he couldn’t impose so much on someone.  He’d feel the guilt for the rest of his life, even with Kyuhyun plastered to his side ensuring him that all was well.

“You don’t understand for now, Jongwoon.  You wouldn’t, of course.  I was missing from your life for so long, it’s only to be expected.  But I watched you grow up, feeling my heart yearn so much for you that it burned.” Kyuhyun murmured against Jongwoon’s ear, the said ear going red almost instantly.  He let out an amused sigh, choosing to sit up, Jongwoon seated more or less in his lap.  He held the hand in his own tighter, bringing up to his lips to kiss it lightly on the knuckles.  “This is what you humans and we fairies call love, my Jongwoon.”


How many times was it by now?  In the course of two months, how many times had Kyuhyun guided right out of his palace, his bedroom, to this wonderful paradise?  He was visiting this little hidden garden almost as often as he had as a child.  He could not come here every day, he was still adamant about completing his duties to the best of his ability.  He tried as best he could though, finding the rare spare moments he wasn’t working his off to sneak away.  And the days that he couldn’t even find those moments Kyuhyun would come through his window, tucking the fully grown man beneath the sheets.  Sometimes he would sing with that angelic voice, sometimes they would talk and others they would snuggle beneath the warm covers.  Jongwoon really couldn’t recall being quite so content, so filled with unbridled joy as he had these past few months.

That, of course, did not stop his parents.

“Kyuhyun… Can I see your wings?” Jongwoon pleaded softly as their lips parted for a brief moment.  It was one of those days that Jongwoon snuck out to their little heaven, beneath the apple tree, seated on Kyuhyun’s lap like it was where he belonged.  Early in the afternoon he had just hopped down from his bedroom window, climbing down the palace wall to escape.  He reached their refuge, surprising Kyuhyun when the prince had called out to him so early in the day.  Usually Jongwoon appeared in the evenings, if not late at night.  When the fairy had appeared, Jongwoon had merely thrown his arms around the taller male, stealing a long desperate kiss from him.  Kyuhyun had reciprocated hesitantly, unused to the prince initiating the intimacy so readily, before pulling Jongwoon down to their current position.

He actually had needed this afternoon to brush up on his studies.  On days like this it would be Kyuhyun going to Jongwoon before the prince went to bed, tucking him in and sharing a sweet moment.  Jongwoon was serious about studying and often lost track of time, getting buried under books.  He wanted to be perfect, to memorise everything – he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to study.  But for once, he didn’t care. It wasn’t like him improving on his skills was going to matter anymore.  Nothing mattered anymore. 

“Jongwoon?  What’s wrong?  Tell me.” Kyuhyun said gently as he rubbed small circles with his thumb on Jongwoon’s clothed hips.  The way he was handling him… It was almost like he was holding onto a precious glass sculpture, capable of breaking with just the slightest touch.  Jongwoon looked like the most fragile person he had ever seen before, unable to do anything but wish for Kyuhyun to just kiss his worries away.  “Come on tell me… I’m worried about you.” Kyuhyun enjoyed the kisses, he much appreciated them.  Jongwoon had been slowly gaining confidence in their acts of intimacy but was never brave enough to initiate one himself.  Kyuhyun had originally been pleasantly surprised but that surprise had transformed into concern.  Jongwoon was never like this, never so desperate and needy.  And the held silence was only intensifying Kyuhyun’s endless worry.  “My little Prince, please tell me…”

“Nothing’s wrong, Kyuhyun…” Jongwoon whispered, trying to keep his tears at bay.  He had come here to forget it all, not to remember it again.  He shivered in Kyuhyun’s arms as the fairy kissed along jaw, knowing there was a sensitive spot right by the underside of his chin.  He constantly focused on that spot, Jongwoon squeezing his eyes tight, hoping he would give in under the ministrations.

“You’re upset, my Jongwoon… Don’t try lying to me, your lying .” Kyuhyun said as he trailed down Jongwoon’s neck where many love bites littered the pale column.  They were merely there for satisfaction purposes on Kyuhyun’s behalf.  With just a flick of his wrist, they were covered flawlessly, but he preferred to leave them there so he could admire how he laid claim on Jongwoon.  The prince hadn’t really minded, as long as Kyuhyun covered them up afterwards.  He even found it endearing.

“It’s nothing, Kyuhyun.  It’s… Nothing.” Jongwoon said, biting his lower lip, eyes looking everywhere but Kyuhyun’s deep sensual eyes.  He knew he was a terrible liar, the way he was acting now was just a dead giveaway, and if he looked into Kyuhyun’s eyes he might just give it all away in a second.  He was well aware of Kyuhyun’s strong feelings, if he blurted it out now Kyuhyun would have no qualms about following his selfish desires and taking him far away.  But Jongwoon, being Jongwoon, was much too selfless for that.

“Tell me.” Kyuhyun said simply, taking Jongwoon’s chin in one of his hands, forcing the prince to look straight into his eyes.  And even though it sounded much more like an order, the pleading tone that saturated his voice could only imply a request.  Never in the entirety of their relationship had Kyuhyun ever forced himself on Jongwoon, taking his desires and wants into much consideration.  He had worked hard, using nothing but sincerity to express everything.  When he said ‘love’, it wasn’t just a pretty four letter word.  “Why do you want to see my wings?”

“I… I want to see what I’ll be taking from you if I…” Jongwoon trailed off, unable to hold his tongue, the amount of purity sparkling in Kyuhyun’s eyes impossible to ignore.  But it hurt just to hear it, much less disclose the news to Kyuhyun.  With what he desired, he would be ripping Kyuhyun from everything he had ever had.  He just wanted to keep his mouth shut and suffer alone – he didn’t want to drag Kyuhyun into it.  But couldn’t keep his silence, not with the encouraging look that the fairy kept giving him.  “If I ask you take me away…”

“Jongwoon… Why do you want me to…” Kyuhyun began, biting down on his lip.  It was killing him to not just lift Jongwoon right into his arms and fly to some faraway land.  He partially didn’t care for the reason that the prince wanted to leave, he would definitely appreciate living in a world where no one had any expectations of them.  But Jongwoon obviously loved his home, despite everything that had been burdened on him.  There must be something terribly wrong for him to make this particular request.


Kyuhyun merely sighed, he just couldn’t resist when Jongwoon looked at him with those watery eyes.  He couldn’t bear to see Jongwoon shed a single tear, not after all those years where the boy had cried alone in his bedroom.  Instead of prodding for more answers, Kyuhyun opted for just following the request.  He could always bug Yesung, hold him tight and beg him for an explanation later.  He would probably be more compliant.  So, he gestured for Jongwoon to stand up, the boy obeying and climbing off him.  Kyuhyun stood too, looking behind him to ensure that he had enough space.

It took a minute, taking a deep breath, before a set of translucent gold wings sprouted from Kyuhyun’s back.  There was a hint of green and blue along the edges, silver veins splayed throughout them – imitating a pair of butterfly wings.  They glistened, almost as if covered in large amounts of glitter, truly and absolutely beautiful.  The sheer beauty made Jongwoon want to burst into tears.  This, this, was what he had asked Kyuhyun to give up for him.  This pair of wings that gave him status, gave him identity, gave him all that he was.  Why had he ever contemplated asking Kyuhyun to give up what practically made him up?

“Jongwoon… Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun pulled Jongwoon towards him, trapping him in his arms.  He squeezed him tight, kissing the top of the trembling boy’s head.  Jongwoon barely registered what was happening, only burying his head in the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck as the fairy pat his back, rubbing in smooth comforting circles.  “My little Prince… Don’t cry.”

“I can’t… I can’t, Kyuhyun.  I could never.” Jongwoon sobbed, hands reaching up behind Kyuhyun, desperately grabbing at the fabric of his shirt.  His fingers clenched, shaking in fear and anxiety, a guttural sound exiting his throat, filled with only pure sadness.  He was beyond crushed but he couldn’t ask Kyuhyun to take it away – to bring far from the pain.  There were only two options and if one meant depression for the rest of his life as long as Kyuhyun was safe, he was more than willing to pick it.

“Jongwoon… I won’t force you into telling me anything or to do anything that you do not want.” Kyuhyun whispered as gently as possible, his voice smooth and rich.  He rearranged their position, choosing instead to lie on the grass, Jongwoon pulled carefully into his embrace, the prince’s head resting on his chest.  He wrapped one arm securely around Jongwoon’s shoulder, keeping him as close as possible, the other caressing his cheek.  He couldn’t help but stare adoringly into Jongwoon’s eyes, hating how the beautiful almond eyes were still full of tears, bloodshot from the sobbing.  “I want you to be happy.” He wiped an escaped tear with his thumb, kissing the other cheek.  “I love you.”

And because he loves Jongwoon, he held him close and didn’t prod.  He talked about everything under the sun, about how Siwon was being extra meticulous about his work, about how Hankyung was telling Siwon every little detail of their escapades, about how Heechul wouldn’t stop being insufferable.  He mentioned how the chef in the fairy kingdom was getting lazy and the food tasted like unicorn crap.  He went into detail about how hard his bed felt after he cuddled with Jongwoon on his luxurious bed.  He talked so much the sun went down, replaced by stars and a crescent moon.  And when the tears had dried and Jongwoon wasn’t looking half as down…

“I love you.”

That was when he broke.  That was when he launched into a whole new set of tears and told Kyuhyun everything.  It was painfully clear how much Kyuhyun felt for him, how much he yearned.  It was only fair that Jongwoon at least confide in him, showed him how much he trusted him – how much he mattered.  How many times had Kyuhyun shown to stand by his side, holding his hand?  Countless.  How many times had Kyuhyun his hair when he was down?  Too many.  How many times had Kyuhyun proved that he truly loved him? Innumerable.

He began the whole story with breakfast, how his parents had barely even greeted him.  It was common courtesy for them to at least give him a prompt ‘good morning’.  This time it wasn’t.  His brother had joined in just minutes later, giving Jongwoon possibly the most sympathetic look he could conjure up.  Jongwoon had assumed it was the regular look of pity due to the uneven distribution of affection.  He was dead wrong. 

After breakfast, his parents had called him to the head of the table, dismissing Jongjin.  Underneath the expensive glass chandeliers and by the rich oak chairs, they broke it to him much too casually.  They calmly stated that Jongwoon would not be taking his rightful place as king, instead all his inheritance going to his much more capable younger brother.  They had made most of the formal preparations already.  It was almost too easy, no one except for close royal families knew of the two princes.  Changing the heir was a simple process.  Jongwoon would have a use, just not one that was his birth right.  His parents had an even better excuse to neglect him, to shun him into a colder corner and withhold the affection he had yearned for years.

Not even one minute after he had retreated to his bedroom, shell shocked, he had escaped his room.  All he could think of was running straight into Kyuhyun’s embrace, letting those strong arms give him immeasurable amounts of comfort and safety.  He had only one attachment to his home, it was not a home without a family to love him, and that had been ripped from his grasp.  He had a goal, an ambition – to gain any form of affection from the parents he loved dearly.  But now that would be much too difficult to accomplish, they had already cast him to the sidelines.

And then a treacherous, dangerous, thought entered his mind.  Kyuhyun loved him.  Kyuhyun mentioned doing anything for him.  Kyuhyun said he would accept banishment for him.  Kyuhyun… Kyuhyun could take him away from Riasse, where everything just hurt.  Kyuhyun could take away the pain and the misery and they could live together, happy.  He could go to sleep in Kyuhyun’s arms and wake up in them, not worrying about the countless responsibilities he had.  Life would be hard, but they would have each other and they wouldn’t be weighed down.  But even if he didn’t have a home, Kyuhyun did.  Kyuhyun had a place to belong, a place that he would never be able to return to should he comply to Jongwoon’s selfish request.

“Jongwoon… Jongwoon, listen to me.” Kyuhyun murmured into Jongwoon’s ear, the prince sobbing all over again.  He knew a day like this would come.  Jongwoon was suffocating under the overbearing hold of his parents and one day he would realise and choke.  They had done something drastic and cruel for him to realise.  But it was better sooner than later.  Of course, Kyuhyun was more than prepared either way.  “Jongwoon, don’t think about anything.  Just listen to my voice.” Jongwoon’s hiccups stopped for a moment, solely focusing on Kyuhyun.  He channelled all his energy into listening to every word, hanging onto everything Kyuhyun’s sweet voice said.  “My home… The place I belong… it’s with you.” He nuzzled Jongwoon’s cheek before readjusting their positions, rolling on top of him.  He planted both his hands beside Jongwoon’s head, hovering right above him and planting a kiss upon his lips.  “For me to be happy, you have to happy.  Do you understand how much it hurts to see you suffering all the time?”

Kyuhyun his obsidian locks, smiling at the way Jongwoon shivered in his touch.  He still did.  Every time Kyuhyun caressed him gently, softly kissing him, he would react as if it was the first time.  Jongwoon’s chocolate eyes stared up at Kyuhyun as the fairy kissed him sensually, falling right into rhythm.  Kyuhyun’s mouth moved suavely, Jongwoon’s breath hitching and leaning to the intimacy.  They had always fit so perfectly together, be it in an embrace or a kiss, be it holding hands or merely each other’s cheeks. 

“I… I don’t want to watch you grow old and watch as your life fades right before my eyes as I remain in this immortality.  I want to be able to call you mine and spend a human eternity together.” Kyuhyun said as they broke apart, kissing again at Jongwoon’s upper lip.  He loved how Jongwoon tasted.  There was something so unique and wonderful about it that he wanted to taste every corner.  He wanted to explore every inch and claim it as his own.  “Jongwoon… I won’t take you away if you don’t want to.  But I want to.  More so than anything in the entire human and mythical world.” Kyuhyun kissed Jongwoon’s cheek lightly, feeling the smaller male reach up with shaking hands to hold onto his shoulders.  “I love you.”

Jongwoon bit his lip as Kyuhyun’s lips trailed down his throat, leaving tiny marks along the way.  He wriggled a little under the ministrations, an embarrassing little noise pulled from his mouth.  It wasn’t the first, but it always felt like it was.  He felt Kyuhyun kiss down to his collarbone, nipping lightly at the thin skin.  He continued further into the simple shirt Jongwoon donned and the prince felt Kyuhyun hesitate, his movements stopping at the first button.  Jongwoon knew why, knew what Kyuhyun wanted but wouldn’t take without his permission and love.  The smaller boy grasped Kyuhyun’s chin in two hands, bringing him back to eye level.

Swiftly, he captured the fairy’s lips in the softest kiss he could conjure up.  He closed his eyes, shyly on Kyuhyun’s bottom lip, enjoying the moment.  He tried to mesh all his feelings into the kiss, trying to convey his message without words.  His hands wandered to Kyuhyun’s neck, small fingers playing with the curled locks by his neck.  It didn’t take much for Kyuhyun to respond, merely pressing back and following Jongwoon’s lead before they both had to separate for need of air.

“I love you, Kyuhyun.”

Now, this was a first.  And Kyuhyun couldn’t hold himself back.  He saw all the trust and the love welling in those almond eyes, allowing him to do as he pleased.  He promised to be gentle as he kissed Jongwoon all over again, hands roaming to the impeding clothing.  He moved as slow as possible, wanting to treasure their first night together.  It was supposed to special, as precious as possible.  Jongwoon was giving him his innocence, his purity, something that could never be gained ever again.

Jongwoon was the first to be bare, clearly embarrassed as Kyuhyun soon joined him in their shared .  Their clothes laid scattered across the dewy grass, Kyuhyun slowly working Jongwoon into a state of absolute relaxation.  He caressed and kissed, doing all the right things to ensure that the prince would remember this experience fondly.  He carefully built up the lust hanging in the air, Jongwoon’s eyes only showing how expertly Kyuhyun was working.

With only the luminous moon as an audience, Jongwoon and Kyuhyun forgot all that bound them.  Jongwoon was no longer a prince; Kyuhyun was no longer a fairy.  They were two simple beings, totally and utterly in love, and completed.  It was painful for Jongwoon but he endured it, allowing Kyuhyun to take the lead and do whatever it would take to help him up to cloud nine.  It was an unpleasant feeling until Kyuhyun found the perfect angle, sending Jongwoon scrambling and hoping for the same spot to be found.  Kyuhyun complied eagerly, quickening his pace, kissing Jongwoon as lovingly as he could.

They were both finished within a short while, panting and sweating and content.  Jongwoon was still flushing a bright red, Kyuhyun letting out a small chuckle as he kissed Jongwoon sweetly before disconnecting their bodies.  Jongwoon had grumbled at the separation but Kyuhyun silently ensured there would be similar nights following.  And in the midst of the blue roses, the glittering lake, the flawless white bench, the prosperous apple tree, under the glowing moon…

“Take me away.”


“Yah!  Kyuhyun!” Jongwoon cried out as Kyuhyun suddenly grasped him from behind.  His lover nuzzled his nose in the crook of his neck, two arms wrapping as tightly around him as possible.  He giggled as light kissed peppered up his throat, shivering and blushing as usual.

“It seems he’s still a retard, no matter how many years pass.”

Jongwoon turned around in Kyuhyun’s tight embrace, wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck.  He reached up on his tip toes to press a kiss to his lips.  As he pulled away he couldn’t help but stare at his lover’s still beautiful face.  The years had matured his features.  He no longer had the young and lively features of an early twenty year old, instead looking at least five years older but still just as charming.  He hummed happily, swaying slightly in Kyuhyun’s arms. “What happened?”

“Just admit it Heechul, you miss him.”

“Shut it, Hannie!”

“Is there a need for a reason as to why I’m touching you?” Kyuhyun asked mischievously, his hands wandering.  One hand made it under Jongwoon’s shirt, caressing his lowermost back, the other still tightly wound around his waist.  There were many things Jongwoon could assume about what he was thinking and the smirk on Kyuhyun’s face was giving everything away.

“Don’t talk to him like that.”

“Oh and here comes Mr. I’m-a-softy-at-heart.”

“Yah!  Don’t address your King so informally.”

“Not before dinner, Kyuhyun.” Jongwoon said shaking his head, whacking the boy on his shoulder.  Kyuhyun, like a dejected puppy, whimpered and withdrew the hand that was ersely Jongwoon’s skin.  But he still kept a firm grasp on Jongwoon, kissing his right eyelid.  Jongwoon just half heartedly hit Kyuhyun on the shoulder again but that only prompted his lover to kiss the other eyelid.

“I don’t think I want to eat your cooking tonight.” Kyuhyun snickered, almost full out laughing when Jongwoon’s face lit up in irritation.  It was a fact that Jongwoon’s cooking was not the most brilliant but it wasn’t like Kyuhyun could complain.  Kyuhyun could burn water.

“What?  He is.  He’s supposed to be ruling with an iron hand and he takes pity on a renegade fairy.  Isn’t that just precious?”

“It’s an act of kindness, Heechul.  Why don’t you get back to work now instead of spying on this couple through the crystal ball?”

“Why don’t you go a wall or Hannie, Siwon?”

“We all know you miss him, Chullie.  Come, my King, let us leave Heechul to his own happenings.”

“Don’t get upset, Jongwoon.  I just had something a little different in mind.” Kyuhyun said as he caressed Jongwoon’s face, noting how the boy unconsciously pouted.  It was absolutely precious and Kyuhyun never got tired of it.  He kissed Jongwoon’s nose before snapping his fingers, still amazed by the fact he could still do simple spells like this.  He had lost his wings and his immortality yet he could put food on the table from out of thin air.  He guessed maybe Siwon wasn’t as heartless as he had perceived.

“Kyuhyun!  What… What’s the occasion?” Jongwoon asked gaping at the candlelit dinner in front of him.  A vase full of blue roses sat in the centre of the table, a flawless white table cloth placed over their originally simple table.  He and Kyuhyun came to appreciate the sweet, domestic things but sometimes a little bit of luxury was more than welcomed.  He looked back up at Kyuhyun, still in shock.  And all he needed to know was present in those dark eyes that still made him shiver.

“I love you.”


Word Count: 12K

A/N: Yups, I’m gonna be totally lazy and copy and paste my A/N that I’m kind of using for all my KyuSung fest fics… I’m sorry for being lazy lol.

“HI!  I’m not dead!  Yays? LOL. 

Well… I feel ashamed that I haven’t posted in so long that I forgot how I format things and had to go check… T.T Well, anyway, even though this is kind of like… copy-and-paste cuz it’s what I wrote for the KyuSung fest, I actually have something coming up soon ^.^ BTW I’ve been trying to edit my style and characterisation a little because my previous fics are just… complete disgraces to the literate world… lol so what do you think? I like to think the KyuSung fest helped me develop my style a little more but who knows? Haha.”

Yups that’s the copy and pasted part.  Anyway, anyone realise that I’m kind of sort of steering away from ?  LOL. It’s just too much work and I always feel so awkward and embarrassed when I write it lol… So… Don’t expect any more from me really… Sorry?  But you have to admit, when I wrote it it was pretty damn bad, no loss there XD

And thank you so, so much to wonderful beta, midnight.  She’s super supportive, super constructive and an awesome Unnie!! I highly recommend her fics if you haven’t read them because they’re PURE KYUSUNG AWESOMENESS!  And if you haven’t read them I honestly have no idea where you have been for the past 6 months or so cuz she’s absolutely brilliant! ^.^

See you next time, darlings ^.^


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405 streak #1
Chapter 1: oh my gosh! It's really beautiful! Love it!!!
Chapter 1: This was absolutely amazing! I love their relationship so much and like the ending was perfect. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Giving up immortality to live, grow old and die with the one you love the most. Awww
oh my god I love it! ♥
ysismine #5
Chapter 1: awesome, sweet , cute , all beautiful adjective you name it *^*
awwwwww i love how kyu treats yesung so endearingly >////<
they're so cute too be true *sobs*
thanks for the beautiful story ;) keep writing author ssi ^^
Kyusung fest? Can u link me? Please?!
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 1: Yipeeee kyusung fest! I've missed your stories. ;) Although, idk why i haven't gotten alerts for these stories because I'm subscribed to you as an author. huh...

Anyways, this fic was absolutely adorbs! :D