Introducing The Twinklees


Twinkle*_Chapter 2 : Introducing The Twinklees


"Hello?..." the boy with the sharp chin wave his hand in front of Sulli.

While Sulli was still dazed by the handsomeness of the two boys in front of her and,.. a few factor from her shock too. She shake her head a little, coming out of her random thoughts.

"Ah.. Hi.." Sulli replied awkwardly, a little stammered plus a smile that was equally awkward with her tone of greeting. By a simple word It was weird, and Sulli can even see now how the two boys in front of her try to contain their laughs too.

They giggled vaguely and then the tanned boy finally ask her.

"...So.. who are you?" asked him with a suspicious gaze. "Only members allowed to go here."

"Ah, yes." Sulli nodded her head and shortly realized that these boys must've been thought her as an intruders. So she quickly explain. "I'm a new member here. My name is Sulli. I just got here a few hours ago" she said. 

"O?..." The two boys look a bit shocked for a moment.

"Really?" The tanned one asked in a small voice, asking to himself and looked unsure. While the other boy just shrugged and not really concerned about it.

Getting that kind of reaction Sulli is starting to ask herself. 'Why can't people actually believe that I'm joining the Twinkle Theater? Gosh... Am I not that promising? ' said her, whining in her thoughts.

"Here." Sulli finally had to open his bag again to show them the printed e-mail once again.

The tanned one leans his head forward to see the e-mail clearer. He read it carefully, and just like Key just earlier today he finally believed what Sulli has been said. But thank god the replies wasn't that cold as Key. He smiled, but he still looked so surprised about it. While the white one just stand there looking relaxed.

"Wow... welcome to the twinkle then." the tanned boy spoke. He chuckles to himself in disbelief with Sulli and the guy beside him still didn't say anything. "No. Really... Welcome. And I'm sorry. I thought you were one of the stalkers. A few people likes to sneak into this area these days and stalking at the Twinkle members tacitly." he said. "And It has been a long time since we got a new member. So I got quite a shock actually."

Sulli just nodded. It's understandable. And Kangta has also said about that too, the 'has been a long time not having a new member'. But the other boy then speak after that,

"But I have heard that Mr. Sooman held an audition in the last few months though." he said casually.

The tanned one stock-still a few second after that. And then he look at the guy beside him, in a disbelief way. "...How can you not tell me about that then?"

And the friend reply him with an annoyed gaze on his eyes. "Well that's because you're too busy absenting from our practice, Kai. Blame your self for that." said him annoyed.

The guilty one disprove "Hey-hey.."

But the white skinned boy didn't give a damn about it and just looking back at Sulli with a smile on his face. "Anyway..., Welcome to twinkle, Sulli. It's a pleasure to have you here. I'm Oh Sehun, a twinkle member." said him while shaking hands with Sulli.

Sulli accepted his hand and greet him back with a smile. She was amazed. 'So this is the guy that those girls talked about before. And he was just performing. No wonder his looks are so bright.' 

"And I'm Kai. A member, just like him." The other one also bowed and introduced himself. Sulli quickly bowed too. She's planing to shake hands with Kai but Sehun already interrupt them and replied Kai coldly.

"No. He's not like me. He often doesn't come to practice. And his skin is so much darker than me. And his looks..." Sehun looked at Kai disgustingly and said to him, "Geez... your face even looks so far behind me now. You should wait for the moment when I finally take your spotlight Mr. Lazy"

"Hey, c'mon. I said sorry for hundred times already." Kai plead in disbelief. It looks like that these two boys are having a little problem between them now. "It was for an important matter." Kai added.

But Sehun still insisted. "Like I care..."

Sulli giggled a little after watching these 2 boys arguing. 'They must be the type of friends that had become close for so much until they're not even afraid anymore to mock at each other and making a threat like that now.'

She stop giggling as Sehun start to approach her and clinging his hand on her shoulder now. He had left Kai and now he's taking a stand next to Sulli, embracing her as he speak again, "Look, Sulli. If you have started to become a twinkle member, you should really put your mind and soul to it. Don't do it like Kai over there." he said at her ears while he point ted Kai with the sharp chin that he has.

"Sehun~" Kai still Whining.

Sulli laugh at them, amused.

And Sehun continue to enjoy what he was doing to Kai in a relaxed face of him. "See, Kai. She even laughed at you." he said still mocking at Kai.

Kai quickly defend himself. "No, she wasn't. She was laughing at you. Right, Sulli?"

And Sulli who stand between them just keep laughing amusedly. "You guys must be so close." she said.

"Us?... Close?" Sehun was still moody, and so as Kai always ready to avenge him.

But then, watching Sulli's laughs, they finally realized how their dignity would fall even harder in front of her then if they just keep arguing at that time. So, they finally stop.

The two boys were eventually returned to their original position as when they met Sulli for the first time. And in one slight chance Sehun whispers at Kai, still half-heartedly.

"Geez... how could you make a Newbie laugh at us?"

- - -

After a few talks with each other the three peers finally became closer. Mostly because Sulli is actually the type of girl that get close with boys easily. She doesn't feel awkward hanging around with them since her family is full with boys too. She has 2 older brother that still in college right now and she's still in contact with them even now. So it doesn't take a long time for her to be intimate with Sehun and Kai too.

Now, the three of them are walking at the hallway, going deeper to the theater. At first, Sulli was supposed to be waiting for Kangta, but right at the moment when Sehun and Kai was about to leave her and went to their own place, a massage was sent from Kangta. He said that he had a meeting that he had to do urgently so he can't continue the "tour" with Sulli. Kangta asked for Sehun and Kai to take his place as Sulli's 'tour guide'. And here they are, chatting and walking casually, still at the same hallway.

"By they way, Sulli. What are you majoring at?" Sehun asked at the middle of the walk.

Sulli answered simply. She shook her head and said, "...I don't know." 

But Sehun winced, he couldn't believe it. "What? You don't know? There's no way you don't know it. Kangta will always put your major right at the time he met you" he said.

Sulli paused for a second then said, "...Well he does have put me in a major. But I myself couldn't believe that I have an ability to do well in that major.".

Kai who has been silent all this time finally spoke. "What major did he put you in anyway?" he asked to the point.

"Uh..." Sulli was a bit hesitant. "..Musical?"

"MUSICAL??!" both Sehun and Kai gasped.

"Yeah. It's hard to believe right?" Sulli continued. With her sentence just now she was actually asking for a confirmation of her hesitancy before. But the two boys instead was still amazed by it. 


"Awesome, man! It's hard to be in the musical major."

"What? No no no!.. don't take it like that." Sulli quickly direct them. "Listen, ...I'm really bad at dancing, and I'm not that good in singing too. I'm just good with acting. I was originally want to take the acting major but he turn it to the musical major. So it's kind of confuse me too." said Sulli explained it.

Kai replied her after chuckling a little "For your information Sulli, acting major was being merged with the musical major just this morning. you mustn't have heard that." 

Sulli was glued in shock for the next three second after that. "What?.. why?..." She asked, with her face even look more down right now.

Sehun explain, "Because Mr. Sooman thought that these days people will no longer amused just by an acting. They want to hear a melody and a dance in one performance too. And since there's not many event and places that can show musical often these days, so.. 'Why don't we make Twinkle a place for that new awesome generation?'.. that's what Mr. Sooman said." 

"And by the 'new awesome generation', he mean a generation of performer that can do not only in one major of singing, dancing, or acting, but all of them in the same time. A flexible performer, and by a close meaning it means musical." Kai continued it. "Does he ever said in your interview, Sulli? that in twinkle we're demanded to be able to have a large range of ability and switching with the other major occasionally."

"Yeah.. well.. kind of" Sulli answered while tilting her head to the right, try to recall the things that Kangta said before.

"Well that's mean the plan has started." Kai put a conclusion on it.

Sulli nodded calmly. She thought to herself, 'It must've been really exclusive... this Twinkle theater. I wonder would I even be able to survive in a place like this.'

The three youngsters fall silent after that for a few second. Maybe it even become a bit blue. And knowing that the atmosphere has gone a little dead, Sehun immediately speak, try to break the ice and more importantly comforting Sulli.

"Don't worry, we have a plenty great trainers here. I was originally got into this theater with no incredibly talented background, you know. But after training for such a long and intensive period I finally be able to dance... well, just a little bit behind Kai. And probably... would even pass him in the near future." said Sehun while glancing at Kai playfully.

Kai realized it, so he playfully smirked back at Sehun too."He-heh. And I would never let that happen." He said.

"Yeah?... well, I would never back down either." Sehun throws it back confidently.

And they both clearly make an impression at Sulli. About determination, and a passion to compete with each other and more importantly with themselves.

Sulli said amazedly. "Wow.. you guys are so cool.." she said while smiling to the two seniors beside her.

"Cool?... Really?" both Sehun and Kai went shy after the praise that gave.

"M-hm." Sulli nodded. "So Inspiring." added Sulli with a dreamy looks again.

"Ha ha..., it's nothing." Kai smiled, still flattered.

It's look like the two boys beside her run out of words after that. So Sulli continue with a new topic. 

"Oh yeah!... What are you guys majoring by the way?" she asked curiously.

Sehun giggled lightly after he heard Sulli's question. "Isn't it obvious already?... Dancing." 

"Whoa... It must be so awesome. I'm really bad at dancing." replied Sulli lightly.

"Huh?... Well, I'm really bad at singing then." Sehun replied carelessly, making the three of them laughed.

"Well If you really bad at dancing then you should come practice with us. I don't mind to have a new more student to teach." Kai joins in.

Sulli giggled at Kai's offer. But of course she will be happy to do that. It would be less pressuring if she learn with a friends after all.

"But your performance must be so good. I was bumping with 2 girls when I was on my way to this theater, they were talking about you and totally fangirl-ing at you, you know" said Sulli to Sehun.

Sehun answered confidently. "Huh.. well of course. I'm pretty popular here after all."

"Hh'.." Kai mugged at Sehun narcissist. 

"What? You don't believe it? Should I just show you one of my dance move then? How's that?... you wanna see it too, right, Ssul?" said Sehun. "Oh! instead of just me, why don't we both dance eh, Kai?" 

'God... This hyper kid' Kai wondered at his own mind. He can't even believe how he started to make friend with this guy. 

"C'mon Kai, Let's show her how the things are get down here." Sehun started to get hyped. He started to jump around and nudging Kai's elbow for a few times, walking with a beat and sleek moves.

Sulli was already amazed by it. And Kai just shook his head, being reserved as always and still walks calmly beside Sulli, trying to avoid Sehun. Unfortunately 'this hyper kid' in front him just wont stop. And even Sulli has started to push him forward right now, asking him to dance. 

"Ka~i, Ka~i..." shout Sulli while clapping her hands.

"Okay, okay.."

Kai finally agreed to take Sehun challenge. Even though at start Kai wasn't that interested but the soul of a dancer already flows within his body after all. He was goaded already.

At first it was a battle. And even though their moves are so cool and awesome, Sulli just could not resist to laugh at how the two of them battling out. It was actually pretty funny how they throw a moves to each other. Sometimes the moves are just too weird and that was the first reason why Sulli laugh at loud unbearably. Kai right there keeps grabbing his crotch (don't know why?....) and he can't even walk properly. Sehun was swift, sharp and smooth, but then he's trying to do a handstand!.....

...It failed. 

"Yah*!... that one failed because of the floor. not me." Sehun immediately spoke to defend himself. But Sulli still can't help laughing. And she kept laughing until she eventually fell to the ground.

"Watch this!..." Suddenly Kai step up to the front, emerging to Sulli's eyesight, and then suddenly....


He spin around.

And that, People, that was not just any usual spin. It looked so light, soft and graceful. Like a...

"Ooo..., bravo Mr. ballerina~" Sehun suddenly speak out, making Sulli shocked and speechless.

Kai immediately stopped and walk calmly to Sulli side. He felt a regret as Sulli couldn't stop staring at him now. And she still speechless.

"That moves, Sulli,.. that was the reason why Kai titled as one of the main dancer in this theater. He's not any usual dancer..." Sehun walks back a bit to Sulli, bend down and whisper close to her ears. "He is a ballerina~"

Sehun explained proudly while his hand clung again into Sulli's shoulder and Kai trying to be normal again. He's walking calmly beside her and choose to stay cool. Maybe that cool attitude is the thing that makes it even more special.

"What about you?.." Now it's Sehun's turn to be questioned by Sulli.

"Me?..." Sehun paused a bit and try to take a glance at Sulli. He grin slowly and chuckles a little "...just a break dancer."

"Break dancer?... Wow!..." Sulli undoubtedly amazed by them again. 

But Sehun reply her lightly. "Ey~... this is nothing. You should see how our trainers dance. You would probably go breathless for it." said Sehun.

"There's... more?"

"Yup! And they probably still in our waiting room right now. We're about to go there. You didn't mind if we added this straightly to your 'tour' right?" Sehun asked her again in a friendly way, shaking Sulli's shoulders a bit. "Come on. We got many people here to be introduced"


Meanwhile in the waiting room, there are two people, one guy and one women who's now waiting casually together. Both of them sat on a different side, still facing each other side. The guy, a young guy with a big 'want to know' eyes is sitting on the inner part of the bar, drawing something, and writing, he looked focused. While the other women sat on the outer part, drinking her tea gracefully. She tied her long sleek brown hair in a ponytail and leave a bangs on the front.  

On that quiet moment the guy suddenly turn his head, facing the women, he asked slowly. 

"Vic..., I remember about the cake you make yesterday, could you tell me the recipe for it?"

The women, Victoria, turn her head slowly, with a scanning eyes she raised her eyebrow at the guy. "D.O, are you our costume designer.. or our chef?"


"I know, Vic.... I just can't seem to focus... What should I do~...?" The guy named D.O straightly drop his head on the table limply. "Why is it so hard? our new project... I can't seem to find any idea for the costume, and detailed story..." D.O lean his head just like that on the table, talking in a stressed out feeling. 

"Hey, don't worry. Amber is working hard like you too you know. She' not even coming out from her studio since this morning." Victoria replied gently while patting D.O's back.

D.O glance at her again. "What about you... don't you have something to do too?" asked him interrogating. "Aren't you our choreographer, Vic?" D.O suddenly asked.

Vic grinned and answered easily. "Me?... I will... later of course, because I need the music that Amber gonna produce right now. hi hi"  She grinned happily, making D.O even look more down.

"Aw.... you poor kid, should I make something for you so you could cheer up more?" Victoria patted D.O's back again. She felt wrong now looking at her partner seems so weak.

"Cake~.." D.O answered lightly but his voice is too weak and it has been taken down by the loud voice that suddenly come from the outside of the room right now.

"Guys!!... we're back!!"

It was Sehun's voice. The door of the room has been opened widely by the time D.O turn his head to the source of the voice. And he immediately raised his head when she saw a girl has clung onto on Sehun's left arm right now. He haven't seen this girl before, and he didn't recall Sehun has told him anything about...

'Girlfriend?..' D.O's eyebrows raised as that words starting to linger at his naughty mind.

Victoria was shocked too. But they surely have to welcome them first.

"Wow... Welcome." said D.O still startled.

Victoria nodded and then added. "Yeah.. Welcome! We've been waiting you for so long.."

Both of them are looking at each other for a brief second after that, as if they're communicating with their eyes.

'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' something like that. And then they finally look at the their two friends plus the new girl that was still standing in front of the door.

"Who is she, Sehun?" asked Victoria as she started to approach them.      

Sehun giggled nosily "Oh, this girl?... my girlfriend."

"Hey!" The girl revolted to Sehun, smacked him quite hard.

"Ok, ok, sorry, it was a joke.." Sehun said to the girl and giggled.

The girl was of course, Sulli. She smiled to Victoria and bowed. 

Kai walk straightly to D.O after he gave the flower bouquet that he held earlier to Victoria, "From your fans. 'Great choreography' they said" he said lightly. And Victoria smiled happily.

"He he... thanks." she said.

Victoria directly stand in front of Sulli and grab her cheeks after that.

"Who are you, pretty girl?.." asked Victoria kindly.

Sulli quickly answer. "I'm Sulli, the new member." said her cheerfully.

"O-my god! You finally came!... Welcome to the twinkle." Victoria smiled and hugged her right away. "We've been waiting for you, Dear..."

"Thank you..." Sulli hugged back. Victoria was so kind and quickly made Sulli feel intimate with her. She reminds her of her mother.

After the sweet hug Victoria led Sulli to the bar. Her eyes meet D.O, she smiled to him and he smiled back friendly. His smile was so adorable. That big round eyes suddenly became an eyesmile and It made her want to smile even bigger. 

"Oh... where's everyone by the way?" Sehun walk casually to the couch and sit there. He noticed the room was quite deserted, not like usual, there used to be like.. ten people on the room. And moreover he already promised to introduce many people to Sulli.

"Busy with their own work?..." said D.O.

"Mr. Sooman has sent an order for our new project again. And we have to make at least 50% of the project and the base plan for tomorrow. Amber has started working on the music and D.O is stressing out with his design again. Kai you should help him." said Victoria explained it. "Oh.. and they said it should be musical... 'again." she added while taking a seat adjacent with Sulli at the bar, randomly tidy up Sulli's wavy hair. "I guess this department would be a musical centered department in a short time"

Sehun chuckles. "Well it's good then. Since most of our department member has many diversity of skills and specialty, right? But thank god I performed today. At least they wouldn't pick me again. I'm so exhausted right now."

"But we're still lacking in a true musical major."

"Not really... Sulli is a musical major." Kai suddenly speak out. Making everyone, except Sehun gasped.

"Really?" Victoria asked happily. But Sulli couldn't answer.


"....D.O, where is my shoes?"

Suddenly there is a loud voice coming out from the interior room of the waiting room. It was a girl voice. Sulli felt like she has heard it before.

"D.O~.." suddenly the interior door opened and a head of a girl appeared at the gap of the door. Sulli remember that face. She is Luna, the girl who was just performing today. Kangta has told her about Luna at the interview too. 

She looked shocked seeing Sulli there, but her face still looks adorable at that time. "..Who... Who is she?"

Luna asked clueless, but before anyone answered, a low voice is also coming out from the hall of the waiting room. A slim figure, with a black leather outfit, hat, and short hair was coming in. She cheered happily.

"The music is done, guys. It's done!"

That figure, although she looked like a boy, she's actually a girl. And seeing the reaction of her friends that still speechless in the room right now she wondered, "Whew.. what's happened?" She walk casually to the boys at first but after seeing Sulli she finally stops and smirked. "And you are?..."

"Well I think it's a good time to introduce isn't it?" Sehun eventually stand and grab Sulli's hand to his side. Luna quickly coming out of the room and followed the other members, making a small circle on the room and Sehun started to talk.

"Okay... to all my dear friends, please welcome our newest member of Twinkle, Sulli!............." said Sehun. "..,now bow." Sehun whispered at Sulli and she quickly do the directives.

"Hi, I'm Sulli, 17 years old. It's nice to meet you." said Sulli introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you too, Sulli~." all of them greeted back, but D.O and Luna surely the two people that greeted her the most with their hyper loud ways of greeting. And It looks like D.O's stress have gone away too.

"And your major?..." asked Sehun continued it.

Sulli didn't answer right away for she was still hesitant, but the other members have anticipate it so much and she shouldn't hide it too, right. So she finally said it. Confidently.

"I'm a musical major."

"Musical?! Oh my god!! Yay!!" Luna jumped around happily after hearing it. A big pile of happiness flowing right through herself as she finally found a friend in the musical major around her age. She straightly hug Sulli tight even though her height was a bit tiny for Sulli's tall body. 

"Ok. Calm down, calm down..." said Sehun controlling the situation. He continued, "Since Sulli has introduce herself, now it's our turn to introduce our selves. Starting from me,.... My name is Oh Sehun, I'm 17 years old. A performer, majoring in dance, and I'm trying to specialize in break dance." said Sehun proudly.

Kai takes his turn after Sehun. "I'm Kai, 17, performer, dance major and... well, you know." Kai smiled shyly at himself, quickly end his introduction there.

D.O quickly takes his turn after Kai. He said that his real name is actually 'Kyungsoo' but he preferred to be called with 'D.O'. He's eighteen years old right now and... he's a costume designer for Department three?!

"Whoa..." Sulli wowed by it. A costume designer? She never expected that. 

"Yeah... well... It's nothing big actually. You do not need to make your face up like that.. " D.O blushed a little. "And oh!.. sometimes I also work on the props, concept story and creative team." said D.O with a smile.

Now it's down to Victoria. She said friendly, "My name is Victoria Song and you can call me Victoria. I am the leader of Department three and I also choreographed the dance sometimes... About my age... hh.. you don't really need to know my age. he he he.." she said chuckling. The other members look at her in a suspicious gaze after that. A few of them shook their heads a little. They knew why she hide it.

Luna then takes her turn. She introduced herself excitedly "Hi, I'm 'vitamin' Luna. Nice too meet you. I'm 18 years old, and I'm a musical major too.^ ^ Let's be a good friends!..." said Luna loudly. Her personality is really hyper, no wonder she's a vitamin.

The girl beside Luna, the one with a short girl smiled coolly. She speak out.

"Hey, I'm Amber. I'm 19.. and I compose for this department... department three." she introduced herself shortly and then grinned.

This girl surely not like any other girl. Especially because of her looks. She's a tomboy and she surely has the cool vibe surrounding her right now. It's a friendly vibe for Sulli. Maybe because Amber acted as casual and relaxed as the boys, and Sulli also hangs around with boys. So... it looks pretty friendly for her. Her smile looks... welcoming.



Finally the introduction has come to an end. Victoria as the leader conclude it by saying, "Consider us as a family, and if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask us."

"M-hm." Sulli nodded

And so, the time goes by.

- - -



The clock has reached number eight right now and the working hours on the Twinkle theater is almost done. Sulli has chatted along with every member that she met today and they eventually got closer. Unfortunately, It's pretty late right now and they have to go home quickly if they want to get enough time for sleep tonight. Moreover because tomorrow would be a big day. It has been announced that tomorrow is a general rehearsal day. 

Sulli didn't know anything about it. A general rehearsal? What is that? She asked a few times but no one seems willing to answer her. All that they said was 'You should know it by yourself,... Tomorrow.'

Yeah... Sulli actually couldn't take it but she have to. And at least it made her even more excited to come tomorrow. Maybe tonight will become a hard night for her to sleep. Her hearts is gonna beat so fast and her minds would go everywhere as far as her imagination takes her.

. . .

"Oh yeah,... where is Soojung and Baekhyun by the way?" Sehun asked at the time that the most of them said that they are about to go home.

Sulli's ears rightly set at the moment she heard Soojung's name being mentioned. Is it the Soojung that Kangta's talking about?

"Ah... she need to go home early today. She said Jessica miss her so much so that she has to be home before sunset tonight." said D.O toneless.

"And Baekhyun?"

"... I think he's in a bad mood today. It's better for us to leave him alone tonight." said Victoria simply.

"But he's here, right?"

"Well.. Yeah." Victoria nodded lightly.

And Sehun suddenly suggested. "Maybe we should introduce her to Baekhyun. Maybe Baekhyun would cheered up after seeing her." he said while pointing at Sulli with his chin.

"And what makes you think he would cheered up?" Victoria wondered at him.

"Well... because she's very pretty." Sehun answered simply. And everyone fell silent for his cheesy explanation. 

Sulli laugh lightly at it, she didn't think a newbie like her should taking a praise this soon. But Sehun still insisted and think like there's nothing going on or too cheesy about it.

"Hey, I'm telling the truth. I mean... look at her face. There's not many girls has a plump lips as her, and her white skin, that's the most white skin I have ever seen here. And her eye smile... We can finally have another bright eye-smile after Tiff-Sunbae* left us..."

'Tiff-Sunbae?' Sulli heard something familiar.

"... So I thought our Baekhyun-Hyung* who likes unique and pretty faces would have an inspiration or at least he cheered up after seeing her..., right? " Sehun finished. And it turns out that his explanation was irrefutable for the other members. 

"Yeah. I agreed. I'm pretty sure he would love that face. And after all I think Sulli would have to work with Baekhyun soon. Because event though the chance for play wouldn't come very soon, there will be a special runway to be held in this theater on the day after tomorrow. Considering her height and face, I think Kangta would pick her as one of the models too.. and titled it as an experience. So Sulli eventually have to work with him. And he must have a thought about what to do with her face when the time comes." D.O added a long sentence for it.

"Yeah. That's reasonable." Victoria agreed more after hearing that. 

A few nod here and there between the members - except Sulli - comes after that. And in a few seconds..

"Well.. it's decided then. We should introduce her to him. So who's gonna volunteer?" Victoria said it.

And Sulli can't even believe what she heard just now.

"Oh my god, Kai... Am I that pretty?" Sulli asked in disbelief, even tough she still happy about it anyway. She even laughed a little, excitedly.

Kai who was about to drink his coffee almost choked after hearing Sulli's words, and even spill his coffee to the ground... almost. "Gosh... Ssul... what have Sehun done to you?..." Kai said it in a sarcastic way as he felt that Sulli was just started to become narcissistic like Sehun.

But Sulli still chuckles excitedly. And even though she doesn't really understand about what Sehun have said about her earlier, she was still thankful in her heart.

"So anyone?" Victoria asked again and D.O volunteered right away.

"Me!. I'm going to Baekhyun's room tonight before going home. Sulli should come with me then."

"Okay. It's decided then." Victoria closed the matter and finally closed the day. "And now everyone can go home. Thank you for all the good work guys. You've done awesome!" She said cheerfully. 

All of them finally bids a farewell to each other. Luna and Amber is the first one to go home. They will ride Amber's motorcycle. And then Kai with Sehun is the second to go. Before that, they have also offered Sulli to go home with them. Sulli surely said 'yes', for she doesn't really know about the city too and all that she knows is this theater address and his new living place. An apartment on the south of the town called Ordelia.

"We're gonna wait at the entrance then." said Kai while he wave his hand to the other remaining members in the room.

It's now down to three. There's only Victoria, D.O and Sulli in the room.

"You guys should go home first. I need to listen to Amber's new CD right now. And I'm gonna use this room's player so... yeah you know." Victoria eventually stopped and smiled as she saw her two member has already packed their things and ready to go, smiling at her waiting to bid a farewell.

"Go home safely alright?... Thank you for the night. You guys truly have done well. Sulli, don't be late for tomorrow's practice. And D.O... don't be stressed out. You look good when you smile. Okay?... take care, you guys." Victoria said all those thing while she hugged them tight, D.O and Sulli both. She patted their head and smiled proudly. "Twinkle is really happy to have you."

"Thank you, Victoria.." Sulli smiled and bowed again.

D.O chuckles and nodded to Victoria's words.

"Take care!" Victoria said it again as D.O and Sulli walk out of the room with their hands waving at Vic.

"Sure. You too, Vic!" D.O replied happily. 

The two finally stepped out of the room and walking on the hall quietly.

"Victoria is so.... mother like." Sulli expressed as she's walking beside D.O after a few step away from the waiting room.

"Yeah. She really is." D.O agreed. "That's why it feels wonderful to be here isn't it? To felt like you're needed and.. appreciated."

"Mm." Sulli nodded.

She remembered again. Appreciation. That was actually the first reason why she came to this town. 'And I guess.. I came to the right place.'





"What did Baekhyun do actually?..." Sulli suddenly asked in the middle of the quiet times she has with D.O while walking on the halls casually. "What is he majoring at?.." 

"Major?..." D.O, instead of answering her, he was laughing to it. "...He doesn't has a major, Sulli."

"Uh?... Then."

"Just wait a little. You'll know it soon."


"Yo, Baek. I'm coming in." D.O casually knocked the door after he and Sulli finally arrived at the destined place that he talked about. He opened it right away and invite Sulli to come in first before him. After they both have come inside he close the door carefully. 

Sulli seeing a bright room with the wall and the floor all covered in white. The interior was mainly in a bright color of pastel and there's a line of make up table in front of her. There's about three tables but she can only see the side. The room was quite big, for a....

"..Make up room?" Sulli asked clueless at D.O, she whispered because the room was already felt so silent. She thought that maybe a quiet atmosphere is needed in this room. 

D.O answered right away. "Umm.. No. Well... yes, it is a make up room, but not only a make up room, it's also a changing room."he said as he started to walk deeper into the room. "We prettify our performer and also keep the costumes here. And sometimes... props too."

Sulli nodded.

"..Ah!.. Baekhyun is in the couch. I will get some of my sketches now and while I do that you should go meet him." 


D.O shouted suddenly and made Sulli startled by it. He did patted Sulli's shoulder as he trying to comfort Sulli before he finally going deeper into the other part of the room. But without making any warning he carelessly left Sulli alone on that big white and gleaming room. There is a turn at the place where D.O's heading right now, so Sulli couldn't see him again. And she just standing there, blankly,... alone.

Well... not alone actually. There is this one guy, that Sulli finally realized his existence. A slim figured guy, with a black jeans, galaxy printed t-shirt, a white sneaker, and a black thread tied as a bracelet on his wrist. He has a brown messy hair but it's nice to look out though. He had a fashion magazine grabbed on his hand. She can't see his face, it was blocked by the magazine that he read. And just like what D.O explained, he is sitting on the couch on the center of the room, just quietly. 

"It must be Baekhyun." thought Sulli.

So she straightly walks down to his place. Firstly she had to climb down a few stairs to go to that area of the couch. It turns out that this room has two different floor with different height. Baekhyun and the couch is on the lower part of the floor, and she don't know why, but somehow she felt that she has to walk noiselessly at her way to get there. There is this surrounding area of Baekhyun that just so... quiet.

But eventually she would have to speak.

"Ahem." Sulli clears so that she can get Baekhyun's attention. But instead of Baekhyun, she's the one that gasped because of Baekhyun's glance at her. It was so.... sharp, he's eyes... and oh my.... it's eyeliners?



"And So... what happened after that?" Sehun asked curiously.

Right now, Sulli, Sehun and Kai are walking at the Twinkle street together. And they're talking about Sulli's first meet with Baekhyun just now. 

"Nothing he just stayed there, quietly. I tried to introduce my self to him but he still didn't say anything, nor giving any expression. He just like... scanning me, especially my face. It was... confusing." Sulli told them what happened there even though there isn't many particular thing to tell actually. "... And we're still silent until D.O came to take me away. ...End"


"Yes. The story ends right there." 

"What?" Sehun looked unsatisfied.

But Kai quickly intercede it. "Ah... It's okay. That's what happened to me at the first time I met him too." said Kai.

"Really?" Sulli gasped.

"Well.. not that quiet, but I guess he's just not the type of person that could get along with new people easily."

Sehun nodded. "It's hard to explain him. He's pretty mysterious and secretive, and his moods could change so fast. Baekhyun is unpredictable." he said, making a conclusion. 

Kai agreed. "Yes. Indeed."

"Well... I get the point though. He's our make up artist and stylist right. No wonder he's looking at a fashion magazine earlier."

The three youngsters finally gone silent after that moment passed. The pathway that they walked right now, it was pretty dark. Sulli is grateful that she can go home with Sehun and Kai accompanying her that night. It would've been so scary if she had to get through to it alone. The only source of light at that street was the streetlight. But Kai said it's just because of the clouds. They're not usually covered the moon but today it's different. 'It's usually bright at the other days." He said.

"You know what, guys." Sulli open a new topic again. "Actually I'm curious about the other member that you guys talked about earlier. Soojung?"

"Ah.. Soojung. Jung Soojung?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah?... well.. I don't know about her full name. But Kangta said something about her after my interview. He said that it's glad to hear that Soojung finally got a new peers." 

"Well... Soojung is our performer." Sehun finally answered. "And She's currently the youngest member of Twinkle right now."

"Really?.." Sulli feel interested right away. "What major is she into?"

"Um.. She majoring in dancing.... singing... acting?... Well actually.. I think she mastered all of the three. But last time she said that she refused the offer to be a musical major. She said she can do all of them, but not at the same time. it's still hard for her to combine all the three aspect in one performance. So she doesn't want to become a musical major yet... maybe later. " said Sehun.  

"Ah.." Sulli nodded slowly.

And Sehun started to think. "By the way Sulli,... what month did you born?"

"Me?... I was born in.. March. End of March" said Sulli precisely.

Sehun nodded a few times. "Then Soojung is will still be the youngest out of all."

Sulli nodded again calmly, but then Sehun suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?" Sulli wondered.

"Nothing It's just..." Sehun giggled and then continues. "I just realized that you're actually older than me." 

"Uh-..." Sulli could not make any comment. 'Is he saying that I'm old?... gosh..' "So what? It doesn't matter anyway. I still felt that you're older than me, Sunbae."

"Hmh.." Sehun then chuckles at Sulli in a teasing tone and Sully successfully teased.

"WHAT?.." Sulli shouted in annoyed tone. She finally realized what Kai has been felt all this time.

"Guys, come on..." Kai, as always, being the cool headed man and mediate the two of them. "We're basically on a same age. Just be happy with it."

And as always, they moved on.


"By the way, guys?... do any of you know the other person that should be entering this Twinkle theater too? He won the audition just like me, have you met him?" Sulli suddenly remembered the other guy and ask him right away.

Sehun answered simply. "Nope. I only saw you." But Kai still wander in his thought.

"I think.. D.O told me something about a new member just now at the waiting room. He said the clarification letter was being sent, but he didn't come, instead there is an apology statement attached at the letter. It said that he couldn't come today because of a problem on his license for entering this city. I don't know... something about visa or passport."

"Ah... that's too bad then." Sulli frowned.

"Yeah. Sure it is. Tomorrow is the general rehearsal day. All of the department will come and even Kangta would announce something about our future main plans there. It would be such a waste if he didn't come." added Sehun.

"And not only that. He probably has to wait for another year if he didn't" said Kai.

"A year?" Sulli shocked in disbelief.

Kai smirked. "The theater isn't an easy place Sulli. It requires discipline. Big time."

"Yeah right.. you're telling her about discipline while yourself didn't really showed that character lately." 

"Hey, stop it. I have a good reason for that, okay." Kai quickly approach Sehun and kicked his but directly. Making Sehun pouted and frowned. "...Stop it, then." he said again firmly. 

"But guys, what is actually a department that you have been said all this time?" Sulli asked again curiously.

"Ssul. You still got many thing to learn at Twinkle. And that's why you should come earlier tomorrow. We will explain all the things that you want to know then, and meeting many new sunbaes and friends." said Sehun.

"Yes... Okay, Sunbae.." Sulli complied.

Sehun grinned while he insert his hands to his pants pocket. And he touch something there, which made him remember about something that he has to do.

"Oh yeah, I forgot... Here."

Sehun gave out a small strange ticket from her pocket to Sulli.

"What is this?" Sulli asked. 

"It's a letter ticket. From Kangta." answered Sehun. "We were being told to give you this ticket when we met him at the way out earlier. And here.." He hands over another paper for Sulli from the other pocket. This time it's a brochure. "Kai and I take it earlier from the entrance counter. In case you want to know about the runway that D.O just talked about before." 

"Whoa.... Thank you~. It's so nice of you to do this.."

"It's nothing. We're friends right?" he smiled.

Sulli was indeed moved by it. "Thank you.."

"Ah... and this letter, isn't just a usual letter. It will sent to your recipient right away so that if you write the letter and send it today, it will arrive tomorrow at your recipient place."  said Sehun again.

"wow.. really..?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I never tried it before, but it says like that on the brochure information. Ask Kai. Kangta have gave you one before, right, Kai?" 

"Yeah. But I never used it after all." said Kai.

"Never? Why?" Sulli could not understand.

"I just didn't think that I need it now." 

"Ey~ liar. You're just too shy to said that you missed your parents right?"

"You, shut up, Oh Sehun! Should I kicked you again?"

"Okay, man. Calm down... I'm kidding."

And once again, Sulli laughed at how close these two boys are.

'I hope I can be as close as them with all of the Twinkle members in a short time too'





Hi, Oppa~...

This is Sulli at SMTown. I arrived here safely this morning , and I'm so happy that I come to this city. It was wonderful, big, and so awesome. Taetiseo even welcomed me at the center of the town. From an LED screen he he...

Oh.. and I have come to The Twinkle Theater too. It's was so great. The people here is so friendly. Even the boss is so friendly. He allowed me to watch the performance that was being played at that time with him?! It was a musical and it was so awesome. But I shocked when he said that I'm gonna be majoring in musical too. It turns out that the acting major has been merged with musical major just this morning. Unbelievable right. But I will try my best here of course. Pry for me okay?

Oh... And I'm happy to say that I have made some friends here. They even accompany me to the post office where I write this letter to you, you know. And they will also continue to accompany me until I arrived at my new apartment after this. I felt really lucky now he he. ( I felt bad actually but they insisted. They said it would be too risky if I go home alone tonight. And they also wanted to see my apartment. So...)

But I'm sorry to said that they are... a boys, Oppa. I know~ I know~... you told me to stop hanging around too much with boys and get together instead with girls. but I just can help. Don't worry I made girl friends too, and they're a good guys, alright.

So... I think I made them wait too long now. I should end it here then, Oppa. They said tomorrow is the general rehearsal, it sounds big right. And they said there's also a possibility that I will get picked as a model for a runway. So... pry for me okay?

Bye, Oppa!!~....
Your little sister that will always loves you.  

    - - -


The night the sky was dark..., but in Sulli's heart... it looks really bright.


---------------------------------------------Continue to Chapter 3_Twinkle: The Three Departments and General Rehearsal

*Yah! = Hey!

*Oppa = Big brother / older guy (called by little sister /younger girl)

*Sunbae = Senior

*Hyung = Big brother / older guy (called by little brother / younger boy)


Sorry for the late update. Thank you for reading. Subscribe and do comment. I will try to become even better next time. ^-^


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Chapter 2: continue it please!! there's so much thing i'm curious about. What is the reason he always absent at the practice actually??
Chapter 1: san, gue udah baca. ;P Nanti gue bantuain di grammar mistake plus editor. Aiiiing! lucuuuu! looking foward to the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Great update! I love it!!! <3 I feel in love with Sulli after watching, "To the Beautiful You."

Can't wait for your next update!!;)
Interesting! Update soon, alright?;)