Met Kim Hyung

Twins(Sequel of HHBL'Side Story')
It was a rainy day, Yoona's dead, Donghae ready to forget her. He started to engaged with Taeyeon. Hae still didn't know Yoona is the one. One day, One girl, Named Kim Hyung, she's twins with Yoona. She really interest with a actor, Hyun Bin.she really dislike an actor named Lee Donghae. Cause...(It will be tell) After a week, Kim Hyung read a newspaper. She saw many picture of Donghae. She broke the newspaper and throw it to the dusbin. That day, Kim Hyung is across the street while it's raining. She actross through donghae's house. Kim Hyung took the umbrella to her head. Donghae who sees kim hyung, hurry to help her to take the umbrella which it's fell on the street cause of wind.

" Here you go"donghae been wet and gave the umbrella, He become shocked to see Yoona

" Y-Y-Yoona-sshi?!"Donghae shocked and speechless" I thought you were death!"

" You?! Yoona-sshi is dead already!"Kim Hyung leave but hae stop her

" Answer me, are you yoona?"

" No, I'm Kim Hyung"

" Hahahaha, Your name is like a boy!"

" Mwo?!"

" But I know you're lying Yoon"Hae laughed

" Yah! I hate an actor like you!!"Kim Hyung mad

" Mwo?? But why?"

" Cause.. Umm, I can't tell you"

" Tell me before you're leaving"hae take her wrist

" Just leave me alone Lee Donghae! I know you're engaged with that Taeyeon moron!"

" How do you know that?"

" I saw it in the newspaper! Don't you understand?! Can you please excuse me then?"Kim Hyung try to leave

" Just wait Yoona! Don't pretend!!!! I will find where you live!!"

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pijapinky #1
Chapter 1: update plez..i really want to know what happen next...