Will you trust me now?

Can I Dream High AGAIN??
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@ locker hall under the steel stairs

JG: do you remember when we used to talk under these stairs?

BH: Of course I do.... How can I forget....

JG: PS used to put notes on JS's locker with cady...

BH: What a memory... It has been more than 10 years now....Did you know that we are the first graduates to be the teacher at Kirin?

JG: Wow really?

BH: Yup! Actually, I'm the first and you are the second... haha

JG: what's the difference? I will say we are the first 'generation'

BH: hehe

JG: So, are you feeling better now?

BH:.............yeah.. I guess so.

JG: We have to go now. It's 10 minutes before the first period.

BH: Okay! See ya later at break!

JG: Bye!


Today, BH did not change into her training clothes since starting from today, the female students have to learn how to dance in uncomfortable clothings like shirt skirts or tight pants or short pants. Today, they will learn how to dance in short dress with heels.

BH: Ladies! Are you guys ready? You can uncover your legs now. There is no guys in here. and I covered the windows with papers.

Student1: Are you sure we have to dance in these already?

BH: What do you mean by already? you guys are in 2nd grade into your highschool and you have to get ready for the showcase tha tis coming soon. Also, don't you want to debut?

Student2: But aren't these too short?

BH: You think they are short? Have you watched T-ara's [Why are you being like this] and [Like the first time] video? Also I showed you about my idol videos before. And you say this is short?

BH uncovered her legs with her blanket and she wore one of her outfit from her Dream High days.

Student3: Wow...... Isn't that from like 9 years ago?

BH: That is right.

Student4: You can still fit in them?

BH: I guess since I am wearing them. Now let's get ready! put on your heels and follow my moves.

BH started walking, running, shuffling, hopping and etc. Most of the students couldn't do those moves without their hands holding onto their dress.

BH: Take off your hands this instance! Are you going to perform like that in front of other people and CEOs of famous Entertainment during your audition? You have to be confident and let go of your hands!

Students: But....

BH: No BUTs! This time, I will be dancing to a song. You guys follow after me. if you touch your dress, minus 10 points! got it?

Students: Yes ma'am....

BH: (dancing)

Students: wowwww..... How can she do that? She is dancing in a big motions but still she doesn't have to cover her legs with her hands.....

BH: You guys ready? This should be easier than you might think since we practiced with this song quite many times.

Students: Okay, we will try

After listening to BH's advice, about half of them could dance without covering teir legs with hands.

Student1: I did it!

Student2: Me too!!

BH: Be quiet now! I told you could do it. I was in a co-ed

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 34: Love ur story so muuch ♥♥
Chapter 34: Nice fic!!! Congratz, btw!!!
Congrats on random feature! :)
congrats c:
lovelyme23 #6
friedtuna #7
congrats on getting featured :)
AairAPPLE #9
Congrats. ^^
Congrats on being featured! xx