Dream High Reunion!

Can I Dream High AGAIN??
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JG and BH got HM, SD, JS, and PS's contact numbers.

First is SD(All phone calls)

JG: Hey SD! Waddup!

SD: Is this JG???

JG: How did you know?

SD: I know you very well haha. But why did you call all of the sudden?

JG: Are you in Korea?

SD: Yeah I came like 2 months ago why?

JG: Why did you not call me? Anyways... Guess what?

SD: What? Did you lose a job?

JG: No....-_- I got a job like few weeks ago. Actually I called you to invite you to my wedding. I will be sending the invitations tomorrow

SD: WHAT? Who are you marrying?

JG: A girl that I fell in love long time ago.

SD: I did not expect you to marry before PS and JS! We all thought that they will marry first

JG: Anyways, Come! if you don't our friendship is over! Got it?

SD: I will be there definitely!

2nd is HM

JG: HM-ah!!!!

HM: Who is this?

JG: It's me!! your old crush!

HM: JG??

JG: Yup!

HM: How are you?

JG: Good:) I called you to tell you something very important

HM: Don't tell me you love me

JG: Actually, I'm getting married. I will be sending out the invitations tomorrow

HM: Who is it? Is it BH?

JG: Hack no! I called her but she can't come becuase of her work. I am going to get her after I get married

(BH who was listening to the speaker silently laughed)

HM: Oh... Who is it then?

JG: It's a girl that I fell in love with long time ago

HM: Okay, I will be there!

JG: Thanks:)

3rd is JS

JG: YO! Wussup buddy!

JS: Is it JG?

JG: You are a ghost....

JS: Haha, but why are you calling me?

JG: To tell you that I'm getting married.

JS: WHAT? (talking to another person) Honey, JG is getting married.

JG: Wait, are you with PS?

JS: Yeah

JG: Good, then I can tell both of you at once. put it in a speaker mode

JS: Okay

JG: So, I'm getting married and I will be sending out the invitations tomorrow.

PS: Who is it?

JG: Somebody that I fell in love long time ago hehe

JS: Oh okay, I will be there!

PS: Me too!

JG: Thanks guys!

Next day

JG and BH sent out the invitations that said Groom: JG Bride: BH to the school faculties and students and their relatives.

But they sent the invitations that said Groom: JG Bride: Eunji to Dream High members


On their wedding day.

BH went to th bride room and JG went to the groom room to prepare

When Kirin faculties and students came to visit BH, she told them to not say her name in front of other people.

Ms. Shi: BH-ah, you look so beautiful....

BH: Thank you Ms. Shi.


Dream High members went to JG's room to see him and congratulate him.

PS: Where is BH?

JG: She said she is busy with her school work...

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 34: Love ur story so muuch ♥♥
Chapter 34: Nice fic!!! Congratz, btw!!!
Congrats on random feature! :)
congrats c:
lovelyme23 #6
friedtuna #7
congrats on getting featured :)
AairAPPLE #9
Congrats. ^^
Congrats on being featured! xx