Flashback 2: Father of the baby

Can I Dream High AGAIN??
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spring of 2013 BH's second year of college

BH: It's been a year now.... I tried to find JG's contact but I can't........

Doojun: Are you still thinking about him?

BH: How can I forget him? He is like my hero... he saved me from many circumstances....

DJ: Since you can't find him... Why don't you come to me?


DJ: Can't you notice that I have been following you for almost 2 years now?

BH: Well.......I guess, it's time for me to fold my old memories about JG away and find new love......I accept your heart.

DJ: Then today is our first day as couple:)

BH: Are you that happy?

DJ: Of course! hehe

After two years

DJ: BH-ah, will you marry me? (showing a ring)

BH: DJ-ah... (crying) yes.... I will..... (huging DJ)

DJ: Let's go to my house today. I want to stay with you all night...

BH: I would love to....

At DJ's house

BH and DJ were drinking and eating while watching drama.Then BH fell asleep and DJ was too drunk that he couldn't control his instict. So he brough BH to his room and slept with her.

After few weeks

BH: Why do I feel like I'm going to vomit? Don't tell me....

BH quickly went to a nearby pharmacy and bought the pregnancy tester. She checked and it had 2 lines, meaning she was pregnant.

BH: I should tell DJ about this....

BH called DJ

BH: DJ-ah....

DJ: Honey~

BH: Guess what...<

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 34: Love ur story so muuch ♥♥
Chapter 34: Nice fic!!! Congratz, btw!!!
Congrats on random feature! :)
congrats c:
lovelyme23 #6
friedtuna #7
congrats on getting featured :)
AairAPPLE #9
Congrats. ^^
Congrats on being featured! xx