The Seven


Five young men...

A stormy night...

A Ouija board...

And a malevolent spirit...

All it takes is five young men, looking for some seemingly harmless spirit conjuring, to unleash something that will haunt them every seven months, starting on the seventh day, for an entire week. As they watch the people around them become infected by the spirit's malice they begin to wonder just what there is for them to do to stop it. In the end they call in help from a world renown author, looking to write her next book...

Can she help them stop the spirit that terrorizes them?

Can she stop herself from falling in love with one of the helpless young men?

Read on through this story of terror, spirits and...possibly even a lasting love that casts a light in the darkness of one young man's heart.


This story came to me after reading a trilogy called "The Seven." I've been toying with the idea for awhile now and I finally decided that it was time to write it. 

This story is a "The Seven" meets something like "The Grudge." An odd mix, but one that worked for this story.

I know that most people write the prologue here in the Foreward, but I prefer to have it with the rest of the story so that's what the first chapter will be. So be warned, as most prologues are prone to be, the first chapter will be a lot shorter than the rest, but it's purpose is only there to set the story.

Happy reading!


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Ooooh!! Can't wait!! :D