Part 2

Discovering ZiKyung



On the contrary to the beliefs of everyone that didn’t really know him, Pyo Jihoon wasn’t really the rowdy hyper maknae he often portrayed to be. P.O was actually a cheerful kid with a warm sensitive heart. And because of that he knows things best when he felt them through his sixth sense.

P.O knew he wasn’t bright like Kyung-hyung or keen like B-Bomb-hyung, but sometimes he get things when he felt it linger in the air around people. The other members didn’t seem to notice it; P.O thought that Kyung-hyung and Zico-hyung were glowing with something these days.

It was particularly bright when they were interacting, discussing things in the studio between themselves as the maknae watched from afar on the couch. He often practiced writing his raps when his hyungs worked on new music because the atmosphere was most inspiring. Their glow especially made him feel warm inside out so P.O really liked spending time with his hyungs even if it was uncomfortable and cold in the studio.

Sometimes he fell asleep on the couch and he always woke up with a blanket or a jacket covering him while his two hyungs would be sleeping on the other couch, cuddled under one jacket. It made him grinned dazedly and lulled him back to sleep to be awaken later when they were finally returning to the dorm.

P.O was particularly fond of Kyung’s warm smile and he grew close to the older rapper as they bonded through the time spent on rap practice until the sight of Kyung with the maknae latched onto him was more often seen than him hanging out with Zico.

After several weeks of side-eyeing Kyung’s new attachment, the leader voiced out his concern when they just finished their work in the studio. Yes, he was merely concerned because that was what good leaders do; and no, he wasn’t complaining out of jealousy, nope, not at all.

Zico actually pouted huffily when his dissatisfaction was merely brushed off by Kyung who had arched an eyebrow and told him he was being childish. Apparently being jealous of the maknae was nothing short of ridiculous in Kyung’s book. P.O who witnessed the whole scene from the couch almost giggled out loud; his hyungs were too cute, but he took pity on his brooding leader and went to hug the older guy.

“I’m sorry, hyung.” He grinned. “I know I’ve been hogging Kyung-hyung nowadays—

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, Minhyuk-hyung even warned me of it.”

“W-what? Why—

“But it’s not like I’m stealing Kyung-hyung away from you, hyung.”

Zico flushed slightly.

“Plus; I’m the maknae. I mean… should I start hogging you too?”

Kyung’s snorted at them and triggered a round of laughter in the room as Zico patted the maknae who was still clutching him from behind.

“That’s okay, Jihoon-ah. I was being stupid.” Zico smiled. “Just… leave some space for me.”

“Sure.” The maknae grinned brightly, missing the color that crept up Kyung’s face.

Later when they were on their way home, P.O grinned sleepily watching his hyungs dozed off against each other in the back seat. He still wasn’t sure exactly what it was this glow he saw between those two but as long as they were happy, there was no need for a definition.





Out of the Block B members U-Kwon was the last one to know that his same age friends are together, as in ‘an item’ together. It wasn’t because he was that dense or oblivious; he just prefers to mind his own business. And because he had been training with the pair of best friends long enough, their closeness was something he had first envy but then he came to accept it as a given fact, a natural trait of a 10 years old friendship.

He thought he could understand a little bit of their intimacy when he grew closer to B-Bomb as they spent the most time together dancing, as two people that share the same passion in the things they do. There was this indescribable lightness in his heart that he gets after each time he completed a dance routine with the older dancer. He can only imagines what years of friendship and hundreds of songs brought to Zico and Kyung.

During one night when there were only a few of them left at the dorm, U-Kwon wandered out from the room after finishing a new volume of One Piece. He intended to search for something to eat in the kitchen but the sight of the pair halted his steps.

Kyung was making ramyeon on the stove, deft hands moving with practiced ease. But what caught U-Kwon off trail was how Zico stared at the other rapper from his seat at the small table.

U-Kwon wasn’t sure what it was at first, but there was something in the leader’s gaze that made it feel wrong for him to continue towards the kitchen and ruined the picture. So he carefully tiptoed back into the room and peeked from behind the door gap as Kyung finished cooking and carefully placed the boiling pot on the table.

In a sudden swift movement the leader maneuvered Kyung onto his lap and pulled him into a deep kiss. U-Kwon eyes widened; even from a distance he could see a tongue darting between them. The kiss ended just as brief as it was sudden and he saw Kyung sat on the opposite seat and nagged about something half-heartedly as Zico grinned like an idiot.

U-Kwon barely managed to smother the chuckles bubbling up from his throat. Oh my God, those two! Why didn’t I see that coming? He gave them a few minutes alone before his grumbling stomach finally pushed him out of the room to join the couple on their simple meal.

The dancer of the group mentally patted himself on the back for keeping an innocent face when his intentional comment of “Seriously, food tasted so much better when it’s made out of love” resulted in Kyung coughing violently into the sink, trying to reverse the food that went down the wrong pipe, as an equally shocked Zico rubbed a hand on his back.

Oh yes, he was going to have so much fun sneaking suggestive remarks on his two friends.






(Sequel to The Undoing of Park Kyung)

The Morning After XD

(Can be read as a separate drabble too, I think)




A pair of feet moved lazily, dragging one after the other on the morning cool floor as a hand flailed around to grab a door frame for support. The other hand came up to a half sealed eyes and rubbed the sleep residue off the bloated face. As soon as those feet stepped beyond the threshold they froze on their track as a pair of adjusting eyes widen, taking in the sight of what looked like a lump of blankets on the bare living room floor.

The feet resumed their journey across the space and curious eyes finally peeked around the mass and saw two people sleeping peacefully in the warm cocoon. Looking at the adorable sight, a coo bubbled up on reflex but the owner of those slanted eyes that disappeared with the huge grin suppressed his voice behind a palm and tiptoed back to his room.

He proceeded to wake the others up because he knew they definitely wouldn’t want to miss the wonderful discovery he just found in their living room.





Zico felt himself being tugged to consciousness by murmurs and quiet chuckles and giggles and— was someone cooing? What the is going on? His groggy mind wondered but he couldn’t be sure; he didn’t want to make sure. He vaguely remembered falling asleep in heaven and judging by those deep and gruff voices he was pretty sure he wasn’t anywhere near cloud nine anymore.

Zico started rumbling at the back of his throat, hoping those annoying voices would take a hint and leave him alone as he adjusted his arm around this delicious heat near his body, holding it flushed against him. The bundle of warmth sighed contentedly like a cat purring after a bowl of cream and nuzzled on his neck.

The snickering and cooing went up a level and Zico finally had had enough and snapped his eyes open in irritation. The circle of people he could see ogling all around him backed away a little as he gave them a murderous glare.

off.” Zico growled.

The heat in his arms whined its protest at his minor shifting and he finally worked out that it was Kyung as he looked down on the sleeping figure. Immediately events of the past, barely a few hours ago, came rushing back to his mind and he quickly searched all around the layers with a hand. Zico relaxed slightly when he felt the blankets were fully covering him and, more importantly, Kyung’s lower half.

“Don’t worry.” Jaehyo assured him with a smirk. “All I’m seeing down here are your cute toes.”

The word failed to make the leader feel reassured even if it was without the gleeful taunting.

“Stop seeing and piss off.” Zico growled lowly, in case he woke Kyung up.

Daww… and miss all the fun of teasing you guys? No way!” U-Kwon grinned.

“Yeah. And you guys finally made up after weeks of being blockheads, why would we wanna miss this?” B-Bomb supplied with a hint of glee behind his usual nonchalant façade.

The leader knew he couldn’t argue with that so he shrugged in resignation and settled back in his spot as a new round of coos and coddling started, along with the chattering of their managers’ and mugs clinking in the background. A flash of light told Zico that someone was even taking pictures so he shifted away from it.

The noise and movements finally woke Kyung up from his dreamland and he watched as the older guy stirred slowly, blinking up in a daze at all those eyes that was looking down on them. Zico thought it was very fascinating to see the transition of Kyung’s expression accelerated from slow mystification to a sudden dawning comprehension and finally a split second of mortified reflex as he burrowed himself on the blanket against Zico’s chest.

A muffled wail of “Woo Jiho, do something!” made its merry way into the air and the apartment rang with unadulterated raucous laughter that hadn’t been heard for a while.

The leader could only sigh at the demand as his group members kept up with their teasing while manager hyungs chuckled at them fondly. It had been a while since the last time the kids had a good laugh.

A small smile crept up on Zico’s face. Oh well, they’ll stop when they’re bored; which won’t be anytime soon but he wasn’t going to complain when he was back at home, his brothers laughing like the idiots they were and he was lying in a really cozy nest with a half- Kyung in his arms; life was good and he wouldn’t ask for anything else in the world.







  • Again, I apologize for the messy sentences. This is my first time writing drabbles >.<
  • Recent pics of ZiKyung are so precious >___< (e.g.: THIS and THISS and THISSS aslksldjfkg Kyungie looks different but I don't really care, he's still cute XD)


Comments are like the best virtual cookies you can give to me as a bribe for more ZiKyung. (^___^)


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andreveronica #1
Chapter 2: Asdfghjklñ this is perfect
KAZEYAMaruBis #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha just imagining it is priceless !!!
KAZEYAMaruBis #3
Chapter 1: Hahah so sweet I love it !!!
Pepinatorz #4
I love it! So cute ;; I just love this couple so ____ing much, and kyung is so sweet! It's very good! ^^
i lol'd the whole time dsujduh this is perfect i want to cry at kyung's cuteness
Chapter 2: fnjaejfvjn;vfsklvfmkalnvfjenvjkmrfvka;nvje;anmv;vmn;fvnmenrk
ahhhhh me zikyung baby heart kokoro feeling
aaaahhhh its so cuteeeee,,love how u point everyone's POV over this,,,
n I imagining kyung being all embarassed when they found outtttt ahhh,,,so cuteeeee
n yeah,,so much zikyung moment at that event,,,my fav when kyungie hold zico's necklace n tilt his head,,,ahhhh,,,what a beautiful scene /swoon
it hasn't complete yet right???ahhh,,cant wait for next chapter,,
Chapter 2: so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! omo! that was so cute how everyone found out! and how U-Bomb were teasing them and the morning after, lol, I would be frieking out if I was Kyung. They could steal the blanket away at any second!