Part 1

Discovering ZiKyung

Title: Discovering ZiKyung + The Morning After

Author: vilefeathers

Fandom: Block B

Pairing: ZiKyung 지경, OT7, minor B-Bomb/U-Kwon (if you squint hard enough)

Rating: PG-13

Genre: fluff, humor

Warning: unbeta-ed, slight OOC (>_<)

Length: drabbles

Disclaimer: This is a fiction. I own my plot. I do not own the boys of Block B. I do not make profit from this.

Summary: How each Block B members came to know about ZiKyung being together + the morning after (a little sequel to The Undoing of Park Kyung)





The first member that noticed the ZiKyung couple was Jaehyo. Actually, it wasn’t so much of him noticing but rather he had witnessed the kiss that initiated the involvement of his two friends.

As soon as they got off their debut stage, their waiting room was hectic. There were a lot of people in the room, some were emotional and some others simply went chaotic. The managers and a company representative were congratulating them, patting their backs while staffs were fussing all around them.

In the midst of the chaos Jaehyo slumped in a corner with a makeup nuna carefully drying the sweat on his face with tissues. He had always had this weird tendency to catch an odd movement out of a picture and that was when his eyes locked on his leader’s quick limbs pulling Kyung into the curtains of outfits at a secluded side of the room.

From his spot Jaehyo could see enough through the hangers and fabrics when a startled Kyung regained his bearings and looked up bewilderedly at Zico before the younger one held his face and swooped down to kiss him on the lips.

Jaehyo felt one of his flawless eyebrow arched on its own at the unexpected scene before the makeup nuna chided him about making faces when she was trying to work in the messy place. He quickly apologized before she could turn around and sees the real cause of his stunned face. He had to school his expression into mild curiosity when Zico still hadn’t let go of his hold and then Kyung actually returned the kiss calmly after a moment of surprise.

When the kiss ended Zico pulled their foreheads together and whispered something that made them both smiled quietly to each other and Jaehyo had to look away from the sight. He wasn’t sure if that was just some kind of ritual Zico and Kyung had between them since they had been performing together way before Block B. But whatever that was, the sheer intimacy of the moment was definitely not for his eyes to linger on and so he left his corner of the room telling the makeup nuna they needed better lighting.

Jaehyo had never meant to pry into his dongsaengs personal matters but ever since then,  he can’t help it when his eyes caught their little moments from time to time so he opted to watch over them with newfound warmth in his heart as a silent guardian; or sort of.





The second member that knew about ZiKyung was their eldest.

Because he was their main vocal, Taeil always had a major concern for his throat condition. During their time before debut, the long hard work and vigorous training always made him feel drained and then he also need to practice in vocal lesson; so it was no wonder that Taeil was constantly worried about losing his voice.

He tried to get as much rest as he could and so when they were woken up in the mornings he let the others get up first as he stayed in his bed and turned back to sleep for another 5 minutes, and that was how his reputation as the worst member to wake up in the morning came to be.

In actuality, Taeil was a normal riser. He didn’t hate mornings and he can actually wake up to the slightest provocation. When the group had been through a successful debut week, Taeil also regained confidence in his voice and stopped worrying so much about not getting enough rest. He thought if he can get through training hell in one piece then maybe he was sturdier than he credited himself.

So when his bed shook with a sudden force in the very early morning of 4AM, Taeil opened his eyes willingly and blinked in the darkness, trying to remember if they got a morning schedule that day. When he couldn’t recall any, he rose slightly off his bed, looking around the room from his top bunk and saw that everyone else was still sleeping.

He was wondering why someone had woke him up at this ungodly hour and who it was when his eyes noticed an empty bed. It was Zico’s.

Taeil then wondered if Zico was the one who shook his bed before he saw the leader sound asleep in the adjacent bed, curled around Kyung. In his sleep-boggled mind Taeil figured the fact that the leader had bumped against his bed post when he moved places, without an inkling of curiosity of the question “Why?” and promptly went back to sleep.

He totally forgot about the incident until some days later when he woke up from sleep to the warm peaceful sunlight that filtered into the room and decided from now on he would start waking up early like this. He sat on his bed and did a little stretch with his limbs. And that was when he spotted a vaguely familiar sight of Zico in Kyung’s bed with his arm around the smaller rapper who was breathing against his collar bones.

Taeil’s mind-gears whirled around and then clicked into places with a simple “Oh” that escaped his mouth.

He watched them sleep for a few minutes before a frown made its way onto his face. He just figured out that he can’t exactly change his wake up pattern earlier than the leader now. Because neither Zico nor Kyung mentioned to the group about them being together; they were probably waiting for a proper time to tell the news, and Taeil wasn’t going to be the one that shove them out of the closet.

And so the main vocalist turned around in his bed and tried to go back to sleep, letting the leader woke him up ‘later’ and ignored the managers and the members when they joked at how the eldest was more difficult to rise than the maknae. Until the couple is ready to talk to the rest of them, Taeil didn’t mind the occasional jabs at his sleep pattern.





B-Bomb was a very wise and observant person for a guy his age. He might have not excelled in his school studies but he learnt the lessons life provided. He didn’t talk a lot on shows but the little things that he said made him stand out. And there was something about the way he carries himself that made people noticed a refined aura on him.

B-Bomb didn’t really think of himself as a wise person but he knew he was attentive and meticulous. People often impressed by his smart remark but failed to see that it was merely something he concluded from his careful observation on his surroundings and the changes that usually went unnoticed to normal eyes.

Like how he came to know about his group members being involved with each other as more than best friends. He had a sudden suspicion of them after the group’s debut stage but there were too much of everything going on at the moment so he chalked it up to the atmosphere.

And then he started noticing how Zico and Kyung, who often take rehearsal break together, went in opposite directions alone or with other members. After a while he saw that their interactions became somewhat strained, like they were holding back a natural impulse to look at each other too long or touch each other comfortably even on conventional places.

If other people noticed, they probably thought that the pair was having a minor disagreement. But to B-Bomb’s keen eyes there was definitely something more going on. So he said nothing of the slight changes and watched as the phase wore out and they returned to normal as something else developed.

They were at a broadcast station and it was 10 minutes before their turn to go on stage. Zico and Kyung who had disappeared some time ago returned to the group; the previously tensed leader now considerably relaxed and the ever cool cucumber for once looked flushed with something B-Bomb couldn’t point out.

Excitement? Temperature? Embarrassment? All of them? B-Bomb mulled things over in his head later that night until he felt the sluggish pull of sleep on his consciousness. Somehow in that state of mind he saw the image of Kyung’s shy little smile replayed in slow motion and he suddenly understood that it was bliss, clearly etched on the younger’s face.

So he looked for it, that same radiating happiness well-disguised behind the act they tried to put up everytime in front of the members but easily decoded by B-Bomb’s knowing eyes.

Sometimes when the two rappers came back from spending hours together, they were so blatantly soaked in endorphin that B-Bomb wondered how U-Kwon and P.O stayed oblivious to it; because by then he also figured out that the hyung-line had all known about ZiKyung.

B-Bomb was actually dying to tease the couple; it was also one of his personality traits, but the genuine happiness coming off his dongsaengs always lull it over and he decided let them be as he basked in their bliss. There will be plenty of time to tease later.







  • Will be continued in the next chapter. It was too long >.<
  • Excuse the messy sentances. I really can't write short compact decriptions. If you notice I always have more than 10 words per sentence. -_-"


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andreveronica #1
Chapter 2: Asdfghjklñ this is perfect
KAZEYAMaruBis #2
Chapter 2: Hahahaha just imagining it is priceless !!!
KAZEYAMaruBis #3
Chapter 1: Hahah so sweet I love it !!!
Pepinatorz #4
I love it! So cute ;; I just love this couple so ____ing much, and kyung is so sweet! It's very good! ^^
i lol'd the whole time dsujduh this is perfect i want to cry at kyung's cuteness
Chapter 2: fnjaejfvjn;vfsklvfmkalnvfjenvjkmrfvka;nvje;anmv;vmn;fvnmenrk
ahhhhh me zikyung baby heart kokoro feeling
aaaahhhh its so cuteeeee,,love how u point everyone's POV over this,,,
n I imagining kyung being all embarassed when they found outtttt ahhh,,,so cuteeeee
n yeah,,so much zikyung moment at that event,,,my fav when kyungie hold zico's necklace n tilt his head,,,ahhhh,,,what a beautiful scene /swoon
it hasn't complete yet right???ahhh,,cant wait for next chapter,,
Chapter 2: so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! omo! that was so cute how everyone found out! and how U-Bomb were teasing them and the morning after, lol, I would be frieking out if I was Kyung. They could steal the blanket away at any second!