Chapter 1

Gurdering The Good


GD paced in front of the rows of people that were lined up in front of him, all wanting to learn his ways. His profession was admired by the many, thousands of people that he’d never even heard of looked up to him. Some wanted to be him, and others wanted to have him.

His profession, that he had worked all of his life to achieve, was being a pimp. He was the most well-known pimp in Korea, and he had es lining up left right and centre; girls and boys. Everyone who was anyone wanted to be GD’s hoe.

But today was a very important day. Today was the day for him to choose 4 disciples. He would choose 4 people to take under his wing and learn from him. He would teach them his way; the way of the .

He would teach them all they needed to know about tery and everything it entailed. He would teach him the ways of being a pimp and the ways of being a hoe. They would follow in his footsteps, or maybe even take off and do bigger and better things; like drug dealing.

“Today, I will pick 4 of you. Those of you who catch my eye, shall be taken into my home and I will teach you everything I know. The rest is up to you. Please be seated.” GD spoke loudly to all of the people around him.
All of the people in the room looked up to GD with sparkling eyes, all praying that they would be chosen, as they sat down in their provided chairs.

He began to walk between the rows of people, eyeing all of them off, before he stopped in front of one particular boy.
“You. Stand. What’s your name?” GD demanded harshly.

The boy stood hastily and introduced himself.
“I am Changmin, of the ChangChanChu clan. Together as one we represent the lands of Teentopia, EXO planet, and DBSgay.” The boy announced, keeping a straight face.

“Why is your head a watermelon?” GD said, his voice rising.
He always found himself getting annoyed when facing those who had the curse of the watermelon from the land of DBSgay.

“I was born like this.” Changmin responded, maintaining his calm composure.
“You were born wrong.” GD said, his voice breaking out into a yell. “Present the rest of your clan.” He demanded.

All three members of the ChangChanChu clan walked to the front of the room, following GD. The three of them lined up in front of GD, so he could asses them.

“Name.” GD said bluntly, to a boy with curly brown hair.
“Chanyeol.”  The boy replied.
“Are you a e?” GD asked suspiciously.

The boy gulped. “No.”
“Oh really.” GD said in a sly tone. “Well then why don’t you have… A BELLY BUTTON?” He yelled loudly so the whole room could hear.

The boy named Chanyeol burst into tears.
“I can’t help that I like small children in ways I can’t explain!” He cried, causing the watermelon head to rub his back comfortingly.
GD slapped his hand away, the stupid pedo didn’t need comfort.

“So we meet again.” GD said, turning to face the final member of the trio.
“I don’t think we’ve met…” The boy said shyly.
“I KNOW IT’S YOU, KEVIN. DON’T LIE TO ME.” GD screamed, feeling the fury rise up in him. 

“My name is Chunji…” The blonde said, cowering in fear under GD.
“ YOU KEVIN.” GD replied at the top of his lungs, and slapped Chunji right up the chin.

Chunji did the same as Chanyeol, and burst out into tears. Chanyeol suddenly looked up from his teary state.
“Chunji… Have I ever told you how much you look like a child when you cry?” Chanyeol said slowly with wide eyes. A creepy smile was slowly making its way onto his face.

“Chanyeol.” Changmin warned harshly. “Stay away from him.”
Chanyeol glanced at him for a minute, his eyes and grin widening simultaneously, before turning back to the innocent-looking Chunji.
“CHANYOLO.” Chanyeol screamed before leaping onto Chunji.

Before Changmin could do anything about it, the other two members of the ChangChanChu clan fused together and became a blobby mess of skin and smelly exo.
GD watched the event occur with wide furious eyes, before turning back to the man with the head of the watermelon.

“This is your fault.” He accused Changmin roughly before turning to somewhere behind him.
“SANDARA.” GD yelled at the top of his lungs.

Before anybody  could blink an eye, and giant bulldog at least three times the size of GD leaped out from behind him.

“Dara.” GD said softly, before patting the giant bulldog on it’s ugly wrinkly head.
“Deal with them.” He demanded, pointing to the three in front of him.

The dog, Dara, did as it was told, and devoured the entire ChangChanChu trio in one go. GD smiled, pleased at the work of his hideous dog.
“You have an ugly face.” GD said fondly, the greasy hairs of the dog.

The dog then ran back into the place that it had come from, leaving GD alone with the other several hundred people in the room.

“Where were we?” GD said, turning back to the crowd and walking back among the people that admired him so.
He continued to browse through the people, before stopping once again in front of a tall black haired man.

GD’s eyes widened at the sight of the man.
“Your eyebrows.” GD stated simply.
He then reached a hand up to the person’s eyebrows, but his hand soon became lost in the bushy mess. He fondled around in the huge expanse of eyebrow before pulling out a yellow fruit.

“Is this a… Pomegranate?” GD said, his eyes widening.
His hand that contained the fruit began to shake uncontrollably.

“What is your name?” GD hissed.
“Choi Minho.” The boy replied, a look of utter confusion crossing his ugly face.

GD suddenly hurled the yellow fruit at Minho’s face, causing it to splatter everywhere. Minho’s face wrinkled in disgust, but he didn’t say anything.
“You disgust me.” GD said, his top lip curling up in anger.
“I’m allergic to Pomegranate.” GD stated angrily.

“I’m sorry GD. I truly am.” Minho said in his deep voice, turning to face the ground.”
“Just for that, you can take the Shindong chair.” GD stated, waving his hand in the direction of the chair.

Minho grimaced as he turned to the chair. No one wanted to sit in the Shindong chair. Ever.
He resigned to his fate, and walked towards the chair.

A chair sat alone in the corner of the room. And on that chair, was the face of Shindong. Except he was the chair. Minho approached the chair slowly, not wanting to sit down in the dreaded chair.
As he approached the chair, Shindong his lips and grinned.

Minho sat down in the chair, and died.

GD sighed. He began to doubt that anyone in this crowd could live up to his high standards, let alone four people. He glanced around the room until his eyes landed on a girl sitting in a wheelchair. The wheelchair was rusty, and GD felt a sudden pang of guilt. The girl must have sacrificed a lot to get here today.

He approached the girl slowly, and watched as her eyes lit up as he came closer.
“You. What’s your name?” GD said, trying not to sound as harsh as he did with the others. He wanted to let the girl know that he wasn’t an entirely bad person.

The girl didn’t reply for a minute, but a fine string of drool ran slowly out of her open mouth. She made a throaty noise, trying to talk.
“Stand up when you’re talking to me!” GD demanded, feeling that the girl was acting rude towards him.

“Uh… She’s in a wheelchair.” GD’s butler Taeyang said.
“Did I ing ask you, midget?” GD said, snapping at Taeyang.
Taeyang bowed his head in shame and backed away slowly, going off to play with Dara.

The girl finally began to talk, although she had some difficulty, as she was retarded.
“M-my na-nam-muh eees… Stoopeed Heeead…” She managed to get out.

GD smiled, and patted her wiry hair.
“Well, Stupid Head, welcome to my family.” He said, smiling at her as if she was one of his own.
The girl seemed to be having a fit, maybe because she was happy.

Drool began to flow heavily from , and she began to emit strange noises. Parts of her body began to move in ways that seemed to be out of her control. GD became angry at the girl, and punched her in the face as hard as he could.

He pushed her wheelchair to the front of the room, accepting her as part of his little family. She collided with the wall harshly, but GD ignored it, and moved on.

GD suddenly spotted three boys at the back of the crowd that were holding hands. He stared at them for a moment, before he decided that he gave up and they could join him. He was getting really bored of this anyway.

“You three, get here.” GD demanded, walking to the front of the room, next to Stupid Head.
Once they were up there, he had time to examine them.
“Wow, you all look exactly the same.” He stated.

The truth was, they did. They all had the same dark hair, large noses, and not very attractive faces.
“Introduce yourselves.” GD said.

The boys stepped forward, one by one. The tallest of the three stepped forward first.
“Seungho. I am musical and I am a boy and I am live in action.” He said, before stepping back next to the others.

Another one stood forward.
“Yoseob. I am a boy from the east, but I stand short. I am also searching for the top.”

The last boy stepped forward.
“Dongho. I am ubiquitous.” He said, placing his hand on his hip and showing off his manicured nails to GD.

“You are mine now.” GD announced. “EVERYBODY ELSE GO HOME.” He yelled. He was sick of their eyes constantly staring at him.

“You shall train under me. And you shall learn everything I know. Come.” GD said.


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