why are you so selfish. ?

Come back and I'll treat you better. please.

I put on my black blazer and checked myself one last time in the mirror.
I looked perfect. No pimples or hair sticking out of place. Now the only flaw that I will have at the festival is Jinyoung. If only I could get rid of that brat.
I placed a pepper mint spray in my pocket , just incase I have a temptation to eat something that will give me bad breath, before I kiss my beautiful Eunji~ 
I have to make sure that Jinyoung won't be around me when I make a move.

Maybe I could lock him in the toilets? Wait .no. someone might find him, then he would announce it to everyone and embarrass me. 
Maybe I could just avoid him? Wait . no. he would say he got lost because , I left him alone and Umma would get me in trouble.      
I sighed. I guess I could just head off to the kissing booth while he is playing on the rides , then come back in time to collect him . Ah ha! Terrific plan! 

Now for my pick up lines.
Should I start off  with something cheesy like " Hello , please go on a date with me , you may be the proton to my electron." ? Or just something simple like " Hey , if you are free this weekend , would you like me to you on a date" ? 
Hmm.. I bet should would fall for either one!

Suddenly ,  while I was thinking of more pick up lines , Jinyoung showed up in my room and said , "Dongwoo hyung! I am ready and I am extremely happy that you let me come with you! Every year I always see so many people having fun at the festival ! I feel like the luckiest boy to have you as my -" 

"Take that ridiculous thing off your neck!" , I told him before he got to finish his sentence. How could he be so dense and idiotic?! How could he have the guts and brains to wear that frame necklace with a picture of dad inside ?! Does he want to ruin my day that badly?  
"Because it is foolish to wear that! Why do you want to remember what happened? Isn't it too tragic to you , like it is to me! ?"

Tears started to run down my cheeks. Jinyoung knew that I get sensitive every time someone mentioned this , but he purposely had to bring it up. Does he despise me that much?! My father meant everything to me. He was my role model as well.

"Please don't cry Dongwoo , I didn't mean to upset you , I just thought that since dad isn't here anymore , I would bring a photo of him so I can hold it up when you accept your awards , so he could see and be proud of you.."

"ARE YOU STUPID?! Dad might still be here! We don't know exactly what happened that night yet! How dare you say that he isn't here anymore?!" 

3 years ago , my dad suddenly disappeared. We kept calling and calling him that night , but he never returned home. Days past and he still didn't come home. We called all his work mates and friends , but they said that he never turned up at work as well. My mother panicked everyday , thinking that he may of gone off with another woman , but I knew my father would never do something as vile as that. He was a good man and lived a simple life as a doctor and a dad. There was no reason for anybody to murder him as well , he was a nice and generous guy. He had many friends and always cheered up his patients at the hospital with balloons and candy. He donated to many charities and helped out many orphanages by giving the children free health checkups every week. I wanted to be exactly the same as him when I grew up.

 My mother couldn't handle him being away from us and finally reported him missing to the police. 3 years later and the investigation is still on for him.  Although Jinyoung and I use to cry heaps everyday , Jinyoung finally got over the situation and kept living his life normally. I couldn't  find myself to do the same and still thought of my father all the time. Every exam I take , I would pretend he was next to me. I tried my hardest to gain the best results and put myself under alot of pressure. Even though he's not next to me anymore , I wanted to make him proud.

"I'm so sorry Dongwoo , please forgive me..." , Jinyoung pleaded. 

I sighed and wiped my tears away. I shook my head and tried to forget everything. I didn't want to be red in the face when I go up to Eunji~ 

"Whatever , come on lets go now" ,  I replied.

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readerisme #1
OMG,please update soon,it's so interesting!!
Chapter 4: oh my god! who took the innocent Jinyoung!!
Shibwoo is a bit too far...
Chapter 4: hmm, it's good so far! omg! who took jinyoung?! is it the "innocent" Eunji? ;) ahhh! update soon!!
Chapter 4: Wah! I can't help but think that Jinyoung was forcibly taken rather than him running away. Secretly figuring out your plot or...just stupidly speculating haha most likely the latter. XD
Chapter 2: thank u for the comments guys <3 ^_^ i appreciate it xD i;m finally gaining back all my subscribers from my other story that i accidently deleted >.< xD JINYOUNG WILL DISAPPEAR IN THE NEXT CHAPTER BWAHAHA >:)
Chapter 3: Wah! I feel bad for CNU is some ways, but then I really don't like his character...and I love Jinyoungin general haha :P But I really like the story so far! ^^
Chapter 3: poor cnu >_< btw nice story! :)
seolyeonfics #8
Chapter 1: Hi hi I was just wondering isn't Jinyoung supposed to call Dongwoo Hyung instead of Oppa? Sorry just wondering haha, interesting story u got there though! ^^
omg this is so true =.= its like jason and me.