
Taking SHINee

It's been three weeks now, and Jinjin High is still the leading school. It made Devon and Gabby happy, and also they are excited, since the announcement of the winner will be on the last week of the month.

"Gabby, do you realize how lucky we are right now?" Devon said as she scanned through the tally of schools for the 14th time. She was kind of scared that even when just one school surpass them by one bottle, she goes ballistic and works 2 times harder.

Gabby smirked and bobbed her eyebrows up and down. Then, they saw Kira approaching them. They cringed at her and her skimpy clothes.

"This girl looks like she came from a hooters club." Gabby whispered in Devon's ear. Devon softly chuckled.

Kira took a pink megaphone from one of her minions and screeched through the hallways.

"Guys, there's gonna be a firework festival later at the back of our school. I didn't even know there were such things, but please make sure to come. The teachers ordered this."

The students scoffed. It was a friday, and they're stuck in school for a lousy firework festival instead of hitting the malls or stuff.

"Don't worry guys. If we stay longer, that means we can collect more. And that gives us a chance to win." Gabby encouraged the students.

"Come on Gabby, it's pretty obvious we're gonna win you know." one of the students said, patting her back afterwards.

Gabby laughed at the joke and told everyone that they need to pile up everything soon, since the winners will be announced in two weeks. And obviously, it will be them.

The SHINee members were lazing inside their dorms when SM called and said they will be having an album signing event near Jinjin High.

"He said it's also a way to encourage the students." Onew said.

"Why would we want to encourage the winning team? Hello, they are already winning. We should encourage the other losing ones instead." Key proclaimed.

"Why are you always contradicting to everything?! Aish! What an idol!" Jonghyun screamed, walking out of the room.

Key and the others shrugged him off. They were used to his mood swings, or as what they call, his "seizures".

"So, when are we gonna have this album signing anyway?" Minho asked.

"Next week, friday. That will be good I guess, since we will announce the winners next next monday." Onew said.

Taemin, however, was silent. But it wasn't his usual silence. Usually he would in on the conversation too, especially when it comes to work. And Key perfectly knows why.

"Are you excited Taeminnie?" Key asked as he pat the maknae's back. Taemin looked at Key and gave a terrified look.

"I'm kinda nervous hyung. What if I don't see her? Or what if I see her.... but she can't remember about me anymore?" he asked.

Key chuckled. "Your imaginations... aish... I'm sure she knows about you..." he said, although he's nervous about what he said. Usually when he declares something it turns the other way around.

Taemin looked into his hyung's eyes once again, looking like he was about to cry out of nervousness.

"What's wrong Taemin?" Onew asked as he enters the room. Taemin looked away and avoided Onew's gaze.

"Hyung, come on don't play dumb. You remember Jinjin High right?" Key said.

Onew furrowed his eyebrows, but then his expression changed and it looked like a light bulb lit above his head.

"Taeminnie's old school right? You know where Bon..." he trailed off once he realized he said her name. The name that Taemin dreaded to hear.

Taemin stiffened and cleared his throat. Onew stared at him awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Taemin." he quickly apologized.

Taemin smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay hyung. I'm actually excited if ever I get the chance to meet her there... Although I'm not sure she will remember me..."

Onew came close to Taemin and rubbed his back.

"I'm sure she will... I'm sure she will..." Onew repeated.

Everyone was preparing in watching the Fireworks Festival. They were piling up the bottles and recycable things so they won't find it hard to give it to the collectors when it was time.

"I'm so excited, it's like I keep asking myself if I'm dreaming or what!" Gabby and Devon were chatting and coming towards the event place. Suddenly, a loud explosion caused everyone to panic.

"What was that?!?" Kira screamed.

"It sounded like it came over there!" a guy pointed somewhere. Gabby gasped, and so did Devon. They immediately rushed to where the explosion took place and saw that all the trash they collected were destroyed.

Gabby kneeled in front of it with hung open.

"Our.... dream... It's gone." Gabby mumbled.

Devon slowly approached the scene and slowly kneeled, tears falling down her face.

"That was it.... That's the end of everything.... About everything we've ever...." Devon choked and started sobbing louder.

Gaby couldn't take seeing Devon like this, so she came next to her and wrapped her arms around her, comforting her with soft whispers and carressing of her back.

Their sweet moment was suddenly broken when a laugh was heard from the back. Gaby's eyes darkened as she realized who it was.

"YOU !" she stood up and was preparing to attack her when Devon pulled her hand and signalled her to stop.

"Well.... I guess this means I won right?" Kira said mockingly, her brows twitching and her lips curved into a smirk.

Just looking at her made Gaby rage and she begins to charge her again, only to be pulled back by Devon.

"Stop, she's not worth it...." she said in between sobs.

"So I guess you know what will happen.... on monday.... See you around, Gaby and Devon, or should I say nugus?" Kira taunted and left with all the other students who saw what happened.

Gaby bowed down defeatedly and sighed heavily. Beside her, Devon was trying her best not to cry.

"Devon.... just... just let it all out. Sometimes I wonder if you're really older than me or what...." Gaby said.

When Devon did not obey, she pulled her close and hugged her tightly, letting her own tears fall.

"It's okay Devon... There's a next time... We're still alive, and we're still breathing... There will be a next time....." she said as she hugs Devon's small form.

"Woah wait what?" Onew suddenly said as he was browsing through his smart phone. It was a Saturday and a free day for SHINee so here they were, just lounging around the dorm, doing some stuff they missed out on.

"Why? What's wrong?" Key asked worriedly. Onew did not reply and just kept staring at his phone, eyes wide.

"Yah! Will you just tell it I'm panicking here! Oh my god what are you!!!" Jonghyun suddenly began nagging again. Key grabbed a pillow and threw it in his face.

"You did not just- YAH KIM KIBUM!"

"GUYS! STOP!" Onew's leader instinsts suddenly kicked in. "It's about... the schools..."

At the mention of 'schools', Taemin's head perked up from the book he was reading. Without thinking he rushed near Onew, almost letting Jonghyun fall over and grabbing the phone out of Onew's hands.

"LEE TAEMIN YOU BRAT! I ALMOST FELL!" Jonghyun raged once again, but no one seemed to care. Taemin was still staring at the phone, and Onew had a sulky face on.

Poor maknae. I know you waited so long for this... he said in his mind.

"Will you please tell us what is going on now I'm kinda freaking out too...." Minho said.

"Jinjin High... they're not the leading anymore. Actually, they are already at the very bottom...." Taemin said, his voice coated with disappointment.

Minho's eyes furrowed, and so did Jonghyun's at the maknaes's sudden change of tone.

"Are we missing out on something?" Jonghyun asked Key.

"It's.... involving Taemin... and a childhood friend..." Key whispered to Jonghyun and Minho.

"Oh yeah... he used to study in Jinjin right? So that's why it sounded familiar...." Minho whispered back.

Somehow they kinda figured why Taemin began sulking. They understood that he's longing for that friend of his, and that he really wanted to find her.

"So what now.... Is the signing event still on?" Onew suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"It had to." Taemin replied, standing up. The hyungs looked at him in fear, knowing how Taemin is when he is angry.

"It has to.... It's my last hope....."

A/N: I'm back chicas!!!! Hi did you miss me of course you did... or didn't... anyway yey for updating this fic! I have still yet to update GD's girl and ATMR so you wait for it too okay? And follow me on twitter, I'm more active there and we can be friends! :)

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OMG i loved the movie and now it has shinee in it gaaah o_o
Please update again soon!
tiffydn #2