Chapter XII – Syampein Night Festival (Continued)

Let Me Be The One

Haha, Sorry guys, here's the rest of the festival... for some reason this website won't let me post the whole thing in one chapter. It's probably because the chapter's too long. .. ><


Vivian’s POV

                I walked out of the bathroom and turned around in confusion wondering where Kyu jong, who apparently lied to me about waiting, went to. I looked around the place for a moment, then saw Kyu jong and Hyun joong walk out from nowhere, towards me. I quickly walked up to them, about to ask what happened, but Kyu jong beat me to say something.

                “Sorry Vivian, for walking away when I said I’d wait. We should keep walking around. There’s a lot more stuff to do!” Kyu jong apologized.

                I looked at Hyun joong, whom didn’t seem too happy and a bit annoyed, but I shook the curiosity off. Smiling, I said, “Sure. Where is it really fun?”

                “I know a perfect place,” Kyu jong said, returning the smile. “Are you coming, Hyun joong?”

                After a bit of a pause, Hyun joong reluctantly said, “Um…sure. Whatever.”

                I turned around and followed Kyu jong to where he was leading. My mind just kept thinking about where Hyun joong went the time before I went to the bathroom and what happened when he came back, probably looking for Kyu jong. He seemed even colder now than he was this morning, and at that time, he seemed pretty off already.

                Kyu jong stopped walking and turned to me. He smiled at told me that the booth we were standing at was really fun. I agreed to play the game with him, and I ended up having a lot of fun for hours.

                However, from time to time, I would go back and think about Hyun joong, who was just following around, not saying anything at all. I offered Hyun joong food and other random stuff, but he just smiled and refused it.

                Soon, Hyun joong told Kyu jong and I that he was going to see something again, and walked off by himself.

                I sighed and said to Kyu jong, “He’s seems…really cold today.”

                “Yeah. He shouldn’t be like this,” Kyu jong replied with a sigh.

                “What did you do to him?” I blurted out, not thinking of how I sounded.

                “W-what do you mean?” Kyu jong said, looking at me surprised.

                “I mean—sorry…It’s just that after I saw you two walking to me after I got out of the bathroom…he suddenly got a lot colder…I don’t know. I just thought it was something you said.” I apologized but kept saying, still probably sounding rude.

                Kyu jong nervously laughed and said, “Well…I don’t know. Don’t worry about it too much, Vivian. He’ll be normal again soon…”

                I heard Kyu jong mumbling something softly after he said that, but I did not want to make him feel even more uncomfortable, therefore I decided not to ask him what he said.

                I looked down at the floor, and when I looked back up, I saw Hyun joong walking back towards us.

                “I think we shouldn’t waste time just standing around,” Hyun joong spoke.

                My eyes opened wide like as if I just heard an animal talk to me. I hadn’t heard Hyun joong’s voice in a very long time, but I felt happy that I did. I smiled and agreed, beginning to walk to random stands.

                Just then, I saw Jung min and Yume walk towards our direction. My mood definitely went up after I saw Yume, with a big smile.

                “Yume!” I yelled.

                “Vivian! Dude, the food here is so good!” Yume exclaimed happily.

                “Haha, yeah, I agree!”

                “Ohh by the way…Vivian, Jung—,” Yume started, but then stopped when she turned around and saw Jung min.


                “Uhh…actually never mind,” Yume said, looking away.

                Wondering what that was all about, I looked at Jung min, who had that killer smile on and looking at me. I waved at him and noticed a huge set of bottles of champagne in his hand.

                “Whoa,” I said, pointing at the bottle.

                Jung min laughed and said, “It’s a really rare and expensive set of champagne.

                “Where’d you get it?”

                “From a dance,” Jung min told me, handing the bottle over to me to see.


                “Yeah. Kind of like a competition. And this was the prize,” Jung min explained, taking the bottle back carefully after I handed it to him.

                “I see…you’re seriously not going to drink that, are you?” I asked, doubtful.

                “Why not? It looks delicious,” Jung min replied with a laugh, looking at the bottle.

                “Well, do what you want,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him, and turning back to Yume, who walked over to Hyun joong and Kyu jong.

                I walked over to them, but before I could say anything, Jung min asked, “Hey…it’s near the end of the festival, and there’s this really cool fireworks show at the end. And I know a perfect place to watch it. Interested?”

                “Yeah!” Yume said excited.

                “Sure,” Kyu jong and Hyun joong agreed.

                Jung min looked at me, and I silently smiled, showing that I was also happy to go.

                We walked past all the food stands and other random booths until everything seemed absolutely quiet. There was less and less people as well as we walked on. Paper lanterns and little lights on the floor lighted up a road to lead us somewhere. Finally, Jung min stopped at a place with tall grass and a small, but peaceful sounding pond nearby.

                “Here we go. We can all sit down and relax. It’s really peaceful here,” Jung min explained, continuing to smile.

                Kyu jong laughed and said, “Yeah, we can tell.”

                For a while, all five of us sat in the grass, looking up at the sky, trying to find as many stars as we could, but knowing the lights in this city were too bright to show most of them. Yume and I got up from time to time to go over to the pond. There were a lot of little fishes in it, and the water was so clear, I could see the bottom of it, filled with rocks. The light reflected on the pond, making it seem like there were sparkles in the water. I laughed as Yume took a stick and poked random places, and threw grass into the water. I attempted to push her into the pond, but the only things that got a bit wet were our shoes. As we walked back to the three guys, whom were talking to each other, we sat back down, just in time for the fireworks to start.

                They were stunning, each and every one: different colors, shapes, and form. Some of them even changed colors and some looked like pictures. I smiled and pointed at the ones that I liked. Everyone would laugh and say which ones they liked as well. I smiled and thought of how close we seem right now, and that everything was going to be great between each other, like best friends. For the moment, at least, no one had a cold shoulder or had a serious face. It was like the fireworks heated up everyone’s heart like a fireplace. I laughed at my lame simile, but I really felt that that was what was happening.

                “Aiyoo. I’m hungry again,” Yume suddenly whined.

                “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Hyun joong commented.

                “Hey!” Yume yelled, slapping Hyun joong on the arm. She then got up and asked, “Kyu jong, come get food with me! I don’t want to keep being under the abuse of this idiot here!” Yume stuck out her tongue at Hyun joong and pulled on Kyu jong’s shirt to get him up.

                “Haha, okay okay. What do you wanna eat?” Kyu jong said, smiling at Yume when he stood up.

                I looked at Hyun joong as the other two were talking, and I was quite surprised at his expression: a devilish glare with a hidden frown. I could definitely tell that he was angry…but for what?

                “Ahh wait, Yume…let me come with you,” Hyun joong said, also getting up and running over to Kyu jong and Yume.

                “I don’t want you to come!” Yume said to Hyun joong.

                “I’m still coming.”

                I could hear Yume sigh and then laugh in the distance as the three of them walked farther away.

                I sighed myself and looked back up at the sky, which was still firing stunning fireworks. Abruptly, a question popped up in my mind. Since Kyu jong kissed Yume, I assumed that Kyu jong liked her. But judging from Hyun joong’s expression back then, it seemed he was a little…jealous?

                I moved closer to Jung min, who, weirdly, hadn’t said anything, and asked, “Hey hey Jung min…is it possible…that Hyun joong like…you know…”

                “Like Yume?” Jung min said, completely reading my mind, followed with a smile.            

                “Yeah…” I slowly replied.

                I looked at Jung min, waiting for an answer. He was covering his mouth from a big smile and laughing. I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what he was thinking. “Hmm…based on what we just saw…I think that’s pretty possible.”

                “Ohh…” I simply replied.

                That’s not good. If that’s true…that means Yume is stuck in a love triangle. How is a girl who’s never been in any relationship going to handle this?I thought crazily.

                “Well…was today fun?” Jung min asked.

                “Huh? Ohh yeah, of course.”

                “A lot must have happened.”

                “Haha, I guess. It was fun though. You?”

                “Totally. I’m especially happy that I got this,” Jung min said, smiling at the bottles of champagne he held on to the whole time.

                “I still don’t get what’s so special.”

                Jung min stood up and walked over to the pond, “This is what my father always wanted, but due it being so rare, he never got his hands on it.”

                “Ohh I see,” I said after listening to his explanation. I got up and followed him to the pond. “And you’re still going to drink that?”

                “You—,” Jung min started. “Ahh you know what? No, I’m not going to drink it! Happy?” He finished, coming within six inches of my face, grinning a slanted smile.

                I leaned back, and said with another slanted smile, “Yup. Something that means so much to you shouldn’t be wasted just like that.”

                “Vivian, how is it that you’re so considerate?” Jung min asked, staring at the water glowing from the light.

                “It’s not like I try…besides, you’re pretty considerate too,” I said back.

                Jung min didn’t say anything again, but looked at the water intently. I really wondered what was going through his mind during the awkward silences. He scoffed and then looked at me.

                “You don’t know me well enough yet.”

                I was surprised at what he said. It didn’t sound like the Jung min I knew a few seconds ago. Maybe he was right. Maybe I didn’t know him well enough. Was he tricking me then? His personality was all fake? My mind felt surprised and confused, and my heart felt angry. I decided not to comment, leaving more awkward silences.

                “What’s with all the silence today?” Jung min asked, killing the quiet, but leaving the awkward.

                “What’s with all the weird questions?”

                “It’s not weird. I’m just wondering.”

                “Well…maybe I’m a quiet person,” I replied with a pretty strong attitude, turning around, my back facing Jung min.

                “…You’re angry.”

                “Am I?”

                “I don’t like answers that are questions.”

                “Well…” I stopped, not being able to find something to reply as.


                “Nothing.” To be honest, he did seem to make me mad now.

                “So you are angry.”

                Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath and quickly let it out. “Maybe.”


                 I turned around to face Jung min again, and rudely said, “See, this is the reason why I don’t like admitting to certain things. People ask why, and I have to explain. Sometimes, it’s better to hold in something than to let it out and have to explain why that is.” As I was scolding, his face slowly turned from indifferent to silently surprised. “Why would I take the time to explain something that I don’t like? In addition that it’s embarrassing and it makes me feel rude. I’m sorry that you had to hear all this, but this is what I really feel.” I looked at the ground, sighed loudly and said, “Wow. I sound a lot angrier than it really is in my head.”

                Looking back up at Jung min, I noticed the sudden sorrow in his eyes. But that didn’t fool me. I told myself on the first week of school that this wasn’t going to be such a cliché story like before. My expression, serious, stayed the same as I looked at Jung min. For some reason, the longer I looked at him, the more I regretted yelling at him like that. Finally, Jung min looked away and put the set of champagne down near his feet.

                Wondering what he was doing letting go of that precious item, I took a step back. That’s it, this has become silently awkward and I can’t kill this tense atmosphere. I’m just gonna go find Yume and the other two. About to turn around, I was startled by the warm grip of Jung min’s hand on my arm. He quickly pulled me towards him, looked at my eyes for a second, and then placed his soft and smooth lips on mine. Hugging me closer, he stood there, in the same pose, for seconds. And in those seconds, he completely changed the mood.

               “Vivian! Where are you? I have to totally show you this! It’s so delicious!” I heard a voice. Yume’s voice. And it was coming closer.

                Jung min opened his eyes and pushed himself off of me. Without saying anything, he picked up his champagne again and looked at the water in the pond.

                Seconds later, Yume came. What if Yume saw what happened?  I thought. She ran to me, holding some strange food, smiling, not knowing anything.

                “Hey.” I said.

                “Try this!” Yume shouted happily, giving me a plate of food.

                I smiled slightly and took the food.

                “It’s delicious,” I said, without any feeling.

                “What happened?” Yume asked frowning.

                “Ahh, it’s getting kind of late now. Come on, I’ll drive you guys back,” Jung min blurted out, changing the topic.

                Without anyone able to say anything, we all went back to Northside High. Jung min and Hyun joong escorted Yume and me to our dorm; I assumed that their dorms were close by, especially since we had “special” kind of dorms. Yume ran inside, and I turned around to close the door.

                “Thanks guys,” I said to Jung min and Hyun joong.

                Hyun joong nodded and smiled; Jung min looked at me with a content face, and whispered, “Sorry.”

                I whispered back in a little angry tone, “It’s fine.” Then I closed the door.

Narrator’s POV

               Vivian sighed and thought about how much she goes through every time something happens with Jung min. She wondered about what he meant by  “You don’t know me well enough yet.” Sitting on the couch, she smiled and soon, she started laughing. Yume went up to her and wanted to know what she was laughing at, in which Vivian wouldn’t tell. So adorable, that Jung min. He thinks he’s so cool by planting that kiss. Vivian thought as Yume begged her to spill out what happened that night. I forgive him though.

                Yume pulled at Vivian’s shirt. Something must have happened between Jung min and her. Yume sighed and plopped down on the couch next to Vivian. Today was really fun. Funny how these days have been so fun.

                Nearby, Jung min sat on the couch inside his dorm. I suppose that I’ve been looking too lightly on her. She definitely has more character behind that innocent, bubbly girl. Interesting. Jung min thought as he poured himself a cup of hot tea, smiling.

                Hyun joong sat down in his office chair and span around. What was it that made me care so much about that annoying girl? Seriously. Her attitude is absolutely non-attractive. Hyun joong kept thinking in his head. He stopped spinning and covered his face with his hands.

                Kyu jong laid on his bed. “None of your business”…“I do know, however, that she’s different. There’s something about her that I can’t leave alone.” “I’ll be there to protect her.” The cold words that Hyun joong said to him in the festival has been in his mind the rest of the day. Did Hyun joong actually like Yume? And did he? Taking a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

              The more days that passed, the more closer the five grew to each other. However, it was obvious that complications like this would soon start. In the future, nothing would become as simple as it was like the beginning of the school year.


Co-author's Note: Argh you guys! After a really long time...and hard work...and xrawrbabyrawrx pushing me to keep writing...we finished a very long chapter. >~< ENJOY! must go back to write more... @___@; thank you for reading! xie xie! arigato! gracias! gamsahabnida!

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Chapter 34: Woooah I loveeed you story S2
secret-lover #5
amazing, so amazig <333333
congrats on trf
Kaismyseoulmate #7
Congrats ^^
Congrats on the feature!
Kasumi5605 #9
Chapter 2: that Huju thing totally made me cry XD