Hospital Angel


SHINee is one of South Korea's best Kpop groups. Hundreds of thousands of people want to at least see them in person. So meeting them face-to-face would be a dream come true! And it's a dream that many people have. It's a dream that a little boy in a hospital ward holds close to his heart.

Choi Dan Su, also known as Danny, is a bright and happy four year old who wants nothing more than to meet his favorite idols. His mother, Michelle Houston Choi, is a twenty-one year old widow who wants nothing more than for all his dreams to come true...

Before he dies.








The white, sterile halls of the hospital usually echo with the bustling of nurses and the occasional chatter of the staff, but not tonight. Tonight it was quiet, save for one hallway where a man and a woman stood outside the door of a patients room. Their voices were hushed but excited as they spoke.

"...Now, the earliest they can come is on Friday. Will that be soon enough?" The man asked the lovely, young foreigner. His small, brown eyes looking at her in kindness and sympathy. He was completely unable to comprehend what the woman, barely more than a child herself, was going through. Having to watch her only child fade away in front of her eyes.

The blue-eyed American smiled at him, too happy for her son to let herself remember the sad fate he had, "It's cutting it a bit close," She admitted, her large eyes dimming slightly, "but as long as he sees them, I don't think he'll mind how he feels." She referred to the rare disease that was eating away at her child, day by day. Diagnosed with it only a few months prior, it felt like time was moving too fast. He only had weeks to live at this point and although she hadn't given up on him, the doctors had. So she continued to boost his spirits, although her's toppled with every phone call she made to a hospital or special treatment facility who informed her that the disease was incurable.

"All right, will he be well enough to talk to them? Will the doctors even let them in?" The man, who was named Kim Hyuk Jae, asked, a bit concerned that Danny wouldn't be able to visit with his special guests because of his critical condition.

"I've already spoken to them. They said it wouldn't harm him anymore than the disease has, so it's fine for him to have as many visitors as he wants. Provided they stay quiet." Danny's mother replied, her blond hair bouncing as she flipped a stray strand out of her face. She seemed strangly calm for being so young. Marrying a Korean born man and moving to his homeland had seemed like a very exciting prospect when she was eighteen. Now, three years later, she wondered if she had only done harm. Her parents had never met their only grandchild and they never would at this point, she had no way to get her child better medical care because she didn't have money for plane tickets and her husband...her husband had died a month ago.

Hyuk Jae smiled at her, amazed at this woman's courage despite her grim circumstances, "Then I'll have them here ready and on time. Is there anything they should bring? CD's? Pictures? What's his shirt size?"

The petite foreigner thought for a moment, "He always wanted to go to one of their concerts, but I never had the time. If they want to bring a guitar or something, that would be great! And he's an extra-small in childrens." She chuckled a bit and said, "He's built like me." She gestured to her slim, pixie-like figure and grinned, beginning to think about where her child got his handsome features. His petite frame and blue eyes came from her, but everything else was passed down from his father in every way. He even laughed like him! He had a bit of an American accent though, that he got from her.

The man clapped his large hands once before rubbing them together, excited for the adorable Dan Sun and his mother, "Then I guess I'd better go and tell the boys they'll be making a special visit to a very special fan." He lifted one eyebrow suggestively, emphasizing just how special this particular fan was. He bowed to her and strode away, waving once as he left for the parking lot.

Michelle could hardly contain her excitement, deciding to keep the whole thing a surprise. She did a mini victory dance outside her son's hospital room door before stepping in calmly and quietly walking over to sit on her son's bed. "Hey, sweetheart." She said to her baby in English, her heart wrenching at how frail and vulnerable he looked next to the wall of machines. His normally tan skin was pale from fatige and she now found herself only hoping he made it through the night, he looked so weak.

"Hi, mommy!" He said cheerily, speaking English also. His child's voice was a bit raspy from having had a feeding tube recently, but still happy and light. He reminded her of a butterfly, beautiful and fragile. Even though his big, blue eyes were bloodshot from the many painkillers he took, they were still bright and innocent.

"How are you feeling?" She asked quietly, checking to make sure the IV in his arm was inserted properly and looking at all the monitors around him to make sure he was still alive. Sometimes she had a hard time telling these days.

He grinned at her, two rows of sparkling white teeth appearing behind pink lips. He didn't answer her question though, only grabbing her small, soft hand and holding it between his even smaller, bony ones. The disease seemed to have all life out of his body, leaving only his innocent love of being alive to light up his smile. Which was the one he gave her now, silently telling her to smile back. So she did. Two human beings, happy despite their circumstances, simply stared at each other. Sharing a bond only a mother and her son could. A bond that they knew even death wouldn't be able to break. Michelle only hoped that death would let her keep him a little bit longer.


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im_a_squid #1
Chapter 3: update pleasee~ <3
choiminhosunsun #2
Chapter 3: Awwwwwww. This is so sweet. I love SHINee. Plz tell me this little dude doesn't die. Come on. Update soon~ ^.^