Love Like the Sunset

Paper Cranes of Our Love

It was just like any ordinary day for Jinyoung. She was walking along the streets sipping on her bubble tea. Just then there was a loud crowd of people that ran past her. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to check it out. Then all of a sudden somebody grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the crowd. The person brought her to an alley and hugged her close to him. Jinyoung was panicking not knowing what was going to happen to her. She slowly looked up and realized whom the person was- Kim Myungsoo, the most popular guy at her school and her crush.

The crowd of people finally passed and he let got of his hand over . Myungsoo then looked down at her and blushed. He backed away from her and held onto her hand. Then he led her out of the alley, and into some store. Jinyoung was confused as to why they were in this store that just had hats. She watched Myungsoo buy to caps and rushed over to her. He placed the pink cap on her and the blue one on him. Myungsoo took her hand once again and they walked out of the store.

“ M-Myungsoo-sshi, what are you doing?”  Jinyoung waited for him to say anything, but he didn’t.

What is he doing? What does he want from me? This is my first time I have ever seen Myungsoo like this. To be more exact, this is the first time we ever had any contact.

“ Myungsoo-sshi! Please, tell me what is going on!” He stopped walking and turned to her.

“ I just want to spend some time with somebody without being bothered by other people.”

“ O-Oh. O-Okay. Where do you want to go then?” All of a sudden there was a rumble and Myungsoo face turned red. Jinyoung realized it was Myungsoo’s stomach and laughed. She boldly took his hand and led him to the nearest restaurant.

The feeling of their hands together made both of them blush, but neither of them could see the other’s face. Inside they were smiling to themselves, but didn’t dare show it to the other. Deep in their hearts was a little secret they wanted to tell the other person, but they were being cowards. As they got closer to the restaurant, Jinyoung sped up. Just a few feet away was the restaurant that Jinyoung and her family used to go to.

“ Well, here we are! This is my favorite restaurant, and nobody will know that you are here!”

“ T-Thank you.”

“ No problem! Now come on! Let’s find a seat!”

Jinyoung and Myungsoo got a seat in the corner where nobody will know they are there. Jinyoung was still drinking her bubble after all this time. Surprisingly, she didn’t drop it after running. A waiter came up to them and asked what Myungsoo would like to drink. He told the waiter he simply wanted water. Since they were also ready to order, they both chose to get spaghetti. After the waiter left, it got awkward between the two of them. This was the first time that they ever had any sort of contact with each other. Jinyoung was the type of girl who stayed in the background, but she still had plenty of good friends. Myungsoo was the boy who had many friends and was also in the popular group. Their paths never crossed, but right now they were sitting across from each other.

Myungsoo may not remember, but Jinyoung does. She remembers when she was a little girl and she was running around in the park looking for her puppy. When she thought she would never find her puppy again, but a little boy came over with a white puppy in his hands. She remembered the beautiful smile the boy had, and she thought of him as her angel. The next day she couldn’t find him, but her friend knew whom the boy was- Kim Myungsoo. Ever since then she has been in love with that boy.

“ Um, are you still there?” Jinyoung snapped out of her thoughts and stopped sipping on her bubble tea.

“ H-Huh?” Myungsoo chuckled and Jinyoung turned red.

“ Are you still there? You kind of spaced out.”

“ Haha! I’m okay! The food is here!” The waiter came with their food and placed it in front of them. They happily ate their food and would steal glances at each other. One time their eyes locked and both of their faces turned red as tomatoes. While Myungsoo was eating his spaghetti, he got a bit of sauce on the side of his lips. Jinyoung saw it and couldn't take it anymore. She took a napkin and leaned over to Myungsoo. He backed away when he saw Jinyoung leaning closer, but she grabbed his shoulders in order to stop him. Jinyoung quickly wiped away the sauce and made sure Myungsoo was clean.

" Now there isn't any sauce on you!" Myungsoo turned red all of a sudden and he lowered his head so he wouldn't be seen.

" T-Thank you."

D-Did Myungsoo just blush! He just blushed! Right in front of me too!

When they were done eating, Myungsoo happily paid for the meal. Jinyoung kept on trying to pay at least half of it, but Myungsoo told her it was okay. He wanted to pay for it for bringing him to such a nice restaurant. They left the restaurant, and the sunset was glowing with a bright orange, pink, and purple. It was a beautiful sight for the both of them. Their hearts were glowing just as bright as the sunset.

Without knowing what else to do, they just walked around aimlessly. Their hands would brush against each other, but neither dared to hold the other person’s hand. Just the slight touch made electricity surge through their body. Steps in sync and all they could they think was of each other. They wanted to ask the other questions, wanted answers, and most of all what they thought of the other person. All of a sudden Myungsoo spoke up.

“ Your name is Jinyoung, right?”

“ Y-Yeah. How did you know that?”

“  Connections.”

“ Oh, I see.” The conversation dropped there. There were more words to be said, but they didn’t know how to say it correctly.

“ Do you want to go to the beach?"

" Huh? Why?"

" I just feel like it? How abou it?" Jinyoung thought about it for a few seconds and nodded her head. Myungsoo took her hand and they ran to the beach. Luckily it wasn't that far, and it only took ten minutes to get there.

When they got to the beach, they were amazed by the sight. The sun was right where it met the water which made it seemed even more magical. The water was sparkling almost like there were diamonds in there. Jinyoung took off her shoes and slowly walked to the edge of the water. The coldness of the water touched her toes and she squealed. She motioned for Myungsoo to come over, and he took of his shoes too. Right when he got to her, Jinyoung kicked water at him. She laughed at him and Myungsoo kicked back some water to her too.

They got tired of splashing water on each other, and began walking along the beach. Myungsoo was mesmerized at how the sunset hit Jinyoung's face perfectly. It made her look even more beautiful than she was. The way how her hair blew in the wind, and the little kicks she made in the water made her even more adorable in his eyes. He had the urge to just kiss her right there, but he was afraid. Myungsoo didn't want to do something since this was the first time they have made any contact with each other. Their hands brushed against each other, and he decided to heck with it. Myungsoo grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Jinyoung looked at him with cheeks as red as apples.

" M-Myungsoo-sshi."

" Hm?"

" U-Um, you are holding my hand." Myungsoo smirked at her and she looked away. Jinyoung was easily affected by Myungsoo no matter what he did.

" I know. I just wanted to hold your hand. Is that alright with you?" Myungsoo prayed that she would say yes. His wishes were heard as she nodded her head in a cute way.

" Jinyoung, I want to ask you something."

" What is it?"

" I-"

“ LOOK! IT’S MYUNGSOO!” Myungsoo and Jinyoung both turned their heads to see a group of girls running towards them. They were about to run away but it was already too late. Jinyoung was pushed away by the other girls. In the middle of all of those girls was Myungsoo. He didn’t know what to do, and was worried about Jinyoung. He wanted to reach out for her, but he couldn’t.

It’s too good to be true. Myungsoo would never remember me, and he wouldn’t even want to be with somebody like me. I should just leave.

“ Jinyoung, wait!”

She ran and ran. She ran anywhere as long it was far away from him. No tears spilled from her eyes, only her heart was a bit broken. Being together with him today only brought happiness to her, but she didn’t know how he felt. Sure he was grateful to her by bringing to him a restaurant, but she wanted to know more. Deep inside, she wanted to see the little boy whom she fell in love with and is still in love with.

Great, I will have to see him tomorrow at school. My life .


The next day at school…


When Jinyoung opened her locker, something fell out- a crisp, white note. It said that during lunch for her to stand in the middle of the lunchroom. She was so confused as to why the person would want her to wait in the middle of the lunchroom. She kept on rereading the note, and just simple waved it off. Jinyoung decided to just follow what the note says. As she arrived to her first class, on her desk was a baby blue paper crane. Opening it one flap at a time, inside it had the letter ‘ I.’

“ What’s with today? I got a note in my locker and now this? Oh! Eunah, do you know why this was here?”

“ U-Um, I don’t know!”

“ I don’t believe you.” Jinyoung glared at her friend, but her friend wouldn't budge. In order to avoid Jinyoung's glare, Eunah quickly went to her seat.

“ Haha! Well, I’m going to go to my seat since class is about to start!”

“ Yah! Eunah! Aish! Fine don’t tell me! I will just have to wait until then, huh?”

What is Eunah hiding from me? Nothing bad right? Maybe a surprise? Eunah isn't like that, though. Which reminds me, she did say she was busy this morning and couldn't walk with me to school. I wonder what she was up to?



What the heck is this! I got two other notes during second and third period! One having the letter ‘ L’ and the other ‘ Y.’ I wonder what this person is up to.

After third period was over, I went to lunch. Eunah didn’t wait for me saying she had to go meet up with her boyfriend. Just when I needed her, she went to her boyfriend instead! Well, if she ever needs my help she won’t get it! Anyways, I was now standing in the middle of the lunchroom, and everybody was giving weird looks. Blush crept onto my cheeks, and I lowered my head from the embarrassment.

“ Jinyoung!” My head flew up and I saw Myungsoo running up to me. I started to back away but he grabbed onto my hands.

“ M-Myungsoo-sshi, what are you doing!?”

“ What does it look like to you?”

“ I-I don’t know!”

“ Well, you will see then!” Myungsoo turned to the rest of the students but still holding onto Jinyoung’s hand.

“ Everybody, right here is Lee Jinyoung! And I want to tell her something, and I want all of you to be my audience!” He turned back to her and took her hand again.

“ What are you doing?” He just smirked at her.

“ Jinyoung, I still remember the day when we were younger. The crying you because she couldn’t find her puppy. When I found him and brought him back to you, you smiled. A bright, beautiful smile that snatched my heart. Even though tears were still streaming down your face, it just made you look even more precious. Ever since then I have been in love with you. When I saw you in the hallway one day, I noticed right it was you. The little girl I have been looking for. Everyday I would look at you while you weren’t looking, and I would smile whenever you smiled. When you were sad, I was sad. Jinyoung, did you see those paper cranes that were on your desk?”

“ Yeah, what were those for?”

“ Each of those letters spells out something. ‘ I’ for I, ‘ L’ for Love, and ‘ Y’ for You. I love you, Jinyoung.” At that time, her friend Eunah came out with a jar of little paper cranes. Myungsoo thanked her and held them in front of Jinyoung.

“ These are?”

“ Each of these paper cranes symbolizes each day I love you. Will accept these and my heart?” Jinyoung jumped into his arms and hugged his neck tightly.

“ Of course! I love you, too! I love you ever since that day when I first met you. I have always and will forever love you.”

“ Good. Because I’m not planning on letting you go.”

Right in front of everybody, Myungsoo landed a kiss on Jinyoung. Everybody in the lunchroom started to cheery and yell. Jinyoung could feel warmth come to her cheeks and Myungsoo was smiling through the kiss. They didn't care, though. This moment was theirs and nobody elses. This kiss was sweet, innocent, and full of love. Hearts mended as one, and feelings reciprocated. It may have been their first kiss, but there was plenty more to come, and plenty more of those paper cranes: a symbol of everyday they love each other.









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Chapter 1: adoreable, like this story (✽˘⌣˘✽)
Chapter 1: sh!t. i'd never thought i'd read a het fic. but i gave it a try cause it was short.
that was really cute.
Chapter 1: I died while reading this. XD
Good job! I loved it so much~~~!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 1: Cute Story! :)