YG Entertainment Girl Group Till Dark (Apply Closed)


~~~~~Basic Group Info~~~~~~


Group Name: Till Dark

Members: 6

Fanclub name :Night Awaiters

Fanclub color: Black and Grey

Company: YG Entertainment


This is my first fanfic and my dear little sister taeluv will be helping me with it.

So this fic is gonna be about BigBang's sister group.




1) Subscribe before applying

2) No bashing the authors/story if your not picked (you will be in the story still)

3) Comment atleast every 2-3 chapters

4) Don't be rude to each other be nice

5) Re-read rules again

6) Enjoy it~


Ok were done w/ acceptance of both the manger and the main singer ^^


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Chapter 11: I can't wait for the playdate to happen its gonna so much fun^^
Chapter 9: A play date? Now that seems interesting.
Chapter 9: Play date? with who?
Chapter 8: Cool idea about having two different songs to introduce the group. Is the mystery girl from the rivaling group?
Chapter 8: oh so they got split into groups
who was the girl spying on them?
Chapter 7: and the socializing starts^^
*O* wow two of them have exs from two different bands
and two have tattoos
one's related to Minho
one had a motorcycle she named jet
...........some very interesting girls indeed*nods*
lmaoo "the hello kitty freak..."
Who are the 10 girls that glared at them I wonder?
Chapter 7: Yay we're finally social! Loved how everyone was portrayed in this chapter. Although, who are these 10 mystery girls? Hmmm. Well I look forward to the next update!
Chapter 5: I love the rival group idea!!!
Chapter 6: Now I understand the previous chapter. I love the idea of a rival group!
Chapter 4: lolz the girls aren't very social now are they