Best Friends Forever~!!!! ..or not


She dated alot of guys, but she never really fell for them, even her own friends would joke around and about how many guys she dated, they even sometimes about being a "player"..but they never knew that after every break she was always hurt and that she would always cry..

He was her BEST friend, they knew each other ever since she moved to his elementary school back in grade 3. He was a little innocent for his age though, he only liked 1 or 2 girls and he never even dated. (thats a little hard to believe for a teenage boy, dont you think?) And even though him and his best friend dont have alot in common he was still always there for her. He would always listen everytime she had to vent out her feelings or when she wanted to talk about her boyfriend. He always offered a shoulder to cry on everytime she was upset, and somehow everytime they talked he would always make her laugh or at least smile no matter how sad, angry or upset she was..

Everything was "normal", she dated guys, they broke up, she got hurt, she went to her best friend, she cried, he cheered her up, she felt better, then a few weeks later ..she would find another guy. This was what always happened between Kim Jonghyun and Shin Minhyo, until one day, their "cycle" got ruined...






*bows* Annyeonghasaeyo~~~ Marie/super143l here~! well..i wrote a new friend made me..but im glad she did! i know i have 4 other stories i havent updated but i dont really have inspiration for them right now..Im  sorry~~ im REALLY trying hard to find my inspiration again but for now, ill be focusing on this story and homework. Im really sorry if i dont update alot because of my busy scheudule and school..Ill try my best though~~ ^^ please subscribe and comment~ and well..Hope you guys like my story~~!!!

annyeong readers~~ i was just wondering do you guys have anyone or any group in mind that you want to be in the story? well..besides SHINee of course~! ^^


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11PaperBoy1 #1
Chapter 2: YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, your a good author!!
Continue on with it!!
11PaperBoy1 #3
Chapter 1: UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!!
But I don't mean to rush you though!!

It was pretty good for a start!!

And just to ask, don't you hate horror movies too?
Chapter 1: Yay ! ~
an update ~ !!
They seems like a couple .
I wish MY bestfriend was like Jonghyun . ~
anywhoo ~ update soon please ~ !
11PaperBoy1 #5
UPDATE!!!! Pwease!!
Anyeong ~ ! *waves*
Owh , Interesting . Update ~ !