>The way I want to Love you





        A little apartament in Seoul , two rooms , a bathroom a kitchen ....a normal apartament , small but cosy ... the furniture isnt very expensive , the walls are all white , and not every rooms has its own source of light. The apartament is cold , gloomy , and very modest ...you could say that , its not much ...but for Hyunseung this apartament was more than enough.

       Jang Hyunseung is a 18-year-old boy. He is frail , weak , he doesnt have a body of an 18-year old , his body is very skinny and pale. The white complexion highlights his deep , black eyes, and fierce red hair. Some people think , Hyunseung is beautiful , some say , that he doesnt look ok and others laugh ...but for Hyunseung none of those opinions matter.


-ah...ok then...I understand ...


    Hyunseung just finished another one of over 100 phone calls ...Hyunseung is desperatelly looking for work , the bills he has topay are rising , and Hyunseung is jobless for over 2 moths ...the last two months have been nothing more than a sick race for whatever kind of job , for him , it didnt matter anymore how he will be earning the money ....he just needed it ...


-Hyunseung-ssi ...Im hungry ....

-ah , Yoseobie , I know , I know but...I cant afford to buy you much food , and you dont even know how much I would want to ... Im sorry

-ok...dont worry hyung , I'll be ok 


    Hyunseung lives with his 5-year old brother Yoseob , Hyunseung is taking care of him , he is not only a brother to Yoseob but also a parent and a firend.It Hurts Hyunseung a lot when he cant afford the most basic things for Yosoeb , like food ....It literally breaks his heart ...thats why he needs a job ...very quick....


-all together its 10$ sir ,

-oh ...ehm , Im so sorry I dont have that much money , all I have is 5,50...

-ah , thats ok , I'll take the bill on me 

-thankyou very much miss...


       Hyunseung was always buying at the cheapest grocery store , the people that worked there knew Hyunseung very well , they knew about his situation , and wanted to help the kind boy as much as they could ....Hyunseung satnds by the local news paper store everyday in case he will find any job offer , and like always he is searching through the pages full of hope and finds something interesting ...


                                                   IM LOOKING FOR A MAID , NO EPERIENCE REQUIRED , HIGH PAYMENT!!


    Hyunseung immediatelly grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number like if his phone was on fire , and waited as he heard the signal coming from the phone , it was like torture for him , but eventully somebody anwsered the call...



-a--he--hello , ah , Im Hyunseung I-Im calling to ask about if ..if this offer is still actual ?

-ah , the one with the maid , sure ...you want this job?

-yes ma'am , of course , I would love to have this job!

-ok , fine ...come to my house tomorow , I'll message you my adress..

-ok , ah , thankyou very much !!


    When the woman hang up , Hyunseung was smiling wider than ever , he hasn't been this happy for a long time in his life ...He knew that now , his life may change ...



                                       NEXT CHAPTER : TOMOROW

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Chapter 1: awesome seem like a very intresting story cant wait for the update
Chapter 1: Can't wait for updates! ^^
AttaCoff_239 #3
Chapter 1: poor seung and poor lil yoseob D': i can imagine how hurt and hard hyunseung's life here. update are loved *thumbs up* keke. another update? haha
AttaCoff_239 #4
Aaaa junhyung was married isn't it?