Remember me, Dara.


My most subscribed story! Thankyou guys ^^

please leave me comment so i can know what you think about this chap^^


Dara and Jiyong stayed at the quarters for some time because the house is being furnished.  Jiyong leaves everything under Dara’s control about the furniture, so everything is arranged by Dara. The living room, the kitchen, the toilets, most of the furnitures Dara chosen are more into a simple type, minimalist interior design. It matches their style and Jiyong was quite happy to see the results. Dara was a bit hesitant when Jiyong gave her his black card but the thought immediately dismissed straight away when she entered the hardware store.

Dara let Jiyong involved when she bought things to design their bedroom, Jiyong didn’t really care actually. All he wanted was already right there with him, he doesn’t really care as long as Dara feels comfortable to be there. He ended up bought a L shaped sofa for the living room, making Dara had to cancel her choice because Jiyong was so into it even though he didn’t say anything and a new wooden coffee maker. Jiyong doesn’t look to be a ‘selective person’ but when they arrived at the baby section, he was like an ahjumma telling her daughter not to buy this apple because That apple is better. Dara chose a white baby box but Jiyong chose the opposite which is another wooden stuff, because the colour is darker. Jiyong insisted on buying that, making Dara give up on the baby bed and chose the other stuffs instead because she knew she won’t won from Jiyong. Jiyong didn’t chose anything else because he was already satisfied with all the stuffs they bought.

Dara was blushing a bit and fluttered when Jiyong was so enthusiastic when they chose baby stuffs even though they haven’t had babies yet but seeing Jiyong like that, and they haven’t talked anything about it, but she could see how he really wants it. Dara wants it too, she wants to get pregnant, she wants to start a new life with him as what he said, she wants her marriage and life to complete, but Jiyong hasn’t make any  move that leading to make love. Jiyong shows his love by action, not by words. He hasn’t said he loves her since they visited the house for the first time, but she knows that he does love her. His action is already enough for her.

Dara never said she wants to do ‘it’ though, but can he feel it? Dara kisses him back whenever he kisses her, Dara spends her time the most with him too, and whenever Jiyong comes back, she’d greet him and acts like what the wifes do, and sometimes they took a bath and shower together too. She starts learning how to cook again, and even though sometimes her food taste bad or barely tasty at all, at least she improved.  She once asked him what’s his really favourite food so she can learn how to cook it and it took her three times to make it good enough to be finished.  The first time the meats didn’t cooked well, the second time the soup tasted bland because she put too much water in it, and the third time it was already good. Jiyong ate them well during the first and second trial, his face was like usual, straight face, but when he ate the third one, she noticed him sighed and whispered ‘Finally’. She was glad at least he didn’t complain about her cooking.

She can already walk by herself right now and she’s relieved that she doesn’t have to make herself a burden to Jiyong. She couldn’t even go to pee because she can’t walk to the damn bathroom! But that makes Jiyong and Dara ended up showering together. Remembering that day making Dara giggled.

“Are you day dreaming again?”

“Uhm, No, I’m not.” Dara shook her head and felt embarrassed as Jiyong caught her lost in her own thought. They are on their way to the new house after he got informed yesterday that the house is ready. Dara was smiling as she watched the scenery after her. They are finally moving to the new house! 

Jiyong reached for Dara’s hand and gently squeezed it before he relaxed again, and she tangled her fingers with his to keep them connected.

“Are you really that excited?” Jiyong asked again while focusing on driving.

“What?” Dara answered, still beaming and obviously didn’t realized it.

“Never smile that big in front of anyone else. Or..” Jiyong playfully threatened.

“Or….or what?” Dara , even his sentence just now already made her heart fluttered.

“Or I’ll get mad. You should learn how to put your face straight in front of the people. Don’t give them too much reaction.”

“Like you? Please, if I do that we will bore everyone.” Dara laughed while rolled her eyes.

“But you won’t bore me. Just entertain me and ignore everyone else.”

“Soooo…it’d make you as the only centre of my attention, then? I don’t mind as long as it is you then.” Dara beamed again at Jiyong and leaned to her side towards Jiyong’s arm, making him drove with only his left arm.

Jiyong’s lips curved into a stiff smile because he was holding his giddiness inside.  He already shows too much of him, it’s like he is reborn into someone else new because he never showed his emotion this well. Since Dara already accepts him for the way he is, he’s feeling way happier than before and his life is changing into a better way. Before he knew Dara, his life is all about doing his mobster stuffs and make lots of money by selling out girls, drugs and doing missions. When he first knew Dara, his life was half focused on how to make her his, while half on work. Since then he already gave up his ion because he started to considere how Dara would feel if she knew, she didn't know it back then. But now that he already reveal everything which means he has no lies hiding between them, he feels so much relieved. He is trying to be more opened up with her and it was a bit hard to do since he never done that, not even to his close friends. Speaking about those 4 brats, they are not informed by Jiyong and Dara that those two are going to move out. They have no idea at all. Jiyong didn't tell them because he just didn't feel like to. He wants to enjoy his new house with Dara first, and spend quality time with Dara before they intrude them. He knows they will do that once they knew. They will visit them frequently at first, then eat at their house, then the last they will sleep over and stay there. There's no way Jiyong is going to let that happen. He still wants to be with Dara to spend every time together. He wants her to be comfortable with him first, he wants her to adapt with the new house first, and adapt with her life with him. He won't rush  her to do things, he wants her to take it easy. Slow but yet steady even though he has to sacrifice his own need that craved to her touch and love making. He wants her to want it too, not forcing her to do that because she's feel pressured. That's what he's avoiding, so he tried to be intimated with her slowly, one by one.

Jiyong pressed the break and turned off the engine after they arrived. He climbed out after Dara who is obviously too excited that she immediately opened the door.

"Finally!!" she said while jumping in her place.

"Yeah, let's go inside. You bring the key?" 

Dara showed the key that is already chained by a silver gun keychain. "This is yours." she handed it to him and showed another. "I made a duplicate right away after i got the key. And this is mine." she showed hers with a bullet keychain.

"Gun and bullet?" Jiyong asked in amazed.






Jiyong led Dara to the house but stopped before he unlocked the main door. There was a shoe print on the floor scattered everywhere and it led towards the house. Jiyong stopped Dara from walking by grabbing her arm and stood in front of her with his back facing her front, like he's protecting her. 

He took his gun out and stepped inside the house after turning the knob and realized that the door is already unlocked. Dara was given a hand knife by Jiyong so she has something to protect herself even though Jiyong is going to do that too. With his arms raised holding his gun, he seriously looked over the first floor, first the living room then they moved to the kitchen. Dara was clutching his shirt too and following him closely. Jiyong's heart skipped a beat when he saw a biten apple on top of the dining table, with a long sharp knife pierced into it. Dara is in danger, his mind screamed. 

"Jiyong." Dara whispered in fear.

"Ssh. Take my car key and drive away to the quarter-"

"I can't leave you!" Dara insisted while glancing around.

"Dara, this might be dangerous." Jiyong fished out his car without glancing at Dara as he busy looking around, expecting someone. He already pressed the trigger and ready to shoot when he saw a shadow on the wall from the stairs. Feeling Dara hasn't left him, he pushed to the wall with his arm holding her to keep her there. He already heard footsteps coming and voices so he kept steady and counted inside his head. He'd kill whoever that already barge into his house. To the count to three, he revealed himself and shoot once before he saw the people.

"WHAT THE FFFFAK!!!!" Seungri screamed in pain while holding his shoulder. His 3 other hyungs were standing straight with their arm stretched holding a gun towards Jiyong and put it down when they saw that it was the house owner, Jiyong. He did the same and put back the gun.

Dara revealed herself too and gasped when she saw blood and Seungri in pain, and blood, and screaming Seungri, and..blood.

"YOU SHOT ME!!! HYUNG!!!"  Seungri cried out again when he saw his palm was covered with his blood then pressed it to his shoulder again. "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!!!!"

Jiyong felt guilty but it won't happened if they didn't secretly coming to their place. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked calmly while pulling out a chair for Dara to sit. She was too shocked to even react.

"S-Should i call the ambulance?" She asked in low voice.

"Nah, it's just a small wound. Stop screaming like a b1tch, Seungri. You hurt my ear." TOP put his fore finger on his each ear.

"But GD Hyung shot me!!" he protested again.

"And you must be lucky because i missed my aim." Jiyong said lazily while opening each drawer, looking for first aid box. Seungri was still sitting on the stairs, while his hyungs were already walked away from him. Youngbae walked to the living room and sat on the couch, while Daesung took out the knife from the apple and bit it again, and TOP was lifting an antique vase from the coffee table.

"Is this one of Long Fei's?" TOP asked and put the vase down.

"I think so. It was easy stealing his things. Jiyong choose well, i only got an antique teapot." Taeyang shook his head after seeing the vase. 

Dara's eyes turned into slit when she heard that it was one of the things that they've stole before. But before she could scold Jiyong, Seungri already got her attention.


"Shut up." Jiyong finally showed up with a first aid box. He put it on the floor and kicked it towards the stairs for Seungri and took Dara's hand. He doesn't want Dara to watch Seungri taking a bullet out from his flesh live right? 

"There's no clamp! How do i supposed to take it out?!" He complained again. 

"I have a pair of chopstick, can it helps?" Dara asked innocently, made Seungri snorted.

"Well, thanks nuna. You can give me a pair of spoon and spork too then!" He said in sarcastic way, and Jiyong already glared at him for being rude and scaring Dara by pretending to be hurt. Seungri raised his arms, "Okay, fine. This doesn't hurt that bad, Nuna. Don't worry, i got this."

Dara was still looking in worry but Jiyong calmed her down, telling that the maknae is going to be okay. He walked to the living room with her and sat down on the couch with Dara next to him.

"Why are you here?" Jiyong asked straight away, didn't seem happy to have uninvited guests coming over.

"The reason we are here is to question you why you didn't tell us you're moving here." Youngbae leaned his arms on his knee, while TOP threw himself to the couch too, continuing what Youngbae saying. "We wanted to surprised you at first, but you surprised us already." He then laughed after hearing Seungri screaming in pain. "Seungri-ah! Happy with your special-"

TOP didn't even had a chance to finish his sentence when he heard Seungri already answered him in curse. 

"And we bring some presents for you and Dara nuna too! " Daesung walked to the living room from the kitchen.

"Presents?" Dara's eyes lit up immediately.

"Thanks for the presents but-" 

"What did you say? Did GD just say thanks?!" Youngbae wiggled his brows in playfulness, Daesung and TOP just laughed. Jiyong looked away.

"Shut up. If you're going to tease me just get the hell out." 

"UUuugh. The dragon is pretending to be angry. Are you really going to kick us out while Dara watching? I guess... NAH!" 

"You guys seriously have to shut your mouth." Jiyong shook his head in disagreement. "I haven't even explore the house and you already here. If you, coming without telling me before, i won't hesitant to shoot you like Seungri."

"DON'T USE MY NAME AS AN EXAMPLE!" Seungri roared from the stairs making all of them laughed. Dara kept glancing in worry though.

"Yeah, will definitely do that. I don't want to risk my head or any part of my body to just come here." Daesung nodded while hugging himself.

"I can see we are not welcome yet, so we will visit later." TOP rolled out of the couch while Youngbae stood up, Daesung was already preparing to go. Seungri just finished wrapping his wound with gauze and wanted to leave as well. He flashed a smile that is forced and didn't reach his eyes.

"Thanks for the shot. It'd add another scar on my y body. Tsk." He then walked away before Jiyong could reply and before Dara could bid him farewell and apology.

"Seungri is a bit mad, Ji.." Dara tugged Jiyong's hand and nodded her head towards the door where Seungri just passed.

"Yeah, he's a bit hot tempered. Just let him be." 

"i bet you won't say that if you shot his throat or something. it was a close shot, but nice." Youngbae smirked then patted Jiyong's shoulder then waved to Dara. 

Daesung embraced Jiyong tight and patted his hyung's back quite hard, "It was Seungri's idea but i'm sure you'll love it."

Jiyong didn't understand and just let it pass, Dara didn't hear what Daesung said because he was almost whispering. Daesung bid Dara goodbye by hugging her too.

TOP didn't do anything but just stand in his earlier position while nodding to himself. "I'm sure you two will have a really great time. For hours, or maybe a night. Or a day!" TOP laughed again by himself thinking about the 'present' then walked out without saying goodbye like the other two. When the door is closed, Dara tilted her head to the right confusedly.

"What are they talking about?"

"Random stupid stuff as usual. Now it's just us too, let's explore the new house." Jiyong grabbed Dara's hand and they climbed upstairs hand in hand, excitement built up inside them once again and they didn't really think much about the presents from them....obviously have no idea about how the presents change their relationship completely.





unedited and i don't read it before posting so pls just ignore my mistakes^_^


what do you think the presents are? ^_^






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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 39: Re-read this for this year! Missed this story...always one of fhe best, one of my faves to go back to. Thanks
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 39: Pleaseupdate this beautiful story authornim
Chapter 22: What a liar you are Hyunseung
Chapter 19: Hooo i feel hot aigoo
achris #5
Is this the story where they have a child and dara forgot about everything connected to jiyong?? I kinda miss that story. I badly want to find it and read it again? please help
RaiNa7017 #6
Chapter 4: Isnt there a before story like how they met
saguntop #7
Chapter 39: Wonderful story glad I found it.....
ApplerJiDee #8
Missed this...so reading it again??
waninalin #9
Chapter 39: I like this
Chapter 39: Chapter39: great story i realy enjoyed, thank you for sharing:D